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STAAR Review RC3-V. Reminder…B is different based on which type of prism you have. What shape makes big B on this geometric solid?

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Presentation on theme: "STAAR Review RC3-V. Reminder…B is different based on which type of prism you have. What shape makes big B on this geometric solid?"— Presentation transcript:

1 STAAR Review RC3-V

2 Reminder…B is different based on which type of prism you have. What shape makes big B on this geometric solid?

3 What is the formula for circumference of a circle? Do we even have all the measurements we need to find it??


5 Which formula do you use? What makes up the B in the formula?

6 Always start with the BIG PICTURE.

7 Do you see 2 shapes? Or 3?


9 Which theorem comes to mind? How do you express that 2 angles are congruent if we don’t even know what either one is?

10 1. What angle do we now know based on the given data? 2. Which theorem can help us finish this problem?

11 Decide on your formula: now how does it need to be altered?


13 Review of Concepts Volume of Pyramid vs Prism Vol. formula of vs Prism Area vs Circumference of Diameter vs Radius of Complementary vs Supplementary Angles Triangle Sum Theorem

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