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Curriculum Based Measurement Math. Introduction to Math CBM Show examples of Addition Fact Families 0-12 (0+0 to 12+12) Subtraction Fact Families 0-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Based Measurement Math. Introduction to Math CBM Show examples of Addition Fact Families 0-12 (0+0 to 12+12) Subtraction Fact Families 0-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Based Measurement Math

2 Introduction to Math CBM Show examples of Addition Fact Families 0-12 (0+0 to 12+12) Subtraction Fact Families 0-12 (0-0 to 24-12) Multiplication Fact Families 0-12 (0+0 to 12+12) Division Fact Families 0-12 (0/0 to 144/12)

3 Tools to generate math probes Show how CBM warehouse can be used to generate math probes math-assesment-tests math-assesment-tests Show how to generate math worksheet probes

4 Administration and Scoring Demonstration (Use procedure from the manuals) Administration and scoring for Single-Skill Math Fact Probes Grades 1-6 Probes Utilize Aimsweb CBM math manual

5 Criteria Norms for Math computation fluency performance Scores at 25 th and 50 th Or value of the slope for normal progress

6 References

7 Resources for preparing the presentation DO NOT include this page. It is only for you Link to math materials How To: Assess Mastery of Math Facts With CBM: Computation Fluency 13/5_CBA_Math_Computation_Directions.pdf 13/5_CBA_Math_Computation_Directions.pdf Relevant authors Burns, VanDerHeyden, & Jiban, 2006 VanDerHeyden, A. M., & Burns, M. K. (2008) Burns, M. K., VanDerHeyden, A. M., & Jiban, C. L. (2006).

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