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Lecture 14: Feature matching and Transforms CS4670/5670: Computer Vision Kavita Bala.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 14: Feature matching and Transforms CS4670/5670: Computer Vision Kavita Bala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 14: Feature matching and Transforms CS4670/5670: Computer Vision Kavita Bala

2 Announcements PA 2 out Artifact voting out: please vote HW 1 out Check piazza first before you post questions

3 Evaluating the results How can we measure the performance of a feature matcher? 50 75 200 feature distance

4 True/false positives The distance threshold affects performance – True positives = # of detected matches that are correct Suppose we want to maximize these—how to choose threshold? – False negatives = # of undetected matches Suppose we want to minimize these—how to choose threshold? 50 75 200 false match true match feature distance How can we measure the performance of a feature matcher?

5 "Precisionrecall" by Walber - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons - ionrecall.svg

6 Confusion Matrix


8 Precision vs. Recall Examples 1000 animals, 100 dogs Algorithm finds 50 (of which 40 are dogs, 10 are cats) Precision = Recall = Algorithm finds 10 (of which 10 are dogs) Precision = Recall = Algorithm returns 1000 (of which 100 are dogs) Precision = Recall =


10 0.7 Evaluating the results 0 1 1 false positive rate # true positives # matching features (positives) 0.1 How can we measure the performance of a feature matcher? “recall” # false positives # unmatched features (negatives)

11 0.7 Evaluating the results 0 1 1 false positive rate # true positives # matching features (positives) 0.1 # false positives # unmatched features (negatives) ROC curve (“Receiver Operator Characteristic”) How can we measure the performance of a feature matcher? “recall” AUC (area under curve)

12 Tradeoff Precision vs. recall F-measure:

13 More on feature detection/description

14 Lots of applications Features are used for: – Image alignment (e.g., mosaics) – 3D reconstruction – Motion tracking – Object recognition – Indexing and database retrieval – Robot navigation – … other

15 3D Reconstruction Internet Photos (“Colosseum”) Reconstructed 3D cameras and points

16 Object recognition (David Lowe)

17 Sony Aibo SIFT usage: Recognize charging station Communicate with visual cards Teach object recognition

18 Available at a web site near you… For most local feature detectors, executables are available online: – – – K. Grauman, B. Leibe

19 CS4670/5760: Computer Vision Kavita Bala Transforms

20 Reading Szeliski: Chapter 6.1, 3.6

21 Image alignment

22 What is the geometric relationship between these two images? ? Answer: Similarity transformation (translation, rotation, uniform scale)

23 What is the geometric relationship between these two images? ?

24 Very important for creating mosaics!

25 Richard SzeliskiImage Stitching25 Image Warping image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x)) image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) f x h g x f x h g x

26 Richard SzeliskiImage Stitching26 Image Warping image filtering: change range of image g(x) = h(f(x)) image warping: change domain of image g(x) = f(h(x)) hh f f g g

27 Richard SzeliskiImage Stitching27 Parametric (global) warping Examples of parametric warps: translation rotation aspect

28 Parametric (global) warping Transformation T is a coordinate-changing machine: p’ = T(p) What does it mean that T is global? – Is the same for any point p – can be described by just a few numbers (parameters) Let’s consider linear xforms (can be represented by a 2D matrix): T p = (x,y)p’ = (x’,y’)

29 Common linear transformations Uniform scaling by s: (0,0) What is the inverse?

30 Common linear transformations Rotation by angle θ (about the origin) (0,0) What is the inverse? For rotations: θ

31 Cornell CS4620 Fall 2015 Lecture 8 Linear transformation gallery Rotation 31 © 2015 Kavita Bala w/ prior instructor Steve Marschner

32 Cornell CS4620 Fall 2015 Lecture 8 Linear transformation gallery Shear 32 © 2015 Kavita Bala w/ prior instructor Steve Marschner

33 2x2 Matrices What types of transformations can be represented with a 2x2 matrix? 2D mirror about Y axis? 2D mirror across line y = x?

34 What types of transformations can be represented with a 2x2 matrix? 2D Translation? Translation is not a linear operation on 2D coordinates NO! 2x2 Matrices

35 Cornell CS4620 Fall 2015 Lecture 8 Composing transformations Linear transformations straightforward – Transforming first by M T then by M S is the same as transforming by M S M T 35 © 2015 Kavita Bala w/ prior instructor Steve Marschner

36 All 2D Linear Transformations Linear transformations are combinations of … – Scale, – Rotation, – Shear, and – Mirror Properties of linear transformations: – Origin maps to origin – Lines map to lines – Parallel lines remain parallel – Ratios are preserved – Closed under composition

37 What types of transformations can be represented with a 2x2 matrix? 2D Translation? Translation is not a linear operation on 2D coordinates NO! 2x2 Matrices

38 Cornell CS4620 Fall 2015 Lecture 8 Homogeneous coordinates A trick for representing translation elegantly Extra component w for vectors, extra row/column for matrices – for affine, always keep w = 1 Represent linear transformations with dummy extra row and column 38 © 2015 Kavita Bala w/ prior instructor Steve Marschner

39 Translation Represent translation using extra column

40 Affine transformations any transformation with last row [ 0 0 1 ] we call an affine transformation

41 Basic affine transformations Translate 2D in-plane rotationShear Scale

42 Affine Transformations Affine transformations are combinations of … – Linear transformations, and – Translations Properties of affine transformations: – Origin does not necessarily map to origin – Lines map to lines – Parallel lines remain parallel – Ratios are preserved – Closed under composition

43 Euclidean: translation, rotation, reflection Similarity: translation, rotation, uniform scale, reflection Affine: linear transformations + translation

44 2D image transformations These transformations are a nested set of groups Closed under composition and inverse is a member

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