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The Genetics of Cancer Cancer: a group of 100 or more disorders that arise from alterations in genes; predominantly in somatic cells; 1 in 3 persons; from.

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1 The Genetics of Cancer Cancer: a group of 100 or more disorders that arise from alterations in genes; predominantly in somatic cells; 1 in 3 persons; from translocations, aneuploidy, chromosomal deletions, chromosomal loss Cell divides out of control Growth called tumor – Benign (grows in place/does not spread) vs. Malignant (infiltrate nearby tissue – metastasis)  More than 100 oncogenes cause cancer when activated  30 tumor suppressor genes – deletion or activation causes cancer  Cancer cells with long telomeres (telomerase turned on)  Sporadic Cancer: in somatic cells (isolated)  Germline Cancer: in gametes (passed on); rare; strike earlier in life; 1-2%; 1% of colon cancer cases result from genetic disposition to cancer known as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (produce clusters of cells called polyps)


3 Clonal Origin: cell originated from a common ancestral cell that accumulated specific mutation Viruses: 2 nd genetic risk factor for cancer Tobacco smoke with 60 different chemicals that interact with DNA and cause mutations Cell Cycle: Cancer cells unable to enter G0 receives continuous growth signals 3 points in cycle where cell monitors signals and equilibrium (G1/S, G2/M, and M) abnormal regulation leads to cancer; proteins (cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases) control progress cell destroys cyclin proteins

4 Characteristics of Cancer Cells Rounder; heritable; transplantable; dedifferentiated; ability to spread (metastasis); invasive (“tentacles”); loss of contact inhibition; ability to induce local blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) Divide continuously Cervical cancer cells of Henrietta Lacks (1951) HeLa cells (standard cultures in research labs)

5 Genes That Cause Cancer Oncogenes Ras Proto-oncogenes normally trigger cell division mutation oncogenes Viruses changes proto- oncogenes into oncogenes (Kaposi Sarcoma, Acute T cell leukemia); 15% of human cancers Fusion protein: oncogene activates when proto-oncogene moves next to another gene (translated together) Tumor Suppressors: cancer from the loss of a gene that normally suppresses tumor formation Cells lacking p53 unable to arrest cell cycle checkpoints or enter apoptosis; most frequently mutated gene in cancers Retinoblastoma (RB1): deletions in the long arm of chromosome 13; 1 in 15,000 persons BRCA1 (breast cancer predisposition gene): 2 adjacent bases deleted, altering the reading frame and shortening the protein

6 Apoptosis Cell commits suicide Initiated during normal multicellular development in order to eliminate certain cells that do not contribute to the final adult organism (sculpting) Example: fingers and toes carved from webbed structures Death receptor on cell membrane receives a signal to die Caspases (enzymes) snip apart cell components Cancer: apoptosis occurs too infrequently Abnormality: webbing (syndactyly)

7 Apoptosis

8 Cancer Prevention Avoid high-risk environmental factors (excessive sun exposure) Diet: cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts) with decreased rate of colon cancer Produce glucosinolates activate xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes detoxify carcinogenic products of cooked meat Red meat: connection to colon, prostate and breast cancer Alcohol: connection to liver cancer Chemoprevention: taking certain nutrients, plant extracts, or drugs to lower the risk of cancer Folic acid, vitamins D and E, selenium, compounds from soybean, tomatoes, green tea Avoid Aflatoxin – component of a mold that grows on peanuts and corn (one of the most carcinogenic) Avoid Nitrosamines – chemical carcinogens from synthetic substances in preserved meat

9 Cancer Studies Population Study: compares the incidence of a type of cancer among very different groups of people Case-Control Study: people with a type of cancer are matched with healthy individuals for age, sex, and other characteristics Prospective Study: 2 or more groups of people follow a specified dietary regimen and are checked periodically for cancer Treatment Surgery Radiation and chemotherapy New Drugs (Avastin)

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