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English Pronunciation & Intonation for Communication A Course for Chinese EFL Learners.

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2 English Pronunciation & Intonation for Communication A Course for Chinese EFL Learners

3 Objectives of the Course This course is designed to help the students improve their English pronunciation, including such elements as: 1) the correct pronunciation of individual phonemes and words in English. 2) the rhythmic patterns of the English language. 3) patterns and functions of English intonation.

4 Course Content 1.English phonemes: correct discrimination and pronunciation 2.Stress of English words and sentences: basic rules and functions 3.English rhythmic patterns: basic features and functions 4. English intonation: structures, functions and use

5 Textbook 《英语语音教程》 An English Pronunciation Course 王桂珍 编著 高等教育出版社 2005

6 Reference books 1.Cruttenden, A., Gimson’s Pronunciation of English, Edward Arnold Limited & Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. 2.Gimson, A.C., An Introduction to Pronunciation of English, London: Arhold, 1970. 3. O’Connor, J. D. Better English Pronunciation, Cambridge University Press, 1967.

7 Why is pronunciation important?

8 Pronunciation makes words more powerful. With pitch With intonation With stress

9 Pronunciation makes words meaningful. Sink – think Bath – bathe In`crease – `increase Sit – sat Become -- became

10 Pronunciation makes one confident. If you speak standard English, you would think your English is good and you have confidence in using the language in communication.

11 Pronunciation shows your nationality. Words like pass, after, white, necessarily, etc. are uttered differently in American English and British English.

12 Pronunciation shows your identity. From the south, or north, particular place Upper class or lower class

13 Pronunciation makes your language more vivid/colorful. Onomatopoeia / echoic words: murmur, jingle, crack, dash, mew

14 Pronunciation makes your language more humorous. With intonation With repetition

15 Pronunciation can show your attitude (appreciative or pejorative) Sharpness Mildness Pitch intonation

16 A house cannot stand without a base, nor can it without bricks. It’s difficult to say exactly which is more important than the other. all of them are indispensable parts of English, which can’t be separated.

17 Elements of good English pronunciation to pronounce correctly the individual speech sounds of English to pronounce correctly the speech sounds in their combinations in isolated words as well as in sentences to speak fluently with correct rhythm, including the correct placement of stresses and pauses and the transition of sounds according to the context to speak with appropriate intonation according to the context

18 Organs of speech. 1. 上唇 Upper lip 2. 下唇 Lower lip 3. 上齿 Upper teeth 4. 下齿 Lower teeth 5. 上齿龈 Upper teeth ridge 6. 硬腭 Hard palate 7. 软腭 Soft palate 8. 小舌 the uvula 9. 舌端 The tip of the tongue 10. 舌前 The front of the tongue 11. 舌后 The back of the tongue 12. 喉头 throat 13. 声带 the vocal cords 14. 器官 organs 15. 咽头 the pharynx 16. 口腔 the mouth cavity 17. 鼻腔 the nasal cavity

19 Syllable & Stressed Syllable What is a syllable? A word part and the basic unit of English rhythm What is a stressed syllable? ba NAAAA na Syllable 1 Syllable 2 Syllable 3 (short) (long) (short)

20 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables Stressed syllables are strong syllables. Unstressed syllables are weak syllables. Stressed syllables: –are long –have a pitch change –have full vowel sounds. Unstressed syllables: –are short –often have a reduced vowel sound.

21 Underline the primary stress of each word. 1. blueprint 2. driveway 3. motorboat 4. textbook 5. beefsteak 6. notebook 7. greenhouse 8. forestfire 9. Football 10.paperback

22 Listen and underline the stressed syllable of each of the words. Words Number of syllables 1. receive( ) 2. dictionary( ) 3.understanding( ) 4.because( ) 5.considered( ) 6.mispronounced( ) 7.correct( ) 8.important( )

23 Decide how many syllables there are in each sentence. Example: They worked all night ( 4 ) 1. They were in the living room.() 2. Did you need a map?() 3. The library's open from Monday to Friday.() 4. They walked very fast.() 5. All the students worked hard.() 6. He's going to start a new business.() 7. Gorge came first in the competition.() 8. Did you see our watches?() 9. Don't tell me that he's asleep.() 10.They'd rented it before we got there.()

24 Listen and repeat 1. HOSpital 2. HANdicap 3. iMAgine 4. CHAllenge 5. exHAUSted 6. comMITment 7. MAnager 8. eMOtional 9. NEWSpaper 10. COMpanies

25 Listen for the stress pattern 1 potatoes____________ 2 bananas____________ 3 computer____________ 4 oranges____________ 5 monitor____________ 6 customer____________ 7 understand____________ 8 remember____________ 9 another____________ 10 devotion____________

26 Listen to the dialogue and imitate the pronunciation and intonation in the sentences Listen to the dialogue and imitate the pronunciation and intonation in the sentences G:Hi, Li Ping. L:Hi, Gloria. Welcome back to Guangzhou. How was everything back home? G:Just fine. My parents are fine and my sister had her wedding last week. L:Oh, how nice. Are your parents coming to see you again soon? G:Well, they don ’ t have any plan yet, but I do hope they ’ ll be able to come. L:Good. Well, I ’ m afraid class will begin soon. I ’ ll have to go now. G:Mm, I ’ m in a hurry too. L:Good to see you. Bye. G:Bye. See you later.

27 The End

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