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 Charging and Syncing the iPod Touch Cart Lesson 2.

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Presentation on theme: " Charging and Syncing the iPod Touch Cart Lesson 2."— Presentation transcript:

1  Charging and Syncing the iPod Touch Cart Lesson 2

2 Getting to Know the PowerSync Cart  Locate the following parts on the back panel of the PowerSync Cart: (1) the power cord; (2) power button; (3) top drawer syncing cable; and (4) the bottom drawer syncing cable.  Locate the following parts on the front panel of the PowerSync Cart: (1) the top drawer and (2) the bottom drawer.

3 Powering and Charging the PowerSync Cart  First, plug the power cord into the outlet.  Turn on the power switch.  Connect the syncing cable for the top drawer to one of the USB ports on the MacBook (Ensure that the prongs on the syncing cable are facing up.)  Connect the syncing cable for the bottom drawer to the remaining USB port on the MacBook

4 Connecting the iTouches to the PowerSync Cart  Connect the iPod Touches to the syncing cart by plugging the syncing cable into the port on the iTouch.  The iPod Touch is connected properly when the yellow indicator light appears.  A blue LED light located at the back of the drawer will indicate that the iTouches are charging.  After approximately 3 to 4 hours, the LED indicator light will turn green. (It’s best if this is done overnight.)

5  Syncing the iPod Touches using the PowerSync Cart ??

6 Syncing the iPod Touches Using the PowerSync Cart  Using the MacBook, open iTunes.  Click on the App Store tab.  In the search bar, search for the app.  Click on the app to purchase it.  You may locate your downloaded app by clicking on the Apps Menu under the Library tab on the left of the screen.

7 Syncing the iPod Touches Using the PowerSync Cart  Plug both syncing cables into the MacBook.  Allow the touches to be recognized by the MacBook. (This will take a few minutes)  Confirm that the touches are recognized by locating them in the Devices panel of iTunes.  Select the iPods that you would like to sync from the Devices tab on the left of the screen.

8 Syncing the iPod Touches Using the PowerSync Cart  Click on the Apps Tab at the top of the screen and type the name of your app in the search bar. (Ensure that it is selected with a check mark.)  Click “Apply” or “Sync” at the bottom right of the iTunes window.

9 Syncing the iPod Touches Using the PowerSync Cart  The iPods will begin to sync. Depending on the size of the app, this could take several minutes. (It is best to do this overnight.)  After syncing is complete, eject the iPods from the iTunes Devices menu by clicking the button beside each device.

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