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AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Driver Law Enforcement – Fraud Portfolio Initiatives Vehicle August 6, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Driver Law Enforcement – Fraud Portfolio Initiatives Vehicle August 6, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Driver Law Enforcement – Fraud Portfolio Initiatives Vehicle August 6, 2014

2 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Driver Standing Committee Projects Kevin Lewis Director, Driver Programs August 6, 2014

3 AAMVA Official Use Only Committee Mission & Goals Mission The Driver Standing Committee works across all disciplines to assist member jurisdictions and the other Standing Committees by improving and promoting safety, security and service within driver programs through education, leadership, communication and the development of uniform practices.

4 AAMVA Official Use Only Committee Mission & Goals Goals Develop and implement uniform practices and standards that assist jurisdictions with the implementation of driver programs. Identify opportunities to develop and implement education and training programs that help our member jurisdictions professional development efforts. Communicate clearly and concisely committee activities to the jurisdictional members, associate members and other stakeholders. Provide leadership that facilitates, promotes and communicates driver program best practices and products.

5 AAMVA Official Use Only Committee Mission & Goals Goals (cont) Encourage and maintain participation by jurisdictions and form partnerships for the exchange of ideas and information on driver issues. Consider all disciplines in committee activities and ensure active participation in projects by the appropriate disciplines. Advocate for programs that create fair, uniform and effective treatment of the driving public across jurisdictional lines.

6 AAMVA Official Use Only Driver Committee Members Chair & Region IV Driver Representative Steve Monson, Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles Vice-Chair & Region III Driver Representative Glenn Jackson, North Dakota Department of Transportation Committee Members Eric Alsvan, Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles, Region I Driver Representative Christine Nizer, Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, Region I Driver Representative Millicent Ford, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Region II Driver Representative Michael Hogan, Tennessee Department of Safety, Region II Driver Representative Mary Ford, Iowa Department of Transportation, Region III Driver Representative Janelle Goulet, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, Region IV Driver Representative Sean Adgerson, Maryland Motor vehicle Administration, Fraud Representative Scott Vien, Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles, ID Management Representative Rick Khanna, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, IT Representative Fred Williams Jr, Kentucky State Police, Law Enforcement Representative Ellen Marie Hess, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, LS Representative David Glasser, D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles, MCS Representative David Patrick Fierro, Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, PACE Representative Mitchell Warren, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Vehicle Representative Board Advisor to Driver Committee Robert Ide, Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles Robert Mikell, Georgia Department of Driver Services AAMVA Staff Liaison to the Driver Committee Kevin Lewis, Director, Driver Programs

7 AAMVA Official Use Only NHTSA Tasks & Working Groups Within the Driver Committee Motorcycle Operators Manual (MOM) NDR Working Group DLA Support International Driver Examiner Certification (IDEC) Non-commercial Model Driver Testing System (NMDTS) Increasing Compliance with Driver Restrictions, Suspensions & Revocations Working Group

8 AAMVA Official Use Only FMCSA Tasks & Working Groups Within the Driver Committee CDL Train-the-Trainer CDL Coordinator/IT Meetings Auditing CDL Skills Test Examiners & Creation of Road Test Training Video MAP-21 Working Group Support Online CCE/CDL Examiner Training Course

9 AAMVA Official Use Only NDR Working Group Purpose – Assist the NDR in working with the States and AAMVA in identifying and analyzing existing issues and problems affecting the effectiveness of the NDR PDPS business operations in relation to the participating jurisdictions. Analysis of business operations included, but was not limited to: –revision of the AAMVAnet Code Dictionary (ACD) codes –reporting requirements for the States –technological upgrade requirements for federal users –issues regarding outdated pointers –responsibilities for maintenance for each jurisdiction’s database segment

10 AAMVA Official Use Only NDR Working Group 3 Working Group meetings held Working Group created jurisdictional resource materials, finalized the list of suggested best practices and improvements to the NDR procedures and created a list of the acceptable ACD codes to be sent to the NDR Draft Final Report now under review by NHTSA Once Final Report is approved by NHTSA, AAMVA will release the Final Report and all supporting documentation to the jurisdictions and will support NHTSA in their creation of new NDR/PDPS regulations

11 AAMVA Official Use Only Driver License Agreement (DLA) Purpose – Support jurisdictional efforts to implement and become members of the DLA. This effort also involves support for the Legal Services Working Group to perform up to 4 DLA review meetings per year for those jurisdictions working towards adoption of the DLA. Additional objectives are to support the transition of administration of the DLA from the current Board to a new Board as determined by the DLA as well as facilitating the implementation of a national one driver, one license and one driver control record system.

