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1 People First System Enhancements Release 1 B Leave Balance Overview Screen.

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1 1 People First System Enhancements Release 1 B Leave Balance Overview Screen

2 This screen contains two section. This screen contains two section. –The top section contains the employees current balances and is titled the “Current Balance” section. –The bottom section contains the employees pay period information and is titled the “Pay Period Overview” section. Leave Balance Statements are ONLY available for the current pay period and prior pay periods. Leave Balance Statements are ONLY available for the current pay period and prior pay periods. For eligible employees, up to 18 months of history will be viewable (current month plus last 17 months). For eligible employees, up to 18 months of history will be viewable (current month plus last 17 months). –History is based on Employee ID number. If the employee has had multiple Employee ID numbers, they will only see the history under their current ID number.

3 Leave Balance Overview – Current Balance Section This section will contain the employees balance as of the current day. This section will contain the employees balance as of the current day. As this section contains the employees current leave balances, this section will contain the same information regardless of the pay period that is selected. As this section contains the employees current leave balances, this section will contain the same information regardless of the pay period that is selected. This section is updated every 15 minutes based on timesheet activity. This section is updated every 15 minutes based on timesheet activity. –For purposes of the Leave Balance Overview functionality, Timesheet activity includes: Saving leave on a timesheet Saving leave on a timesheet Submitting leave on a timesheet Submitting leave on a timesheet Approving a timesheet with leave on it Approving a timesheet with leave on it Rejecting a timesheet with leave on it Rejecting a timesheet with leave on it Deleting a timesheet with leave on it Deleting a timesheet with leave on it Leave Balance Adjustments will NOT reflect in the Current Balance Section balances until the next day. Leave Balance Adjustments will NOT reflect in the Current Balance Section balances until the next day.

4 Leave Balance Overview – Current Balance Section The Current Balance Section contains the employee’s “Current” balance. The Current Balance Section contains the employee’s “Current” balance. Total Hours Available – This is the employees balance without consideration of leave that is pending submission or approval. This is the employees available leave that has not been used (used is based on approved timesheet). Total Hours Available – This is the employees balance without consideration of leave that is pending submission or approval. This is the employees available leave that has not been used (used is based on approved timesheet). Pending Timesheet Hours – This is the composite leave (by leave type) that is pending approval. This includes pending leave for all periods. This balance factors in leave that is either saved on the employees timesheet or submitted for approval, but not approved. This is the total of ALL recorded (in People First) committed (saved and/or submitted, but not approved) leave for the employee. Pending Timesheet Hours – This is the composite leave (by leave type) that is pending approval. This includes pending leave for all periods. This balance factors in leave that is either saved on the employees timesheet or submitted for approval, but not approved. This is the total of ALL recorded (in People First) committed (saved and/or submitted, but not approved) leave for the employee. –This field is ONLY viewable when the employee has committed leave. Net Hours Available – This is the employees actual leave available for use. This is “Total Hours Available” minus “Pending Timesheet Hours”. Net Hours Available – This is the employees actual leave available for use. This is “Total Hours Available” minus “Pending Timesheet Hours”. –This field is ONLY viewable when the employee has committed leave.

5 Leave Balance Overview – Pay Period Overview Section The Pay Period Overview section contains the activity for the selected pay period ONLY. This section ONLY contains the activity that happened in the selected pay period. The Pay Period Overview section contains the activity for the selected pay period ONLY. This section ONLY contains the activity that happened in the selected pay period. This section does NOT consider pending hours in the presentation of Beginning to Ending Balances. This section does NOT consider pending hours in the presentation of Beginning to Ending Balances. All fields within this section are updated every 15 minutes based on timesheet activity, except for leave balance adjustments, which are updated nightly. All fields within this section are updated every 15 minutes based on timesheet activity, except for leave balance adjustments, which are updated nightly. Once old timesheets are approved, that leave balance statement and all subsequent Leave Balance Statements will be updated. This update will also occur every 15 minutes. Once old timesheets are approved, that leave balance statement and all subsequent Leave Balance Statements will be updated. This update will also occur every 15 minutes. Each leave type the employee has a balance for is presented separately. If the employee does not have a balance for a particular leave type, that leave type will not be shown. Each leave type the employee has a balance for is presented separately. If the employee does not have a balance for a particular leave type, that leave type will not be shown. LWOP Hours Types and Administrative Leave Types (except Military Training) are NOT shown in this screen. LWOP Hours Types and Administrative Leave Types (except Military Training) are NOT shown in this screen. Future dated timesheet items are NOT reflected until that future date. Future dated timesheet items are NOT reflected until that future date.

