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CELL PHONES Please - turn off cell phone during the Briefing Please – no text messaging during the Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL PHONES Please - turn off cell phone during the Briefing Please – no text messaging during the Briefing."— Presentation transcript:


2 CELL PHONES Please - turn off cell phone during the Briefing Please – no text messaging during the Briefing

3 DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ON YOUR FILE??? Please return to our Main Lobby after the Briefing…a Case Worker will be available to answer your questions.

4 H ANCOCK M ETROPOLITAN H OUSING A UTHORITY Chartered Under State of Ohio September 27, 1991


6 Board of Commissioners Donna Ruse Chairperson Local Realtor Various Board Nancy Stephani Vice Chairperson Social Services Various Board Robert J. Fox Secretary Findlay City Schools Various Boards Michael C. Noggle Attorney Various Boards Chuck Rogers Financial Services Various Boards

7 HMHA MISSION…. Provide Safe, Decent, Sanitary and Affordable Housing for Low Income Families in our Community

8 Casey J. Ricker Deputy Director HCV HQS Inspector


10 Community Action Commission Hope House Blanchard Valley Center Century Health Open Arms HMHA Associated Charities Hancock Christian Clearing House Job & Family Services Salvation Army HCCIL AHI ADAHMSL & M Housing Agency on Aging


12 APPLICATION PROCESS XPXPre-Application XEXEligibility Determination XVXVerifications (includes Criminal Records) XWXWaiting List XVXVoucher Funding Available XIXIssue Voucher, Request for Tenancy Approval XBXBriefing Interview Guide

13 The first steps in the process are §Applicant completes application and provides required documentation §HMHA determines if the household is income eligible §Head of Household attends a Voucher Briefing and Family Obligations are explained to the prospective client  The family looks for safe, decent housing that rents within the guidelines provided by HMHA

14 The family is provided with §Voucher – Expires in 60 days §Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA) §A list of available units §An estimate of an affordable rent amount within the 30% to 40% guideline established by HUD §Briefing Guide containing overview of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program



17 NEED AN EXTENSION ON YOUR VOUCHER?? §Must request IN WRITING §Sample form in your Briefing Packet §Complete Original Form in our office and provide supporting documentation

18 DO YOU NEED A REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION?? §Must request IN WRITING §Sample form in your Briefing Packet §Complete Original Form in our office and provide supporting documentation



21 Congress Appropriates Funding HUD Provides Funding To PHA PHA Administers Program Owner / LandlordFamily (Program Participant) Voucher specifies Family Obligations Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract specifies Owner and PHA Obligations Lease specifies Tenant and Landlord Obligations Program Regulations and ACC specifies PHA Obligations and Voucher Funding HCV PROGRAM RENTAL ASSISTANCE IS A 3-WAY PARTNERSHIP

22 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS §When the family’s unit is approved and all paperwork has been completed, THE FAMILY MUST FOLLOW THE RULES in order to continue to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program  Any information the family supplies MUST be true and complete

23 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS §Supply any information the PHA or HUD determines necessary… §Disclose and verify social security numbers and sign consent forms Supply any information to PHA to verify the family is living in the unit or information related to family absence from the unit

24 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS §Promptly notify the PHA IN WRITING when family is away from unit for an extended time Allow PHA to inspect at reasonable time after reasonable notice Notify the PHA and owner IN WRITING before moving out of unit of terminating lease

25 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS §Use of assisted unit must be the family’s only residence §Promptly notify the PHA IN WRITING of birth, adoption, court-awarded custody  Request PHA and Landlord WRITTEN APPROVAL to add any other family member as occupant of the unit  Promptly notify the PHA IN WRITING if any family member no longer lives in unit

26 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS §Give PHA a copy of any owner 3-day, 10-day or 30-day eviction notice  Pay your portion of the rent  Pay utility bills and provide and maintain any appliances the owner is not required to provide under the lease

27 FAMILY OBLIGATIONS DO NOT  Own or have interest in the assisted unit  Commit any serious or repeated violations of the lease  Commit fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with the program

28 DO NOT  Engage in drug-related or violent criminal activity  Sublease the unit  Receive HCV Program housing assistance while receiving another housing subsidy under any other Federal, State or local Program FAMILY OBLIGATIONS

