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Warm-Up: How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions in elections??? Explain your answer. How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions in elections??? Explain your answer. How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions in elections??? Explain your answer. How do you think U.S. citizens make informed decisions in elections??? Explain your answer.

2 Political Campaigns Similarities and Differences 8 th Grade 10/09/12 – 10/12/12 SOL CE.5b

3 Agenda: Warm-Up Warm-Up Review Political Parties Review Political Parties Campaigning for Elective Office Campaigning for Elective Office Campaign Platforms Campaign Platforms Student Campaign Speeches Student Campaign Speeches

4 SOL CE.5b n The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political process at the local, state, and national levels of government by n The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political process at the local, state, and national levels of government by B) Compare the similarities and differences of the Political Parties B) Compare the similarities and differences of the Political Parties

5 Homework: Blog is up!!! Blog is up!!!

6 What We Know Political parties play a key role in government and provide opportunities or citizens to participate in the political process.

7 What we Know about Political Parties A two-party system characterizes the American political process. Although third parties rarely win elections, they can play an important role in public politics.

8 2 Major Political Parties in the U.S. We Know that the United States has two major political parties. We Know that the United States has two major political parties.

9 Review of Political Parties Functions of Political Parties Recruiting and nominating candidates. Educating the electorate about campaign issues. Helping candidates win elections. Monitoring actions of officeholders.

10 Political Parties in the U.S. share some SIMILARITIES Both parties want to WIN elections Both parties want to WIN elections Both parties INFLUENCE public policies. Both parties INFLUENCE public policies. Reflect both LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE views. Reflect both LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE views. Define themselves in a way that wins majority support by appealing to the political center. Define themselves in a way that wins majority support by appealing to the political center.

11 Elections are one by the Political Center Democrats Republicans Hey undecided voters, vote for me, I’ll lower taxes Hey undecided voters, vote for me, I’ll create jobs for you!!! Independent Voters

12 Democrat Ideology Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the poor through government intervention. Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the poor through government intervention. Democrats are generally seen as liberal. Democrats are generally seen as liberal.

13 Republican Ideology Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. They believe in less regulation. Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. They believe in less regulation. Republicans are viewed as being conservative. Republicans are viewed as being conservative.

14 Major Differences between Political Parties in the U.S. Stated in party platforms and reflected in campaigning

15 Major Differences between Political Parties in the U.S. are stated in the Parties Platform (Ideas and Beliefs about how to make the country better

16 Third Parties Introduce new ideas and/or press for a particular issue (Ex. Green Party) Often revolve around a political personality (e.g., Theodore Roosevelt)

17 Third Parties n We have a third party presidential candidate running now that many people have not even heard of. n We have a third party presidential candidate running now that many people have not even heard of. Virgil Goode from Virginia is running on a Third Party Platform known as the Constitution Party. Virgil Goode from Virginia is running on a Third Party Platform known as the Constitution Party. How might having a third party candidate change the outcome of the Presidential Election????

18 Political Campaigning Voters evaluate information presented in political campaigns to make reasoned choices among candidates.

19 Your Turn You will be divided into Groups of 4 You will be divided into Groups of 4 You must create a Political Party that will nominate a candidate to run for School President. You must create a Political Party that will nominate a candidate to run for School President. You must create a Party Platform (What will your party do to make the school better) You must create a Party Platform (What will your party do to make the school better) Two students will create an informational Brochure or poster, explaining why people should vote for your candidate Two students will create an informational Brochure or poster, explaining why people should vote for your candidate Two students must create a Campaign speech for their candidate Two students must create a Campaign speech for their candidate One person (the one chosen will perform the campaign speech. One person (the one chosen will perform the campaign speech.

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