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Bangladesh Carbon An initiative or Rahimafrooz to develop sustainable emission reduction projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Bangladesh Carbon An initiative or Rahimafrooz to develop sustainable emission reduction projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangladesh Carbon An initiative or Rahimafrooz to develop sustainable emission reduction projects

2 Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy (RRE) Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy (RRE), a concern of Rahimafrooz Group, has been working dedicatedly in the field of renewable energy for more than 25 years and is the pioneer and leading renewable energy company in Bangladesh. website:

3 Bangladesh Carbon With a vision to reduce Green House Gas emissions in Bangladesh, RRE has launched Bangladesh Carbon, a dedicated carbon trading unit It develops, implements and commercializes carbon projects including projects under CDM guidelines of UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol It contributes in reducing carbon emissions and providing significant socio-economic benefits to the nation. website: Bangladesh Carbon… an initiative of Rahimafrooz to develop sustainable emission reduction projects by providing carbon consultancy and development services

4 With its core knowledge and expertise, Bangladesh Carbon leads the development of Carbon projects in Bangladesh It engages with any carbon project owner on commercial basis and acts as “Project Developer” to ensure carbon benefits through a win-win agreement. Our Business Model Specialized Service Provider on success-fee basis As per CDM project development contract with the project participant, Bangladesh Carbon will act as s specialized service provider to develop the project on success-fee basis; i.e Bangladesh Carbon will bear upfront costs until CERs are ensured for that respective project. Bangladesh Carbon

5  Efficient and strong technical team having expertise in designing projects and developing project documents including PIN & PDD  Association with renowned global partners like Tricorona  Unique model of success fee based consultancy service  Connectivity to government bodies including the Department of Environment, the Designated National Authority (DNA) of Bangladesh and the National CDM Board  Access to almost all of the large conglomerates of the country  Excellent brand image and market reputation for our corporate culture, quality assurance and business ethics Our Strengths

6 Our Team Bangladesh Carbon has a strong team with expertise and experience in the field of Carbon Project Development Services. Sohel Ahmed A Physicist and a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Mr. Sohel Ahmed is the Head of Business of Bangladesh Carbon. Utpal Bhattacharjee An Electrical & Electronics Engineer and an MBA in Finance, Mr. Utpal Bhattacharjee is the Manager of the team and works as Energy & Project Finance Expert of CDM Projects Tanuja Bhattacharjee A Mechanical Engineer and a Masters in Energy, Ms. Tanuja Bhattacharjee is an Energy expert and key technical analyst of CDM Projects Shayan Shafi A Mechanical Engineer and an MBA in Finance, Mr. Shayan Shafi is the oldest member of the team and works as a technical & financial analyst of CDM projects

7 Services we offer Feasibility Study Determining the eligibility of the project to earn carbon credits and estimation of probable emission reduction in tones of CO 2 Project Design & Development Developing PIN (Project Idea Note) & PDD (Project Design Document) Project approval from DNA (Designated National Authority) Facilitating project approval from concerned authorities of Bangladesh Project validation Acquiring validation from UN approved agency called DOE (Designated Operational Entity) Project registration Facilitating in obtaining registration of the project from CDM Executive board in Geneva, Switzerland Carbon trading Transaction of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) units in Global Carbon market

8 Potential CDM Sectors  Power generation, transmission & distribution  Textile & RMG  Cement and Fertilizer  Steel mills  Sugar mills  Chemical Industries  Process Industries  Gas Transmission and Distributions  Real Estate  Agriculture  ETPs, Landfills, Industrial, agricultural and poultry waste  Forestry

9 Categories of potential projects  Industrial/Household Energy Efficiency improvement  Waste Heat Recovery from boilers, Generators and other heat application devices  Combined Heat and Power Generation ( Co-generation) to gain higher efficiency over conventional power plant  Installation of Renewable Energy Technologies (RET) to generate heat and power from Solar, Biomass, wind, hydro  Waste management and treatment  Aforestation/Reforestation  Conversion of state owned old single cycle gas guzzler power stations to combined cycle power generating unit.

10 Project Portfolio: APBML In Akij Particle Board Mills Ltd. (APBML), a large amount of steam and hot oil is required for production processes An initiative is taken to generate steam and heating up oil from production waste (wood chips & dust) using a 16 MW th Energy generation facility This replaces a significant amount of fossil fuel requirement for heat generation and eventually reduces carbon emission

11 APBML Project at a glance  Type:Waste Bio-mass to energy generation plant in Akij particle board manufacturing unit  Location:Toraghat, Manikganj, Bangladesh  Requirement:Large amount of heat energy in the form of steam and hot oil for production process  Initiative:16 MW th Energy generation facility installed to supply steam and hot oil from production dust and waste biomass collected from the project vicinity  Result:Clean heat generation from Renewable Bio-mass & carbon emission reduction instead of burning diesel

12 Benefits from APBML Project  Saving fossil fuel: Saving roughly around 16,000 ton of Diesel annually over 10 years crediting period  Waste handling: Utilizing about 18,000 ton of waste biomass generated at Factory through controlled combustion, which otherwise would’ve liberated methane to atmosphere  Reducing carbon emission: CO2 reduction estimated about 40,000 ton per year from the project activity  Environmental benefit: In absence of the project, bio-mass waste stock-pilled in the facility area with subsequent disposal in uncontrolled land-filling near the bank of river Tora Reduced dust emission from production process Hazard free work environment for employees as well as surrounding inhabitants

13 Project Portfolio: BPML Bashundhara Paper Mills Ltd. Bashundhara Paper Mills (BPML) plans to implement Co-generation units which will recover the heat from the generator exhaust and reduce fuel consumption for the process heat application. We plan to fit this in a bundled CDM project activity. We’ve identified the bundling components, a snapshot of which is depicted below. BUNDLE SCENARIO TPHBEPECER BPML-16.4099599968963 BPML-35.0077817787002 AFBL4.3066916696022 Z&Z5.0785668577709 Meghna15.0025342253422808 TOTAL35.7758339583452505

14 Project Portfolio: Noman Group Noman Group of Industries Noman Group is one of the largest textile manufacturing group in Bangladesh. Noman group of industries has installed 20 cogeneration units in their different spinning, weaving and knitting mills. Some more projects of similar nature are going to be installed within next 2 years. These co-gen units generate both heat and power for the industrial operation and increase the overall energy efficiency of the mills. Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. (AFBL) In AFBL, CO 2 is used as a raw material. AFBL plans to install a CO 2 generating plant, which will capture CO 2 from the exhaust flue gas of the captive generator and to be used as raw material in the production process of carbonated beverages. In absence of this system, the CO 2 would have been liberated to the atmosphere in the form of exhaust flue gas.

15 Contact Address 260/B, Tejgaon I/A, 5th Floor, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh Tel: +8802-8878525-7 E-mail addresses: Website:

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