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Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Information for Employers.

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Presentation on theme: "Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Information for Employers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Information for Employers

2 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What is an Apprenticeship?  An Apprenticeship is a way for young people and adult learners to earn while they learn in a real job, gaining a real qualification and a real future  Apprenticeships can last from 12 months to 4 years  They are linked to job roles or occupations – so we make sure that every Apprenticeship is relevant and appropriate both for the Apprentice and the business.

3 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Why Employers get involved Compelling evidence that Apprenticeships Improve Business Performance in key areas:  Clear return on investment – typical payback within 2-4 yrs  Greater productivity – produce more than non apprentices  Lower recruitment costs – free recruitment service available  Lower training and retention costs – Government subsidy  Increased employee satisfaction – higher skilled workforce  Greater loyalty and quality of work – reduced staff turnover Chelsey has becomea very responsiblemember of my teamand she’s valued byevery one of us.” “Chelsey has become a very responsible member of my team and she’s valued by every one of us.”

4 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department We are living in ever faster changing times We offer Apprenticeship training in the following frameworks:

5 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department  Business Administration L2 & L3  Business Professional & Administration L4  Community Art Administration L2 & L3  IT Application Specialist L2 & L3  Children & Young People’s Workforce L2  Children & Young People’s Workforce (EYE) L3  Customer Service Level 2 & 3  Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 2  Specialist Support Teaching & Learning in Schools Level 3  Pharmacy Service Skills Level 2 & 3  Construction Skills Level 2  Plastering Level 2  Community Arts Level 3  Horticulture (Lantra) Level 2  Food & Beverage Service Level 2

6 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Employers and potential apprentices can find more information on the Get into work pages of our websiteGet into work

7 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Learner Story Chelsey Goodall “I started my apprenticeship in November 2014, I appliedonline for a Customer Service Apprenticeship with PetersShoes in Chesterfield. Initially I had a trial at Peters Shoesand then started my Apprenticeship with them in November2014 and have been taught how to repair shoes, deal withcustomers, cash handling and the basics of good customerservice.” “I started my apprenticeship in November 2014, I applied online for a Customer Service Apprenticeship with Peters Shoes in Chesterfield. Initially I had a trial at Peters Shoes and then started my Apprenticeship with them in November 2014 and have been taught how to repair shoes, deal with customers, cash handling and the basics of good customer service.” I joined a maths class where I achieved a Level 2Functional Skills qualification in a very short time. I alsostarted English classes and have already passedFunctional Skills Level 1 and I am currently about to sitLevel 2. I joined a maths class where I achieved a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification in a very short time. I also started English classes and have already passed Functional Skills Level 1 and I am currently about to sit Level 2. “The whole experience was not as I initially expected, ithas been one of the most rewarding things I haveundertaken.” “The whole experience was not as I initially expected, it has been one of the most rewarding things I have undertaken.”

8 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Employer Testimonial Andy Ingham stated that the Apprenticeship schemeallowed Chelsey to develop into her role from being quiteshy and lacking confidence initially, but she now receivesmany compliments from customers on her retailingexpertise, her manner and product knowledge. Andy Ingham stated that the Apprenticeship scheme allowed Chelsey to develop into her role from being quite shy and lacking confidence initially, but she now receives many compliments from customers on her retailing expertise, her manner and product knowledge. Chelsey has now been offered full-time permanentemployment by Peter’s Shoes and, with our help, Andy isnow in the process of looking for another Apprentice. Chelsey has now been offered full-time permanent employment by Peter’s Shoes and, with our help, Andy is now in the process of looking for another Apprentice. “Chelsey supports me with customer care, is methodical withgreat become a very responsible memberof my team and she’s valued by every one of us.” “Chelsey supports me with customer care, is methodical with great qualities. She has become a very responsible member of my team and she’s valued by every one of us.”

9 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Learner Story Robyn Canner After successfully completing her A’ Levels, Robyn decided an apprenticeships was a preferred next step as she could be paid to work and train at the same time. Robyn was accepted for an apprenticeship with Franke Sissons in August 2013 as a Purchasing Apprentice working in Supply Chain & Procurement. Robyn said “My assessor helped and encouraged me to produce the best work I possibly could and was always approachable and honest with me”.

