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A Healthy Pregnancy 3.03 Understand components of a a healthy pregnancy.

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1 A Healthy Pregnancy 3.03 Understand components of a a healthy pregnancy.

2 Preparation for Pregnancy A mother brings to her pregnancy, all of her previous life experiences, including; diet, food habits, attitudes. Birth defects occur before the 10th week of pregnancy. The outcome of her baby’s health depends on mother’s nutritional state. Prepare body 2 years ahead. If nutrients are lacking, the mother suffers first and then the baby suffers.

3 Personal Hygiene What is your definition of personal hygiene? Taking care of your personal needs such as bathing and any other things related to maintaining the body. Regular bathing is a must.

4 Health Care Regular doctor visits Amniocentesis Amniocentesis is performed to look for certain types of birth defects, such as Down syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality. Because amniocentesis presents a small risk for both the mother and her baby, the prenatal test is generally offered to women who have a significant risk for genetic diseases

5 Rest How many hours of sleep does a person who is pregnant need? A pregnant female needs eight or more hours of sleep every night. A fifteen to thirty minute nap during the day is also a good way to rest the body.

6 Clothing Comfort is the “key!” Options Maternity clothes – garments especially designed for pregnancy in one’s regular size Regular clothes in larger sizes

7 Clothing What are some guidelines for selecting clothes during pregnancy? Free from tight waistbands and belts Loose fitting that do not restrict blood circulation Avoid wearing high heels

8 Nutrition and Pregnancy

9 3.03-Healthy Pregnancy Sample Food Needs for a Pregnant Woman Grain Group7-8 ounce-equivalent Vegetable Group3 cups Fruit Group2 cups Milk Group3 cups Meat/Bean Group 6 to 6.5-oz.- equivalent

10 Important things to remember about Nutrition during Pregnancy! 300 extra calories per day for the last 6 months Nutrient Dense foods (especially whole grains!)

11 Effects of a Poor Diet What may be the effects of a poor diet during pregnancy cause?

12 Effects of a Poor Diet Premature birth Low birth weight babies Feeble, weak babies Inability to breast-feed Malformed babies Complications at birth Depression in mother Babies with impaired brain cells

13 Weight Gain 25-30 pounds total (average weight) Two to five pounds in the first trimester About one pound per week for the rest of your pregnancy

14 Distribution of Weight Gain AREA Weight Gain in Pounds Fetus 7.5 – 8.5 Stores of Fat & Protein 7.5 Blood 4 Tissue Fluids 2.7 Uterus 2 Amniotic Fluid 1.8 Placenta & Cord 1.5 Breasts 10 28-29 pounds Total

15 Affect on body What effect does pregnancy have on the body? Increased clumsiness as mother adjusts to new weight distribution Backaches are the most common Many women complain of leg and ankle swelling (edema), but this symptom is actually caused by the extra amount of fluid, not fat, in the body.

16 Exercise What kind of exercise does a pregnant woman need? Low impact- walking or swimming Strengthen pelvic area Avoid contact sports

17 Exercise during Pregnancy What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy?

18 Exercises Reduces fatigue and helps manage stress Increases endurance and strengthens muscles Helps relieve back pressure Improves posture and balance Improves circulation and lowers blood pressure Helps prepare for the strain of labor Improves self image Regains figure faster

19 Exercises What are some exercises suggested for pregnant women? Stretches for lower back Upper back stretch Pelvic tilts Kegels

20 Exercises Let’s practice some exercises. Body Stretches Yoga  Goddess Pose Goddess Pose  Tree Pose Tree Pose  Triangle Pose Triangle Pose  Standing Twist Standing Twist Relaxation Yoga Relaxation for Pregnancy

21 Sample Question: Ticket out door Which is an example of a pregnant woman getting the appropriate amount of physical activity and exercise? A. Rhonda loves to do her normal everyday exercise. B. Sharon runs with the horses as much as possible. C. Tonya decides to start walking five miles each day. D. Veronica never does any kind of physical activity.

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