29 DO NOT  Damage the unit or premises (other than normal wear and tear  Receive HCV Program assistance while residing in a unit owned by a family member unless the PHA has determined that approving the unit would provide a reasonable accommodation for a family member who is a person with disabilities  Engage in abuse of alcohol that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of other residence and persons residing in the immediate vicinity of premises


31 §Search for desirable unit – List of vacant units in your packet §Ask prospective landlord if they accept a Housing Choice (Metro) Voucher  Present prospective landlord with RTA to be completed  Return the RTA to our office Tenant Responsibilities

32 HMHA RESPONSIBILITIES When RTA is Returned §Calculate income and gross rent – must be within the 30% to 40% HUD guidelines §Schedule inspection with the landlord §Inform landlord and tenant if the unit is approved  Prepare rent reasonableness comparison study DO NOT MOVE IN UNTIL HMHA APPROVES UNIT

33 HMHA RESPONSIBILITIES  If the inspection fails, HMHA will advise the Landlord what has failed and what corrections are required §Landlord will have an opportunity to make required repairs DO NOT MOVE INTO THE UNIT UNTIL HMHA APPROVES UNIT

34 How we calculate the estimate §Total household income and any allowances is calculated §Household MUST pay at least 30% of their monthly adjusted income toward their portion of the rent §Household portion of the rent plus any utilities the tenant must pay cannot exceed 40% of the monthly adjusted income

35 §Have you reported ALL household income? §Have you reported ALL household members? §Is a family member paying some or all of your bills?

36 2008 Payment Standards (Hancock County) 1 bedroom456 2 bedroom591 3 bedroom805 4 bedroom854 5 bedroom982

37 Example of Utility Calculation Two Bedroom - Duplex Electric Heat$40Gas Heat$52 Electric Range$ 4Electric Range$ 4 Other Electric$12Other Electric$12 Elec H/W Htr$11Gas H/W Heater$11 Trash$15Trash$15 Water$49Water$49 Sewage$49Sewage$49 Range$ 8Range$ 8 Refrigerator$ 8Refrigerator$ 8




41 LEGAL DOCUMENTS TO SIGN §Lease Agreement with HUD attachments §Housing Assistance Payments Contract (HAP) Contract between HMHA and the Landlord §Drug-Free Housing Addendum – This also applies to the Landlord as well §Pet Addendum, if applicable §Adjustment of Payment form §Letter to the Charities for assistance with your Information for Security Deposit HMHA WILL CALL YOU WHEN PAPERWORK IS READY FOR SIGNATURE

42 INCOME and/or HOUSEHOLD CHANGES §Income goes up…do paperwork §Income goes down…do paperwork §Someone moves in…do paperwork §Someone moves out…do paperwork §Phone number changes…do paperwork §If you get a pet…do paperwork §If you are not sure what to report, call your caseworker

43 GENERAL LEASING POLICIES §Unit must qualify as eligible unit §Unit must be inspected by HMHA and meet HUD’s Housing Quality Standards  Lease must include the required HUD Tenancy Addendum  Rent charged by owner must be reasonable  Owner must be an eligible owner, approved by HMHA, with no conflicts of interest  Gross rent of the unit cannot exceed 40% of the Family’s monthly adjusted income

44 What if tenant fails to pay rent or violates the lease? §Landlord speaks to tenant §Notifies HMHA §If a satisfactory agreement cannot be met, Landlord would proceed the same as he would d if the tenant was not a Metro client §Provide HMHA with a copy of any 10-day or 30-day notices §Contact attorney §Keep Metro informed

45 MOST COMMON FAMILY VIOLATIONS §Failure to report income changes §Failure to get written approval from the Landlord and/or Metro for additional household members to reside in the unit §Vacating unit in violation of lease without WRITTEN notification to HMHA or Landlord §Causing Damage to unit §Drugs

46 HMHA RESPONSIBILITIES §Make payments to the Landlord §Review household composition and income at least once a year--or more, if required §Inform Landlord and Tenant of change in HMHA and Tenant portions of rent §Inspect at least once a year