12 AAMVA Official Use Only Driver License Agreement (DLA) DLA adoption has halted due to economic and REAL ID concerns NHTSA has extended the task until 9/30/14 to allow for jurisdictional legal sufficiency reviews to be held DLA Forum held June 17-18, 2014. This brought the Chief Administrators from the U.S. jurisdictions together for a reintroduction of the DLA and for a decision to be made on going forward with DLA adoption or stopping future adoption efforts Future NHTSA DLA funding is in jeopardy if jurisdictions do not begin DLA adoption

13 AAMVA Official Use Only Non-commercial Model Driver Testing System (NMDTS) Purpose – Conduct a pilot test of the previously developed Noncommercial Model Driver Testing System (NMDTS) Driver’s Manual and knowledge test item pool questions. The pilot test will : –Determine the effectiveness of the Driver’s Manual by entry level drivers and the results used to further refine the driver manual –Administer a knowledge test based upon the NMDTS Knowledge Test Item Pool Test Questions to the entry level drivers. The results of the knowledge test will assist AAMVA in determining test question validity, reliability, knowledge domains, and test question level of difficulty.

14 AAMVA Official Use Only Non-commercial Model Driver Testing System (NMDTS) Examiners manual and skills tests have been field tested Skills tests are in use in Maryland and South Carolina We have not been able to identify a jurisdiction to field test the Driver Manual and knowledge test questions. As a work-around, AAMVA will update the Driver Manual and Item Pool as necessary and release the NMDTS to the jurisdictions in late 2014.

15 AAMVA Official Use Only CDL Train-the-Trainer Purpose –Conduct 1 CDL Train-the-Trainer class and two 2-day 2005 CDL Test System Examiner Update classes in 2012, 2013 & 2014 –The CDL Train-the-Trainer is a 40-hour course developed to train and certify at least one Examiner from each jurisdiction in CDL test administration. These trainers are responsible for training others to teach State Examiners to administer the CDL tests; or to teach State Examiners to administer the CDL tests –The 2005 CDL Test System Examiner Update is a 2-day class designed to teach experienced Examiners how to conduct the 2005 CDL Test System tests – All Trainer and Examiner update training is based on the International Commercial Driver Examiner Certification Program, Certified Commercial Examiner (CCE) course curriculum. The CCE curriculum was created and updated by AAMVA to support the 2005 CDL Test System developed by AAMVA in cooperation with FMCSA

16 AAMVA Official Use Only CDL Train-the-Trainer CDL Train-the-Trainer classes –1 st class held the week of April 23 rd, 2012 –2 nd class held the week of April 22, 2013 –3 rd class held the week of April 7, 2014 –4 th class being scheduled for May 2015 2005 CDL Test System Examiner Update –1 st set of update classes held the week of October 22, 2012 –2 nd set of classes held October 29 – 30 and October 31 – November 1, 2013 –3 rd set of classes held October 28 - 29 and October 30 – 31, 2014 –4 th class being scheduled for November 2015

17 AAMVA Official Use Only Online CCE/CDL Examiner Training Course Purpose - Develop a comprehensive integrated training system as required by the CDL Permit & Testing Final Rule as well as develop a self-paced on-line training course for State and Third Party CDL Test Examiners. The training system consists of both online and hands-on lab based courses. –The on-line course will be used by the jurisdictions to satisfy the classroom portion of the required training –State and Third Party Skills Test Examiners must successfully complete the lab activities portions of the training in a hands-on training environment, demonstrate successful administration of at least one Skills Test and pass the final certification examination –State Knowledge Test Examiners must successfully complete the online training and pass the final certification examination.

18 AAMVA Official Use Only Online CCE/CDL Examiner Training Course Identified and created working group comprised of members of the International Driver Examiner Certification Executive Board (IDEC), Test Maintenance Subcommittee (TMS), and AAMVA staff Updated the CCE Instructors Guide & materials based upon changes resulting from the Commercial Learner’s Permit and Testing Standards final rule Completed survey to determine what (if any) type of LMS/web based training systems jurisdictions are using Currently working with the Commercial Skills Test Information Management System (CSTIMS) Project Manager to develop business requirements to have the Online Training Program pass training & certification data to CSTIMS

19 AAMVA Official Use Only Driver Program Contacts Kevin Lewis, Director, Driver Programs – –703-908-2823 Denise Hanchulak, Director, Certification and Standards – –703-908-5767 Karen Morton, Director, Driver Licensing – –703-908-8268

20 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Law Enforcement Standing Committee Projects Brian Ursino Director of Law Enforcement August 6, 2014

21 AAMVA Official Use Only Committee Mission & Goals Law Enforcement Standing Committee Mission ~ To inspire collaboration between Law Enforcement and Driver/Motor Vehicle Administrators to improve highway and public safety. Goals ~ Increase law enforcement participation in AAMVA conferences, working groups, and other initiatives. Provide and promote uniformity and consistency through the development of standards, model programs and best practices. Promote the exchange of challenges and successes implementation of technologies, sharing of information, and other contemporary law enforcement issues.

