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What, Why, When, How, What Can I do? Job Approval Authority State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 Dave Beyman, P.E. State Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "What, Why, When, How, What Can I do? Job Approval Authority State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 Dave Beyman, P.E. State Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 What, Why, When, How, What Can I do? Job Approval Authority State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 Dave Beyman, P.E. State Conservation Engineer

2 What is Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013

3 What is Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 “…Engineering job approval authority is the quality assurance process that ensures adequate consideration by competent NRCS employees in the planning, design, and installation of conservation engineering practices…” “…Engineering job approval authority additionally serves to maintain the credibility and trust of NRCS engineering with State engineering boards of licensure and with the public…” NEM 501.0, C.

4 Why does NRCS have Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013

5 Why does NRCS have Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 “…Engineering practices have the potential, upon failure, to affect public health and safety and cause loss of life and significant property damage…” “…the practice of engineering is regulated by State law governing professional engineering, requiring professional registration…” NEM 501.0, A.

6 When does Job Approval Authority Apply? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013

7 When does Job Approval Authority Apply? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 “…All conservation engineering practice planning, design and certification must be approved by a qualified person who has appropriate engineering job approval authority…” “…Engineering work must meet applicable requirement of Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and codes…” NEM 501.0, D. & 501.3, A.

8 How does one earn Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013

9 How does one earn Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 “…Each NRCS employee providing engineering technical assistance must be assigned an appropriate engineering job approval authority based upon training, experience, and demonstrated competence…” NEM 501.1, A.

10 What can someone do without Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 What can’t someone do without Job Approval Authority?

11 What can someone do without Job Approval Authority? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 What can’t someone do without Job Approval Authority? Plan, Design and Inspect Engineering Practices Approve Plans, Designs and Implementation of Engineering Practices

12 Classification of Engineering Practices? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013 Example Conservation Practice 642 – Water Well Engineering or Ecological Science Practice? Controlling Factor Units Job Class I II III IV V Depth (Livestock)feet3006008001,0001,200

13 JAA and Ecological Practices Some common ecological practices include: – 314 Brush Management – 327 Conservation Cover – 328 Conservation Crop Rotation – 340 Cover Crop – 342 Critical Area Planting – 595 Integrated Pest Management – 346 Residue and Tillage Management, Ridge Till – 528 Prescribed Grazing

14 JAA and Ecological Practices Current system based on knowledge, skill and abilities – Job Class 1: Awareness of Practice Standard – Class 2: Basic training on how to plan practice – Class 3: Perform all facets of practice, but requires class 4 oversight and approval – Class 4: Can apply independently and approve practice certification – Class 5: Proficient, can train others and assign JAA to others

15 Why have JAA for Ecological Practices? Protects landowner interests Ensures prudent use of taxpayers funds

16 Future of JAA for Ecological Practices NHQ may be releasing policy to that requires specific format for Ecological Practice JAA May result in Job Class structure with controlling factors similar to engineering JAA.

17 Questions? State Technical Committee Wednesday, October 30 th, 2013

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