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Christian Growth Week 1 - Introduction Logistics Pay class fees to Sue by next week Pay class fees to Sue by next week Syllabus... Syllabus...

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2 Christian Growth Week 1 - Introduction

3 Logistics Pay class fees to Sue by next week Pay class fees to Sue by next week Syllabus... Syllabus...

4 Syllabus Pay class fees to Sue by next week Pay class fees to Sue by next week Syllabus... Syllabus...



7 Goal Born spiritually (John 1:12, 3:3, 5) Born spiritually (John 1:12, 3:3, 5) Grow spiritually Grow spiritually Ephesians 4:13 Ephesians 4:13 1 Peter 2:2 1 Peter 2:2 1 John 2:12-14 1 John 2:12-14 The goal of this class is to provide you with a foundation for growing toward spiritual maturity.

8 3 Questions What is the context of spiritual growth/maturity? What is the context of spiritual growth/maturity? What does spiritual growth/maturity look like? What does spiritual growth/maturity look like? What is the foundation for spiritual growth/maturity? What is the foundation for spiritual growth/maturity?

9 Context of SG/M Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Justification - point in time you trusted Christ and were delivered from sin’s penalty (other terms?) Justification - point in time you trusted Christ and were delivered from sin’s penalty (other terms?) J

10 Context of SG/M Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Glorification - point in time when Jesus returns and delivers you from sin’s presence (other terms?) Glorification - point in time when Jesus returns and delivers you from sin’s presence (other terms?) J G

11 Context of SG/M Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Part of God’s plan of salvation from sin Sanctification - between justification and glorification. You are gradually delivered from sin’s power. (other terms?) Sanctification - between justification and glorification. You are gradually delivered from sin’s power. (other terms?) J G sanctification

12 Context of SG/M Phil 1:6* - being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6* - being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Justification? Justification? Glorification? Glorification? Sanctification? Sanctification?

13 Context of SG/M U-try... U-try... Romans 5:1-5 Romans 5:1-5 1 John 3:1-3 1 John 3:1-3

14 Context of SG/M Romans 5:1-5 Romans 5:1-5 5:1,2a ➔ justification 5:1,2a ➔ justification 5:2b ➔ glorification 5:2b ➔ glorification 5:3-5 ➔ sanctification 5:3-5 ➔ sanctification

15 Context of SG/M 1 John 3:1-3 1 John 3:1-3 3:1 ➔ justification 3:1 ➔ justification 3:2 ➔ glorification 3:2 ➔ glorification 3:3 ➔ sanctification 3:3 ➔ sanctification

16 Context of SG/M Phil 3:12-14 Phil 3:12-14 Optimistic... Optimistic... Realistic... Realistic... Do you tend to be realistic about your sin and brokenness, but pessimistic about God’s ability to change you? Do you tend to be optimistic about God’s ability to change you, but naïve about the depth of your sin? Do you tend to be realistic about your sin and brokenness, but pessimistic about God’s ability to change you? Do you tend to be optimistic about God’s ability to change you, but naïve about the depth of your sin?


18 What does SG look like? “Deliverance from sin” ➔ accurate, but negative answer “Deliverance from sin” ➔ accurate, but negative answer John 15:1-12** ➔ positive answer (let’s read it) John 15:1-12** ➔ positive answer (let’s read it) Heart of Spirit Growth ➔ personal love-trust relationship with Jesus Heart of Spirit Growth ➔ personal love-trust relationship with Jesus

19 What does SG look like? “Abide in Me and I in you...abid in my love” “Abide in Me and I in you...abid in my love” Abide ➔ “make your home in” Abide ➔ “make your home in” Habitual dwelling place of our hearts should be in Jesus, relating personally to Him and trusting His love for us Habitual dwelling place of our hearts should be in Jesus, relating personally to Him and trusting His love for us “Apart from me you can do nothing...Ask...” “Apart from me you can do nothing...Ask...” Must keep depending on Jesus to provide our spiritual life, just as a vine provides life for its branches. Must keep depending on Jesus to provide our spiritual life, just as a vine provides life for its branches.

20 What does SG look like? Phil 3:8 - More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ. Phil 3:8 - More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ. Phil 3:10 -...that I may know him... Phil 3:10 -...that I may know him... John 17:3 - This is eternal life that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3 - This is eternal life that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

21 What does SG look like? This love-trust relationship produces recognizable change in you This love-trust relationship produces recognizable change in you Growing understanding of every area of life from Jesus’ perspective (Bible) Growing understanding of every area of life from Jesus’ perspective (Bible) Transformation of your character to God’s moral will (obedience) Transformation of your character to God’s moral will (obedience) Ability to love others the way Jesus loves us (community) Ability to love others the way Jesus loves us (community)

22 What does SG look like? Ultimate Purpose: Glorify God Ultimate Purpose: Glorify God Honor and treasure God above everything and everyone else Honor and treasure God above everything and everyone else Represent him well to others so that they may be attracted to do the same Represent him well to others so that they may be attracted to do the same

23 What does SG look like? Pursuing this love relationship with Jesus will result in increasing joy Pursuing this love relationship with Jesus will result in increasing joy Satan’s Lie ➔ “we must choose b/w God’s will and our will (fulfills us) Satan’s Lie ➔ “we must choose b/w God’s will and our will (fulfills us) Truth ➔ Our personal joy increases literally as we pursue God’s will (this is a Biblical promise)! Truth ➔ Our personal joy increases literally as we pursue God’s will (this is a Biblical promise)!

24 Foundation for SG? Key to Spiritual Growth ➔ personal union with Jesus! Key to Spiritual Growth ➔ personal union with Jesus! Other metaphors used in the NT Other metaphors used in the NT “Adopted” (Eph 1:5) “Adopted” (Eph 1:5) “Betrothed” (2 Cor 11:2, 3) “Betrothed” (2 Cor 11:2, 3)

25 Foundation for SG? Unbreakable union of love is a free gift! Permanently forged by God’s Spirit the moment we entrust ourselves to Jesus! Unbreakable union of love is a free gift! Permanently forged by God’s Spirit the moment we entrust ourselves to Jesus! Eph 1:13,14 Eph 1:13,14 1:13 - Holy Spirit permanently puts us in Christ!! 1:13 - Holy Spirit permanently puts us in Christ!! 1:14 - God puts the Spirit of Christ in us as a pledge of more to come 1:14 - God puts the Spirit of Christ in us as a pledge of more to come

26 Summary What is the context of spiritual growth/maturity? What is the context of spiritual growth/maturity? What does spiritual growth/maturity look like? What does spiritual growth/maturity look like? What is the foundation for spiritual growth/maturity? What is the foundation for spiritual growth/maturity?

27 Questions?

28 Next Week Explore how deeply sinful we are... Explore how deeply sinful we are... Necessary for healthy spiritual growth Necessary for healthy spiritual growth

29 Memory Verses Phil 1:6*, John 15:1-12**, Eph 1:13,14* Phil 1:6*, John 15:1-12**, Eph 1:13,14* Pg 6 gives you the gist of what the verses are about. For verses marked with *, you should memorize close to word-for-word from NASB or ESV (notecards might help) Pg 6 gives you the gist of what the verses are about. For verses marked with *, you should memorize close to word-for-word from NASB or ESV (notecards might help) Quiz on week 3 Quiz on week 3

30 Assignment “The God-centered Life” by Lovelace. “The God-centered Life” by Lovelace. Write a response to the two questions Write a response to the two questions What struck you most? What struck you most? Why do you think it struck you? Why do you think it struck you? Romans 1:18-25 Romans 1:18-25

31 Corporate Prayer


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