22 AAMVA Official Use Only Law Enforcement Standing Committee Members Board Advisors: Colonel Ron Replogle, Missouri State Highway Patrol & Lt. Colonel Jack Miniard, Kentucky State Police Chair: Vacant Acting Vice-Chair: Chris Grotton (Maine), Region I Law Enforcement Representative Members: Julie Baker (Florida), Vehicle Discipline Representative *Cora Gentry (Arkansas), Legal Services Representative Pam Goheen (Virginia), PACE Discipline Representative Darrin Grondel (Washington), Region IV Law Enforcement Representative Chris Grotton (Maine), Region I Law Enforcement Representative Lowell Harvey (Manitoba), ID Management Discipline Representative *Malik Henderson (Missouri), Region III Law Enforcement Representative Debra Hill (California), Motor Carrier Services Discipline Representative Joanne Keeping (Manitoba), Royal Canadian Mounted Police Representative *Timothy Mercer (Pennsylvania), Region I Law Enforcement Representative Ramona Prieto (California), Region IV Law Enforcement Representative Robert Sawyer (North Carolina), Region II Law Enforcement Representative Kim Snook (Iowa), Driver Discipline Representative *George Theobald (Georgia), IT Discipline Representative Vacant – Fraud Discipline Representative Vacant – Region II Law Enforcement Representative Vacant – Region III Law Enforcement Representative *Term expiring this month AAMVA Staff Liaison: Brian Ursino, Director of Law Enforcement

23 AAMVA Official Use Only License Plate Standard Task Force (in partnership with Vehicle Standing Committee) NMVTIS Law Enforcement Working Group Facial Recognition Working Group Ignition Interlock Working Group Law Enforcement Standing Committee Activities

24 AAMVA Official Use Only License Plate Standard Task Force Purpose: License plates serve one common purpose; to identify motor vehicles. The development of a license plate standard will provide maximum public and traffic safety benefit to our citizens. Process: The Task Force is combining information from the current AAMVA License Plate Policy; Design recommendations from the Best Practices Guide for Improving ALPR Effectiveness through Uniform License Plate Design and Manufacture; and other available resources. Progress: There have been three conference calls with draft editing occurring between each meeting. The Standard is currently in final draft and will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for review prior to September 2014.

25 AAMVA Official Use Only NMVTIS LE Working Group The purpose of the NMVTIS Law Enforcement Working Group is to identify business requirements to improve law enforcement effectiveness in using NMVTIS to investigate vehicle-related crimes. Recent Activities The Working Group met at AAMVA HQ on February 5 – 6, 2014. The Working Group developed action plans to address the four highest priorities of the Working Group: – Expand NMVTIS Awareness & Usage among Law Enforcement; – Determine How to Handle Cloned/Recovered Stolen Vehicles in NMVTIS following Investigations; – Address Stolen Vehicles taken to Crushers/Shredders for Destruction; – How to Collect and Share Best Practices for Using NMVTIS in Investigations.

26 AAMVA Official Use Only Facial Recognition Working Group The purpose of the Facial Recognition Working Group is to review the methods utilized by driver license and motor vehicle agencies (MVA) to capture, review, and share facial images; and when appropriate, investigate potential matches and pursue prosecution when fraudulent activity is discovered. Or when an MVA does not have an investigative arm, establish a protocol with the applicable law enforcement agency to conduct such investigations. The Working Group will develop a best practices document related to the capture and utilization of images. Two meetings were held during FY 2014; Third Meeting scheduled for October 8 – 9, 2014; Document publication is anticipated prior to October 2015.

27 AAMVA Official Use Only Ignition Interlock Working Group The purpose of the Ignition Interlock Working Group is to develop a Best Practices Guide that: – Will assist state agencies having ignition interlock administration responsibilities to improve their current program; – For those states without a program, provide a blueprint for implementing a model program based on best practice tenets; – Recommends a model for state reciprocity practices, which may include the creation of a national ignition interlock database, so individuals having ignition interlock requirements cannot circumvent those requirements by moving from one state to another; and – Model legislation states may need passed to create a model program. The Second Meeting is scheduled for September, 2014; Publication is anticipated prior to October 2015.

