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Woman … lives connected with God and God’s unique mission for her.

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Presentation on theme: "Woman … lives connected with God and God’s unique mission for her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Woman … lives connected with God and God’s unique mission for her.

2 A new ministry tool for women. Utilises Peer Coaching Creatively presents 6 Biblical life principles. PEARLS PEARLS What is The Significant Woman ? 10-12 sessions in a Coaching Group. 10-12 sessions in a Coaching Group.

3 ursue Your Uniqueness Who am I really? Foundation Direction Action mbrace the Source Who or what is the direction point of my life? ctivate Your Mission What is my unique contribution to the world? efocus Your Life How do I live out my mission in my daily life? ive Intentionally How do I take action and deal with barriers in my life? ustain for Life How do I keep living daily in light of my Mission and share my life of significance with others? P P E E A A R R L L S S

4 The Significant Woman course speaks to women’s lives in multiple dimensions … SpiritualPersonalRelational Personal Mission

5 PEARLS The Significant Woman Participant Guide Presents the 6 Biblical life principles. Introduces relevant life coaching tools. Relevant for the rest of your life.

6 Life coaching is directed towards moving forward, change, improvements and results. Helps you discover your own best answers, tapping into your own internal motivation, getting you in touch with what matters most to you. Encourages you to feel great about taking action.

7 Between sessions, you will have steps to take in your own life, and/or exercises to complete that help you learn more about yourself. You will be connected to a Peer Coach who you will work with to make sure you are staying on target and to encourage each other. You will have the opportunity to work intensely and powerfully on your life. It is NOT a Bible Study or Devotional.

8 PEARLS The Significant Woman helps women to …. Creatively grasp and apply the truth that their worth comes from Christ Discover and celebrate how uniquely God has created them Be encouraged to take the next step in their personal journey with Christ.

9 PEARLS The Significant Woman helps women to …. Articulate their core values Identify their personal mission, which is a reflection of God’s purpose and His mission Begin to see how they can practically live in light of who they are and in light of their relationship with God and what He has called them to do

10 Personal Mission is lived in all areas of life ~ BELIEF – spiritual growth BODY – health, nutrition, fitness, rest BELOVED – parents, spouse, children, family BEST FRIENDS – authentic relationships BUDGET – manage money, time, things BUSINESS – home, career, ministry, education BE RENEWED – recreation, hobby, personal development

11 How has God touched your life through The Significant Woman’s biblical life principals? “Thinking of myself as a pearl made carefully and uniquely by God has made me less self-conscious and more open to letting God use my ‘special qualities’ for his purposes.” “God has reminded me of my uniqueness, the need to be intentional in mission, recognising my weaknesses and move forward” “It has been amazing how God has spoken to me through this journey. The concept of self worth, activating my mission and living intentionally has been amazing to embrace.”

12 What has been an encouragement to you through being in a Coaching Group and have a Peer Coaching experience? “That I’m not alone when going through the difficulties and challenges of life. It was good to be able to share with the group and be supported with love and prayer.” “It is good to realise that we all struggle with issues of balancing everyday life with mission priorities and see examples of God helping us overcome hurdles.”

13 A Life-changing experience for women of all seasons, from all walks of life.

14 Woman Discover your value and worth in God’s eyes. Stop the “busyness” of life and get on with the adventure of living a significant life.

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