6 Leave Balance Overview – Fields Within the Pay Period Overview Section Beginning Balance – This is the employee’s ending leave balance from the previous pay period. This does not consider pending timesheet hours. Beginning Balance – This is the employee’s ending leave balance from the previous pay period. This does not consider pending timesheet hours. Used – This is the total leave used (based on approved timesheet) by the employee during the selected pay period. Used – This is the total leave used (based on approved timesheet) by the employee during the selected pay period. Accrual – This is the leave earned during the pay period. Accruals will show based on the day actually accrued. Accrual – This is the leave earned during the pay period. Accruals will show based on the day actually accrued. Adjustments – This is the Leave Balance Adjustment (s) that was effective dated during the selected pay period. A separate line will be presented for each adjustment effective dated during the selected pay period. Adjustments – This is the Leave Balance Adjustment (s) that was effective dated during the selected pay period. A separate line will be presented for each adjustment effective dated during the selected pay period. Ending Balance – Beginning balance minus leave used plus leave earned plus/minus leave adjustment (s) processed. Ending Balance – Beginning balance minus leave used plus leave earned plus/minus leave adjustment (s) processed. Pending Approval – This contains ONLY the pending hours for the pay period selected. This is not factored into the beginning or ending balances in the Leave Balance Statement section. Pending Approval – This contains ONLY the pending hours for the pay period selected. This is not factored into the beginning or ending balances in the Leave Balance Statement section.

7 Leave Balance Overview – What will be available at Implementation of Release 1.B? Complete Leave Balance Statements will be presented for: Complete Leave Balance Statements will be presented for: –Biweekly Agencies: Pay Periods Starting on or after February 10, 2006. –Monthly Agencies: Pay Periods Starting on or after February 1, 2006. For periods before these dates, only selected information will be presented in the Pay Period Overview Section. The following will show for these prior periods: For periods before these dates, only selected information will be presented in the Pay Period Overview Section. The following will show for these prior periods: –Leave Used for all leave types that show in this screen –Leave Adjustments for all leave types that show in this screen –FLSA Accruals Regardless of the Pay Period selected, the Current Balance Section will contain the employees current balances. Regardless of the Pay Period selected, the Current Balance Section will contain the employees current balances.

8 Leave Balance Overview – What will be available at Implementation of Release 1.B? If an old timesheet is approved (before the pay periods listed on the previous slide) after implementation of Release 1.B, the leave balance statement for that period and each subsequent period will be updated to reflect the full detail. If an old timesheet is approved (before the pay periods listed on the previous slide) after implementation of Release 1.B, the leave balance statement for that period and each subsequent period will be updated to reflect the full detail. o As only some of the data is showing in the Pay Period Overview section for these old periods, footing (using beginning balance plus/minus other data presented to calculate ending balance) within the screen will not correctly work for some employees. o For example, if an employee uses 15 hours of annual leave during the period and accrues 8.667 hours of annual, only the 15 hours used will show for this old period. As a result, if you take the beginning balance and subtract out the leave used, this will not equal the ending balance as the accrual will be included in the ending balance, just not displayed on the screen. The employees actual balances will be presented on the screen!

9 Leave Balance Overview Screen - Example of an Old Pay Period for an Employee with NO committed leave and no leave balance adjustment. Notice that only “Total Hours Available” is present since the employee does not have any committed time. Notice that only “Used” is present and that accruals are not shown since an old pay period is selected.

10 Leave Balance Overview Screen - Example of an Old Pay Period for an Employee with committed leave and used leave in the Pay Period. Notice all three fields are shown since the employee has committed time. Notice that only “Used” is present and that accruals are not shown since an old pay period is selected.

11 Leave Balance Overview Screen - Example of an Old Pay Period for an Employee with an adjustment and used leave in the Pay Period. Notice that “Used” and “Adjustments are present and that accruals are not shown since this is an old Pay Period.

12 Leave Balance Overview Screen - Further example of an Old Pay Period for an Employee with an adjustment and used leave in the Pay Period. Notice that Beginning Balance minus used minus adjustments does not equal ending balance since this is an old period and accruals are not shown on the screen, but are included in ending balance.

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