47 HUD SECTION 8 DRUG-FREE HOUSING NO VIOLENT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY NOTE: Applicant/Client may request IN WRITING Informal Hearing or Review


49 LANDLORD RESPONSILIBITES §Show the apartments -- Be specific with the prospective tenant if this is the condition the unit will be in when tenant moves in §Screen the client §Perform credit or criminal checks if this part of your screening process §Are pets allowed? §Complete ALL information on the RTA §Discuss your rules and/or lease terms with prospective tenant § §Confirm an inspection time with the HMHA inspector §All utilities must be on for the inspection

50 LANDLORD RESPONSIBILITIES §Collect security deposit—cannot be more than rent amount charged §Collect tenant’s portion of the first month’s rent §Tenant signs paperwork required by landlord – may have a separate lease  Provide Landlord with verification of renter’s insurance, if required  Coordinate change of utilities if tenant pays §Give tenant keys to apartments §Notify HMHA if there is a change in the heat source during the lease term

51 LANDLORD RESPONSIBILITIES §Collect the tenant’s portion of monthly rent §Comply with Fair Housing laws §Maintain the unit at ALL TIMES to HUD’s Housing Quality Standards §Comply with terms of Housing Assistance Payment Contract §Keep any utilities that they are responsible for paid and in service §Pay real estate taxes on the property


53 Living Room §Two electrical sockets or one socket and permanent light §Window

54 Kitchen §One permanent overhead light §One electrical socket §Sink §Stove §Refrigerator

55 Bathroom (also applies to Half Bath) §Permanent overhead light §Sockets are not required §Electric vent or operable window §Tub or shower (preference for both) §A door is required for privacy  A sink separate from the kitchen sink

56 Bedrooms §Two electrical sockets or one electrical socket and a permanent overhead light §Window (if made to open must open)

57 Basements §If basements are to be used on a regular basis, they must have a working smoke detector §Stable stairs–handrail required…4 steps or more §If the basement is used for sleeping areas, there must be windows that will allow exit in case of fire

58 Exterior §Paint §Foundation §Railings §Stairs §Roof §Gutters §Chimney

59 AUTOMATIC FAILS §No smoke detector or inoperable smoke detector §No heat §No hot water §No water

60 You MUST Have §Railings--four or more stairs (inside or out) §Smoke detectors on every level §Separate entrance §Discharge line on water heaters §All electrical sockets and switches must have covers §All windows on the first floor must have a lock

61 Things you may want to check… What is important to You?? §Screens §Water pressure §Paint issues – holes (children under six – BEWARE) §Garbage disposal §Dishwasher §Yard §Carpet §Neighborhood §Garage-Storage §Closets §Air Conditioning §Will the heat be adequate for you? §Furnace filters

62 You May NOT Have §RATS §Unvented heat source §Portable heaters as a main heat source §Open spaces in fuse box §Shared water meters §Trash cans without lids

63 MOST COMMON LANDLORD VIOLATIONS §Accepting rent for a vacant unit §Misrepresenting ownership of property §COLLECTING SIDE PAYMENTS FROM FAMILIES §Allow units to fall below HUD’s HQS (Housing Quality Standards) §HMHA may refuse to do business with a Landlord who consistently allows unit(s) to fall below HUD’s HQS

64 SIDE DEALS CAN BE CAUSE FOR TERMINATION §Charging tenant extra for high water usage §Paying tenant’s utilities included on the lease §Charging extra for pets, appliances, or anything without HMHA approval §Increasing the rent without notifying HMHA §Charging other people to live in the basement §HMHA may refuse to do business with a landlord who repeatedly performs side deals


66 REMINDER  Clients are required to give current landlord and HMHA a WRITTEN 30-day notice  Proper vacating of unit is required:  Clean, dispose of trash, utilities paid in full and transferred to owner  Keys turned in to the Landlord

67 §Have you made a Side Agreement with the Landlord? §Do you have the utilities you are responsible for in your name? §Do you have an unauthorized household member? §Do you have an unreported pet?

68 CALL YOU CASE WORKER Your case worker can help you stay compliant with the Family Obligations. Please call if you have a question, a problem, or cannot come to a scheduled appointment.

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