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Instructions What are they? A step by step guide explaining how to make or do something. Instructions can be spoken or written.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions What are they? A step by step guide explaining how to make or do something. Instructions can be spoken or written."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions What are they?

3 A step by step guide explaining how to make or do something. Instructions can be spoken or written.

4 Types of instructions Instructions are used for many things. How many types of written instructions can you think of? Recipe books. Computer games. Craft books. Gardening guides. Science experiments. Sport games. Safety rules

5 Now its your turn! Listen carefully to the instruction given by your teacher. Can you follow all the instructions through listening carefully?

6 How are they written? Start with a title Include a ‘What You need’ box Numbered steps. Use time connectives for sentence openers Don’t use you after your sentence opener Use imperative (bossy) verbs Make your imperative (bossy) verb a wow word Write a second sentence in each instruction that starts with : When, Before, If or While Use connectives Use diagrams Tell the reader what the product should look like/be like

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