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DWLC 2016. To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. THE VISION OF THE.

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1 DWLC 2016

2 To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. THE VISION OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST):

3 Disciples Women’s Ministries is a conduit for diverse connections empowering each woman to find her voice and live out her call. Micah 6:8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the L ORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? The Purpose of Disciples Women

4 Relationships Inclusion – ethnicity, age, theology, class, geography…… Leadership, planning, participation…… More than invitation Belonging vs. membership Evangelism – pointing to the God who is already there Partnership/Collaboration Celebrating change Women’s Ministries

5 Worship for spiritual growth and renewed discipleship; Bible Study for greater knowledge, understanding and service; Issue Study for action and advocacy; Mission Study for knowledge, understanding and acceptance of others; Service / Action for hands-on/personal involvement; Fellowship / Networking for building the faith community with other women; Leadership Training for service to God in the church, the community and the world; Stewardship of time, talent and resources for the mission of the church. Disciples Women Ministries

6 Volunteers – always amazing response, necessity for ministry Work ahead of time, during and after. A few men found their way into volunteer positions as well. DW/Youth mats for people who are homeless 13 mats, 10 pillows finished, others taken to be completed Luncheon 375 attended Music excellent! Perfect for occasion Information and entertainment; skit on Immigration/Labor Trafficking Introduced new purpose statement and lanyard Card reader donations and sales introduced Booth Lots of volunteer helpers to assist with sales and to have hundreds of conversations on “Every 30 seconds” and “Breaking the Fear” campaigns. Hopes and Dreams Wall General Assembly 2015

7 Human Trafficking workshop with youth Lots of great questions and interest Worked with them to make peace cranes with prayers Women of the Bible Sunday School Marilyn taught lesson and discussed women’s ministries Aftersession Well attended, would like to continue Sponsored by donations from regions and individuals Requested at DWLC last year: total cost $1722.00; Donations $1570.35 Every 30 Seconds Women, men, pastors, group leaders excited to share info took wristbands and info cards to share with their congregations/communities - Along with Breaking the Fear gave us the opportunity for many conversations that led into other women’s ministries discussions General Assembly 2015

8 Peace Cranes Goal was 1,000 Ended up with over 2000 cranes Prayed over them at luncheon Flew some at Wednesday evening worship processional Some were on communion table Pillar was on the edge of the stage for worship General Assembly 2015

9 DWEF was established in 1990 as the Women’s Endowment Fund (WEF) to provide the opportunity to contribute to a permanent fund that benefits the work, both now and in the future, of women in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). - Each grant request has a maximum of $5,000 - Over $400,000 in grants has been awarded This fund allows women, both the donor and the recipient, the opportunity to make a tremendous difference in the shaping of the world to come through decisions they make today. Disciples Women’s Endowment Fund

10 Life-transforming connection and learning experience. W2WW responds to the call for women of faith to experience solidarity with one another, to affirm the unity of the church in Jesus Christ and to join the common struggle for justice and peace in the world today. Each year a delegation visits sisters in other countries to learn from them what it means to be a woman of faith in their context. International, ecumenical and personal experiences encourage faithful women to see the world through new eyes and bring that perspective back to their congregation and community. Woman-to-Woman Worldwide

11 Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of China Mexico Italy and France Israel/Palestine Southern Africa India Woman-to-Woman Worldwide



14 Just Women magazine is a Disciples Women publication developed by and for Disciples women as a resource providing theme articles inspired by scripture, multi-generational conversations, reflections on healthy living and faith, ecumenical Bible study, group study guides, and more. Just Women magazine is the official study resource to accompany the Woman-to-Woman Worldwide focus country. What’s happening now? Ebook/online version, Staff changes, Importance of subscriptions, Bible Study/production schedule change Creating good quality resource – needs to be supported through subscriptions and sales Just Women

