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What is Organic Gardening??? By Jordy, Nicole and Courtney.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Organic Gardening??? By Jordy, Nicole and Courtney."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Organic Gardening??? By Jordy, Nicole and Courtney

2 Organic gardening is more then just getting scraps and composting them and growing plants at home you have to not use any chemicals AT ALL! If you own a farm then you would probably have big paddocks full of crop. If you have sheep or something in the paddock next to them and you drench them and feed them non-organic feed then you would have to have them a certain way away. They would not be able to go in the same paddock because if they were then they wouldn’t be organic and the whole crop would be ruined.

3 How to have an organic veggie garden

4 None

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