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1 5:00 – 6:00Open House 6:00 – 6:30Presentation 6:30 – 8:00Public Comment Session Agenda PUBLIC MEETING Draft Environmental Impact Statement Sale of Plum.

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Presentation on theme: "1 5:00 – 6:00Open House 6:00 – 6:30Presentation 6:30 – 8:00Public Comment Session Agenda PUBLIC MEETING Draft Environmental Impact Statement Sale of Plum."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 5:00 – 6:00Open House 6:00 – 6:30Presentation 6:30 – 8:00Public Comment Session Agenda PUBLIC MEETING Draft Environmental Impact Statement Sale of Plum Island, New York

2 Welcome to the Public Meeting for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sale of Plum Island, New York October 2012 2

3 PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER USDA operates the Agricultural Research Service and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) at Plum Island Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) includes buildings, industrial facilities and equipment, roadways, utilities, specialized facilities, easements, and rights of way Additional assets on Plum Island include natural undeveloped land, the Plum Island Lighthouse constructed in 1869, and buildings and structures associated with the former Fort Terry DHS also maintains a 9.5-acre facility to support PIADC at Orient Point, New York which includes buildings, utilities, and ferry docking facilities 3

4 PUBLIC LAW 110-329 Section 540 of Consolidated Security, Disaster, Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009 4 Directed GSA to sell all real and related personal property and transportation assets which support operations at Plum Island if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) decided that a new bio- containment laboratory be located at a site other than Plum Island In 2009, DHS made decision to locate the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan, Kansas NBAF EIS was completed and Record of Decision (ROD) was published January 16, 2009

5 COLLABORATION Joint Lead Agencies GSA Department of Homeland Security Cooperating Agencies US Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 US Fish & Wildlife Service 5

6 PUBLIC COMMENTS Comments received during scoping period Comments addressed the following –Conservation/preservation –Retaining jobs –Public access –Adaptive reuse of existing facilities Wide range of respondents –Individuals –Non-profit organizations –State, county, local agencies –Elected officials 6

7 WHY WAS AN EIS PREPARED? An EIS was selected for this project because it provides the highest level of analysis with the greatest opportunity for input by interested parties The proposed action for this project is the sale of Plum Island, New York - GSA does not advocate any reuse Potential reuse options evaluated in the Draft EIS are for analysis purposes only –The Draft EIS does not rank nor adopt any the potential reuse option –The Draft EIS does not propose that the federal government will reuse, redevelop or preserve Plum Island 7

8 FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS GSA recognizes the important role of local government and is committed to continued collaboration throughout the sale process Future uses will be subject to local and state environmental and land use regulations Town of Southold is currently developing a 2020 Comprehensive Plan and will create a zoning plan for Plum Island 8

9 PIADC INTERIM USE PERIOD PIADC will continue to operate until NBAF is completed No anticipated changes in operation/mission until NBAF is fully operational Existing facilities will be decommissioned following stringent guidelines Decommissioning Plan will be developed by DHS with input from other federal, state, and local agencies Anticipated 2021 9

10 10 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 1969 National charter for the protection of the environment Evaluates consequences of major federal actions that may affect the environment PLUM ISLAND EIS – NEPA PROCESS

11 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping period began in March of 2010 Draft EIS distributed for public comment –Identifies, documents, and evaluates environmental effects Final EIS will address comments to draft Decision makers will consider findings and comments in selecting action(s) Record of Decision (ROD) 30 days after final document is published Under NEPA, the purpose of this EIS is to examine the effects associated with the anticipated sale of Plum Island, New York and its support facility at Orient Point, New York 11

12 12 No Action Alternative Serves as a baseline for comparison Is required under NEPA but does not meet the legislative requirement Action Alternative Consists of the public sale of Plum Island DHS would continue operations until they are relocated to the new NBAF facility in Manhattan, Kansas Potential reuse options for the property have been identified and analyzed DEVELOP & EVALUATE REUSE OPTIONS

13 13 Four Reuse Options 1.Adaptive Reuse - Reuse of the existing improvements and infrastructure 2.Low Density Zoning - Land use and zoning based on Southold Town Zoning Code 3.High Density Zoning - Similar to Option 2, land use and zoning based on Southold Town Zoning Code 4.Conservation/Preservation (option added as result of comments received during scoping process) Developed for Analysis Purposes Only Intent is to provide information for better decision-making before and after sale The future reuse will be determined by others after the sale POTENTIAL FUTURE REUSE OPTIONS

14 DRAFT EIS METHODOLOGY Suitability Analysis Physical, environmental, and regulatory attributes inventoried and overlaid on a map Determines land use changes that may reasonably occur –Commercial –Residential uses –Adaptive –Preservation/conservation 14

15 DRAFT EIS METHODOLOGY (Cont.) Property Attributes Evaluated Freshwater and tidal wetland buffers and adjacent areas (federal, state, and local) Coastal Barrier Resource System areas Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Digital Flood Insurance Mapping New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Freshwater Wetlands and National Wetlands Inventory Utilities Known potential historic and cultural sites and environmental sites Elevation model and contours, and slopes 15

16 DRAFT EIS METHODOLOGY (Cont.) Biological resources Geology and soils Air quality Noise Water resources Historic and archaeological resources Hazardous waste Infrastructure and utilities Current land use and visual resources Socioeconomics and environmental justice Traffic and transportation Waste management 16 Resource Areas Studied

17 DRAFT EIS METHODOLOGY (Cont.) Impact evaluation categorized for each resource area – Negligible – Minor – Moderate – Major Other effects –Direct –Indirect/Secondary –Cumulative 17 Impact Evaluation

18 NEXT STEPS Receive DEIS comments until the close of the comment period Review and address comments Incorporate comments into the Final EIS Issue Final EIS Issue Record of Decision 18

19 19 NOTICE OF INTENT March 18, 2010 NOTICE OF INTENT March 18, 2010 SCOPING PROCESS Began March, 2010 SCOPING PROCESS Began March, 2010 DRAFT EIS Fall 2012 DRAFT EIS Fall 2012 Final EIS Fall/Winter 2012 Final EIS Fall/Winter 2012 RECORD OF DECISION July 20, 2012 - October 26, 2012 Public Comment Period Address Public Comments At least 30 days After Final EIS Is Published YOU ARE HERE PLUM ISLAND EIS – NEPA TIMELINE

20 20 Please complete a Comment Card and provide it to a representative. Written comments and inquires can be submitted later to: Phil Youngberg, c/o John Dugan General Services Administration 10 Causeway Street, Room 925, Boston, MA 02222 Email: Phone: 617-565-5709 Fax: 617-565-5720 Website: COMMENTS ARE DUE OCTOBER 26, 2012 FINAL EIS PUBLICATION DATE: WINTER 2012/2013 COMMENT SUBMISSION & IMPORTANT DATES

21 GSA CONTACTS 21 John 617.565.8094 Phil 404.433.8393 John 617.565.5709 Gabrielle 617.565.5701 Press inquiries to be directed to: Patrick Sclafani 617.565.5112 John Verrico 202.254.2385

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