10 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Learner Story Robyn Canner Robyn was nominated for the Derbyshire Times Apprentice of the Year Award and achieved a highly commended apprentice award. Robyn is continuing with her studies and has just started a 2 year training programme in ACIPS (Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply) and continues with Franke Sissons’ internal training where she will spend time in other departments to provide her with an overview of the whole company. “Robyn was pivotal in sourcing and co-ordinated the materials required for a newly-commissioned sculpture near to Chesterfield Coach Station which has recently been unveiled by the Mayor.” said Frank Sissons

11 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Elements of the Apprenticeship  Vocational  Technical  ERR – Employer Rights and Responsibilities  PLTS – Personal Learning and Thinking Skills  Functional Skills - L1 or L2 (some may require GCSE A-C)  Maths  English  And ICT for Business & Administration only

12 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Additional Requirements What’s involved?  Regular meetings between the placement assessor and candidate line-mangers (average of every 5 weeks)  Additional off the job mentoring/coaching (24 hours for level 2 : 36 hours for level 3)  Study time average of 3 hours per week Additional off the job training may include:  Mentoring  Coaching  Distance learning – e-portfolio  Learning with peers/ network or collaborative learning  Learning and Development (training with DCC)

13 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What are the Employer responsibilities? As the employer you must:  Give your apprentice an induction to his/her role  Provide on the job training  Pay your Apprentice’s wages (3.30 per hour)  Issue a contract of employment for a minimum of 30 hours each week (unless there are special circumstances)  Allow the Apprentice the same benefits as other employees  Complete an Apprenticeship Agreement

14 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What funding is available to an Employer? The size of the contribution towards training costs varies depending on your sector and the age of the Apprentice at the start of the training:  100 percent of the cost of the training if the Apprentice is aged 16-18 years of age  A contribution towards the cost of training if your Apprentice is 19 to 24 years of age I have thoroughly enjoyed my apprenticeship and feel I am making a positive contribution

15 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Apprentice Grant for Employers of 16 – 24 year olds (AGE Grant) You may be eligible for a £1,500 VAT free AGE Grant* if:  You are a small employer (those with less than 50 staff)  Your Apprentice is aged 16-24  You have not employed an Apprentice within the last 12 months The Grant aims to support businesses who would not otherwise have been in a position to recruit individuals aged 16 to 24 into employment through the Apprenticeship programme * Terms and conditions apply

16 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department National Insurance Contributions Abolition of employer contributions for apprentices under 25 From April 2016 employers of apprentices under the age of 25 will no longer be required to pay secondary Class 1 (employer) National Insurance contributions (NICs) on earnings up to the Upper Earnings Limit (UEL), for those employees.

17 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department The Apprenticeship Levy  The Apprenticeship Levy aims to fund 3 million apprenticeships in the UK by 2020.  It affects all organisations with a payroll above 3M a year, committing them to either taking on apprentices or paying a percentage fee of their PAYE wage bill.  To allow businesses and other organisation to plan ahead, the Levy takes effect in April 2017. The main aim is to persuade you to take on more apprentices. They can be from outside your organisation, but you can also retrain current employees to take the next step on their career ladder, or to change direction.

18 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Employer with a payroll bill of more than £3M pa 0.5% Apprenticeship levy Includes 15K Government allowance Claim to train apprentices Government top-up available Contribution to be confirmed Don’t claim Other organisations claim levy funds to train their apprentices

19 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What should my organisation be doing? There is a real shortage of skilled staff in many areas in the UK. Research shows that the better you train your employees the longer they tend to stay, and the more positive effect they have on your bottom line, as well as your organisation as a whole. You should be planning now to make the most of what could be a real opportunity. If you get up and running now, before the Levy starts in April 2017, you could benefit from the current funding available and pay almost nothing for the training of your apprentices.

20 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Why use Derbyshire County Council?  We have an excellent reputation for consistently high standards in education and training  We will work closely with an employer to ensure that the Apprenticeship offered is the most appropriate for the individual’s job role, whilst reflecting individual employer and learner needs  Our centres are within local communities and provide easy access in a friendly, welcoming environment Chelsey said, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my apprenticeship and feel I am making a positive contribution”

21 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department CONTACTS  For further information on our apprenticeship programmes and services to people looking to Get into Work, please contact our Workplace Learning team or Telephone: 01629 536568  Louissa Adams – Learning & Skills Manager, Employability and Workplace or Telephone: 01246 862383

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