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Intraocular Pressure Monitoring System January 2015 Confidential.

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1 Intraocular Pressure Monitoring System January 2015 Confidential

2 Confidential & Proprietary Information This presentation and its content are the proprietary and confidential property of IOPCheck. It is intended for its recipient only, for the purpose of mutual evaluation of potential business relationship and should be kept under strict confidentiality. Neither this presentation nor any of its contents may be reproduced, presented to third parties or used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of IOPCheck. Confidential

3 Market Need for IOP Measurement Confidential Glaucoma is the second leading cause for blindness Glaucoma is estimated to affect more than 2 million Americans Glaucoma is often asymptomatic and only half of those affected are aware of their condition Intraocular pressure (“IOP”) is the leading risk factor for Glaucoma and reducing IOP is the only treatment that prevents irreversible visual damage Measuring and monitoring elevated levels of IOP are key to the treatment of Glaucoma

4 Current Protocols and their Shortcomings Confidential IOP is currently measured by a device called a “Goldman Tonometer” This measurement is performed by an ophthalmologist at the clinic and as a result IOP is only measured when a patient visit the clinic Infrequent measurement of IOP provides a partial view of the “true” IOP, as IOP fluctuates depending on body position, time of day, systemic medication and topical medication consumption Infrequent measurement of IOP may be too late for early diagnosis of Glaucoma or too infrequent for monitoring and proper treatment of the disease

5 IOPCheck’s Solution Confidential A micro-fluid tube embedded within the periphery of an intraocular lens (“IOL”) The tube is filled with liquid. The liquid’s level varies according to the IOP The changes in the level of the liquid can be easily read by a simple camera, even a smartphone camera A service which may include a software application or a specific device may be developed to assist patients and caregivers to process and store IOP data points and history

6 IOPCheck’s Solution and its Benefits Confidential An easy, self-performed, at-home IOP measurement device Frequent IOP data points allow better understanding of the IOP’s behavior over time and tailoring the proper treatment Frequent IOP measurements allow better monitoring of the patient’s compliance with the prescribed treatment IOPCheck’s solution enables earlier diagnosis of Glaucoma

7 IOPCheck’s Solution Challenges and Positioning Confidential IOPCheck’s solution requires the implantation of an IOL, which is a risky procedure IOL implantation is performed in every Cataract surgery IOPCheck’s solution will be positioned as a “premium” IOL that: – functions as any other IOL and; – on top of that provides ongoing IOP monitoring

8 Target Population Overlap Confidential Glaucoma and Cataract prevalence rates increase with age Patients who are diagnosed with Glaucoma are likely to undergo a cataract surgery at some point of their life Even patients don’t suffer from Glaucoma at may opt for IOPCheck, in order to benefit from a constant IOP monitoring as they grow older

9 Market Size Statistics Confidential The annual global market for IOL is forecast to reach $3B in 2017 The number of Cataract surgeries performed in 2010 was estimated to be 20 million, and this is expected to reach 32 million by 2020 In 2010, the adoption level of premium IOL units among patients was 13% in the US. However, the revenue contribution from the premium IOL segment was 39% of total IOL revenues The average price of a standard IOL is $80-$100, whereas the price of a premium IOL is 5-10 times as much depending on the type of IOL (e.g. toric, multifocal)

10 Market Size Estimate Confidential We estimate that the size of the target population suitable for IOPCheck will be 10% of the patients undergoing Cataract surgery, which in 2020 will equal 3.2 million eyes We estimate that IOPCheck will priced at the $400-$500 range (similarly to premium IOLs) per unit The resulting annual addressable market size (in 2020) is estimated to be $1.3B-1.6B

11 Go-to-market Strategy Confidential Initially, IOPCheck will develop its own branded IOL embedded with the IOP monitoring sensor IOPCheck plans to outsource the manufacturing of its product to a contract manufacturer The first target market will be the European Union, which its regulatory approval process (CE) is less demanding than the FDA After initial market acceptance and validation, IOPChek will partner with large IOL manufacture(s) to develop a complete IOPCheck enabled product line (i.e. standard IOLs with IOPCheck and premium IOLs with IOPCheck) FDA approval and US marketing will be carried out with such partner.

12 Milestones and Budget Confidential FundingTimeline (T+ Months/Years) Milestone Pre-funding3 monthsDue Diligence (IP and business) $500K T+ 6 monthsSeed funding T+ 15 monthsPrototype development + development of image processing application T+21-24 monthsAnimal trial in 20 eyes (including 3-6 months follow-up and analysis) T+24 monthsIn parallel – optimization and outsourced production $3MT+ 2 yearsSeries A round of funding T+3 yearsClinical trial in human in 40-50 eyes (including 6 months follow-up and analysis) T+ 3 yearsIn parallel – submission of an application of a CE mark $3-$5MT+3 yearsSeries B round of funding T+4-4.5 yearsA multi-center EU study (200-300 eyes including a 12 months follow-up and analysis) T+5 yearsStart of commercial sales in the EU T+5 yearsIn parallel – entering into a partnership and cooperation agreement with a leading IOL manufacturer T+6.5 yearsPMA study in the US (300 eyes with 12 month follow-up) T+7-7.5 yearsStart of commercial sales in the US

13 The Team Confidential Arnon Catalan – Serial entrepreneur and investor in several start-ups – Deputy CEO of Gteko (acquired by Microsoft for over $110M) – Was a principal with AIG’s venture capital fund – Education: LL.B. (Tel Aviv), MBA (Insead) Avishai Eliash – Co-founder and investor in several start-ups, including health related ventures – VP Biz Dev of Gteko – Was a principal with AIG’s venture capital fund – Education: LL.M. (NYU), MBA (Tel-Aviv) Haim Eliash – Managing Director of TGVentures – Was a CEO of the Naiot (Ofer Group) Start-up Accelerator – Founded and was a CEO of EZSurgical (a medical device company) – Education LL.M. (Bar-Ilan) Dr. Yossi Mandel – Head of the Ophthalmic Science and Engineering Lab, Bar-Ilan University – Co-inventor of IOPCheck – Israeli board certified Ophthalmologist – Education: MD. (Hebrew U), Phd. in Medical Sciences (Hebrwe U), Post-Phd. (Stanford)

14 Confidential Backup Slides

15 Alternative Solutions - SensiMed Triggerfish Confidential A contact lens that can measure circumferential changes at the corneoscleral area, which can be correlated (by software) into variations in the IOP The advantage is that it is not invasive The disadvantages are that it can be used only up to 24-hours and it is not designed for day-to-day use The product received a CE Mark in 2010 SensiMed is a Swiss start-up. In 2012 it raised $17M

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