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¦ ¦ Visit gateway.

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1 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway

2 Student Experience Curricular Embedded in your programme of study Co-Curricular Module you choose to study Extra-Curricular Life-wide personal development. Recognised through the Plymouth Award scheme

3 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Curricular Embedded in your programme of study Includes employability skills such as: Self awareness Opportunity awareness Teamworking Work placements Work based learning Driven by University in consultation with students

4 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Co-Curricular Opportunities you choose to study Further enhance your employability skills Range from one-off workshops to 20-sessions through the year. Through theory and practice learning. Driven by University and students in partnership

5 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Extra-Curricular Life-wide personal development Recognised through the Plymouth Award scheme Activities Reflection Articulation of learning Driven by student choice and facilitated by University Extra-Curricular

6 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Capturing the achievements Achievements are all captured on the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). Section 4 captures curriculum based achievements, including work based learning and placements Section 6.1 captures the Plymouth Award and any co-curricular achievements (eg leadership development) as well as prizes and other recognised awards.

7 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway The Plymouth Award Why How Internal structure

8 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Introduction The Plymouth Award is a voluntary ‘extra-curricular’ piece of accreditation that Plymouth University students can undertake, many students already make significant contributions to the life of the University and the communities in which they live and work. The Plymouth Award is one way of the University recognising the value of these contributions and to celebrate the learning and personal growth that students gain from the activities undertaken outside of the curriculum. The Award was piloted across the Plymouth main campus in academic year 2010/2011 and now has over 1000 students registered. We stress the personal development aspects of the scheme as well as the enhanced employability.

9 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway 5 Steps to completion

10 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Activities 5 categories, minimum 20 hours in each of 3 chosen and at least 80 hours overall through undergraduate life. This aims to be inclusive, stretch the breadth of experience and not be burdensome. Categories: –working life; –volunteering; –supporting the University Community; –personal health and wellbeing; –cultural and social awareness. Students self-monitor hours using a Plymouth Award tracker application.

11 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway EXAMPLE Working LifeVolunteering Supporting the University Community Working for Tesco (4 hours per week for 10 weeks) St Johns Ambulance (1 hour per month for 5 months) School Governor (1 hour per month for 10 months) UPSU Beach Clean (5 hours) Student Ambassador (6 hours at 4 open days) 40 hours20 hours24 hours =84 hours completed

12 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Reflection On completion of the activities, students must complete a reflective portfolio that articulates the learning they have achieved. The portfolio is evaluated by a team of trained evaluators (mainly postgraduate research students) and moderated by the Award Director.

13 ¦ ¦ Visit gateway Challenges The Award works well as the third element of our employability strategy. Raising awareness of the significance of extra- curricular achievements for both personal development and employability remains a challenge. Managing the growth in numbers of portfolios submitted will become a challenge, but is not insurmountable. We believe that the reflection on learning and articulation of that learning are very important attributes of our model.

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