15 The Leader Apprentice Program (LAP) focuses on equipping Disciples women of color to serve in their home congregations and in regional and general arenas of church life. The annual Disciples Women Leadership Council (previously known as Staff Fellowship) meetings include Disciples Women staff persons from each region, Disciples Women presidents of regions without a staff person, and constituency group leaders to ensure the voices of all Disciples women are heard. These meetings provide opportunities for renewal, networking, professional development, enrichment and support of the members, updates on current resources and objectives, and an advisory and communication channel to share in advocacy for women. Inter-Regional Leadership Training takes place every four years in each of the 5 Inter-regional groups. The training provides tools and information to strengthen established leaders while encouraging new leadership among newly involved women and young women. Leadership Training

16 The Office of Disciples Women (ODW) and the International Disciples Women’s Ministries (IDWM) were previously seen as two separate entities. Since the ‘Principles of Mutuality’ at the end of 2010, we now function as a single entity as Disciples Women and are a self-determining ministry. - Decision making - Funding - Inclusion on OGMP cabinet functioning like General Ministry Previously Disciples Home Missions (DHM) funded the Executive and Merger Staff Program Director and administrative support for the Office of Disciples Women. Under the Mutuality Agreement our funding dictates our ministry…we pay our own staff and are more readily affected by decreased giving than in the past. Disciples Women Overview

17  Disciples Women does not receive directly from Disciples Mission Fund (DMF). DHM who is covenantal partner of DW does receive a percentage of DMF. Through our covenantal agreement DW receives a percentage of DHM’s percentage for funding.  Funded by part of the Blessing Box giving (50%).  Funded by direct gifts to Disciples Women. Is this part of giving discipline? Do women consider giving direct gifts to DW? Are women planning legacy gifts from congregations or individual estates? How are women’s ministries funded?

18 Blessing Box giving is over-and-above-giving that celebrates the blessings you have received and turns them into blessings for others. Half of all Blessing Box giving goes to support the mission of the whole church through the Disciples Mission Fund. The other half supports Disciples Women’s ministries. Blessing Boxes/Bags

19  leadership trainings for regional and constituency representatives  Just Women magazine and other study materials  Leadership and participation by IDWM officers and DW staff at women’s retreats  support of New Church Starts in developing women’s ministries  support of ethnic constituency groups in development of women-specific ministry and leadership education  funding for women’s participation with ecumenical entities such as Bread for the World, Church Women United, UCC/DOC partnership  development of materials and resources in support of social advocacy at the congregational level  and so much more  In short, the funds become available for the Disciples Women Executive Committee to disperse, as needed, across all areas of women’s ministry How Disciples Women Use Funding from Blessings Boxes

20 Blessing Box Giving Blessing Box Offering Portion to Disciples Women 2011$170,089$85,044 2012$166,311$83,155 2013$141,278$70,639 2014$142,873*$71,436* 2015$135,301$67,651 *Offering at QA over $9,000 In 2000, Blessing box giving was over $260,000

21 Blessing Box Giving  18 of 32 regions contributed more to Blessing Boxes in 2015 than in 2014  3 regions contributed more than twice as much as previous years Is this discipline of gratitude being lost? Are we still sharing this as an opportunity to remember to be thankful and to bless others? How do regions with increased giving promote this spiritual discipline?

22 Disciples Women Giving $734,478 in 2015; $811,175 in 2014; $885,101 in 2013; $954, 997 in 2012; $1,067,288 in 2011 Support Disciples ministry and mission through regions, seminaries and foundation houses, colleges and universities, ecumenical partnerships and unity connections, global ministries, home missions, stewardship and funding for the church, ministerial relief, communication, ministries of justice and compassion Reduced giving is affecting all ministries including women’s ministries

23 Support to InterRegional Gatherings Opportunity to celebrate diversity within own areas and network for ministry and mission Opportunities to train and learn Build relationships – potential for more shared ministry/resources Staff travel to general and regional assemblies, meetings, and retreats Ministry of presence, leadership, education on women’s issues/ministries Support Disciples Women function as ‘general ministry’ Participation in Justice Table ministry Funding

24 Staff Search and Call; Salaries and benefits Ministry Associate retiring – going to half time for new associate Executive Committee – Meetings and travel February will meet online DWLC – Networking and education of regional staff and presidents annually Resources – Just Women, general programs, newsletters, etc. General Assembly – opportunities for education and network on the work of Disciples Women Luncheon to share information and reunite Aftersession for networking and meeting opportunities Funding

25 Quadrennial Assembly Costs not covered by QA budget Facilitation/Administration DWEF W2WW Office Space Healthier conditions More interaction between ministries Funding

26 Giving to Disciples Mission Fund – whole church mission Blessing Boxes – whole church mission with designated share to Disciples Women’s Ministries -need to be carefully marked, if BB designation missed at any point will go entirely to DMF -Can set up automatic giving for BB Direct gifts to Disciples Women - online, card reader, check **Pat and Chesla have card readers to accept gifts any time - Opportunity to designate specific ministry: Human trafficking, Just Women Giving

27 Mission First! addresses the need to find a new shared focus in mission. We are not setting aside pro-reconciliation/anti-racism, new and transforming churches or leadership development. Mission First! seeks to help Disciples identify the next mission priorities God has for us as we move toward the year 2020 and beyond. Conversations in 2016: encourage women to participate and ensure women’s voices are heard – need voices in mission and funding Mission First

28 USA, Canada, UK, India, Indonesia, China, Norway, Australia, France, Chile, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Philippines, Viet Nam, South Africa, New Zealand, and more Twitter @DisciplesWomen Social Media Updates

29 IDWM Executive Committee 2014-2018 PresidentNAPAD RepMembers-at-Large Marilyn WilliamsSoo YunMartine Saint-Vil Raleigh NCBaldwin Park CANorthwales PA Vice PresidentRegional President RepDenise Turner Waleska AcevedoWende Bristow BarrettSanta Rosa CA Clermont FLDes Moines IA Shandra Yost Hispanic Women’s RepDHM RepGladstone MO Lori TapiaSheila Spencer Gilbert AZIndianapolis IN National Convocation RepRegional Staff Rep Pernella ShortieCheryl Cloar Greenville MSIndianapolis IN

30 Sheila Pernella Cheryl Pat Waleska Denise Marilyn Martine Shandra Lori Chesla Soo & Chloe Wende

31 Diverse group of women serve four year term Have traditionally met twice a year in person February 2016 meeting will be first virtual meeting Use conference calls when there is an issue we want to address between set meetings EC advises and sets priorities/directions with and for DW staff – supports and assists in ministries as able EC are ‘mission interpreters’ and cheerleaders as well as resources Deal with important and weighty matters as well as share in conversation and reflection about the day to day ministries IDWM Executive Committee

32 IDWM Executive Committee 2014-2018 Staying Connected Facebook Constant contact Connections in Just Women Disciples Women Leadership Council #DWConnect Email blasts to cabinet

33 Disciples Women’s Ministries is a conduit for diverse connections empowering each woman to find her voice and live out her call. Executive Committee developing a three-year plan - W.I.R.E.D.? - Women don’t know what they don’t know - Conversations in diverse groups – seasoned with fresh - Share information, make connections, inform continued women’s ministries DWConnect

34 Social Action Emphasis

35 Chain Link #1 ~ Sex trafficking, our focus is on women, men, boys and especially our young girls as young as 9 years of age who are being targeted by traffickers every day. Chain Link #2 ~ Immigration/Labor trafficking with this our focus is on the labor trafficking that is at epic proportions and is closely tied to immigration issues. Chain Link #3 ~ Demand, our focus here is if there were no demand for sex and labor services there would be no trafficking. Decrease demand and we decrease trafficking.

36 TELLHistory/Philosophy Parents’ Night Out Newborns/Small Children College Students DWConnect Connecting/communicating/sharing to make us stronger together than we are separately JW Connections Tool to share mission and ministry with our sisters Tool to inspire new mission and ministry in our communities Find experience/expertise to inform our ministries Projects/Connections

37 January 26-29, 2017 January 25-28, 2018 Future Dates for meetings


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