28 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Fraud Detection & Remediation Patrice Aasmo Director, Member Support, Regions I & II August 6, 2014

29 AAMVA Official Use Only FDR Update Annual Update released January 1, 2014 NEW Updated courseware interface NEW Mexican Passport content NEW Canadian Passport content NEW Consular and Diplomatic Credential content UPDATED indexed, searchable, and comprehensive job aid Critical Document Updates 2014 Update Only Module for refresher training

30 AAMVA Official Use Only FDR Current/near-term Release of 2014 Annual FDR Survey Compilation of survey results for 2014 FDR Annual Report New content development NMVTIS as Investigation Tool FDR Toolbox – “How To’s” GDR Fraud Alert Site Fraud Contact List Document Updates Department of State Social Security Administration UCIS ADIT Stamp External Fraud (dependent on Working Group)

31 AAMVA Official Use Only FDR Upcoming Activities Meeting with FDR Maintenance Committee and Federal Partners scheduled for September 17, 2014 Ongoing research on FDR eligibility for Continuing Professional Education Credits FDRMC approval of updated curriculum (Fall 2014) Updated courseware release January 1, 2015

32 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update External Fraud Working Group Sheila Prior Director, Member Support, Regions III & IV August 6, 2014

33 AAMVA Official Use Only External Fraud Working Group The purpose of the External Fraud Working Group is to review the methods utilized by driver license and motor vehicle agency customers, partners, and service providers to perpetrate fraud; and develop best practices to deter and detect fraudulent activities.

34 AAMVA Official Use Only External Fraud Working Group formed in 2012 Fourth and final meeting took place in June 2014 Internal and External Fraud Best Practices will be combined into a single document Final document scheduled for release by December 2014 – Why people commit fraud – Things to look for – Detailed checklist for operations and technical solutions External Fraud Working Group

35 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Vehicle Standing Committee Projects Cathie Curtis Director, Vehicle Programs August 6, 2014

36 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee Mission: To identify, develop, and champion vehicle safety and consumer protection initiatives, and promote reasonable and uniform best practices and laws throughout member jurisdictions. Goals: Promote synergy among all disciplines Enhance vehicle safety Enhance customer service and improve efficiencies through the use of best practices and emerging technologies Reduce fraud Improve communication Recommend, develop, and promote training Promote uniformity

37 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee Chair: Scott Clapper, Delaware Vice Chair: Lisa Chism, Mississippi Board Advisors: Jackie L. Bemboom, Missouri Richard D. Holcomb, Virginia Committee Members: William Childress, Virginia Philip Dacey, Maryland Terri L Carter, Nevada Amy C. Smith, Idaho Jeff Hudebine, Ontario Colonel David Brierton, Florida Committee Members: Judy Johnson, Florida Jamie Bryan, Ohio Major Paul J. Steier, Iowa Tammi Popp, Pennsylvania Linda Sitz, North Dakota Thomas A. McCormick, Vermont Stephen Tomassini, Pennsylvania AAMVA Staff Cathie Curtis, Lead staff liaison Casey Garber, staff liaison

38 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee Working Groups Working Groups Unconventional Vehicles Three-Wheel Vehicles NMVTIS Business Rules Working Group E-Odometer Task Force (E-Title Working Group) Autonomous Vehicle Information Sharing Group

39 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee Unconventional Vehicles Working Group Deliverable #1: Titling and Registration of New Motorcycles Completed 2007 - Posted on AAMVA website Deliverable #2: Titling and Registration of Mini-Trucks Completed 2011 - Posted on AAMVA website Deliverable #3: Title and Registration of Rebuilt and Specially Constructed Vehicles Completed 2012 - Posted on AAMVA website Deliverable #4: Title and Registration of Reconstructed and Replica Vehicles Completed December 2013 Posted on AAMVA website

40 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee Three Wheel Vehicle Working Group Created in 2010 to develop strategies and best practices to assist member jurisdictions in dealing with three wheel vehicles, existing and emerging, in a uniform and consistent manner. Deliverable: Best Practices for the Regulation of Three Wheel Vehicles Completed October 2013 Posted on AAMVA website

41 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee NMVTIS Business Rules Working Group Established July 2012 to identify and address business issues relating to NMVTIS on an on- going, as needed basis. Several Best Practices identified Publish a Best Practices guide March 2014 It is anticipated that additional issues will be referred to the working group in the future. This guide will be updated on an on-going basis.

42 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee E-Titling Working Group E-Title Proof of Concept Task Force E-Odometer Task Force  2010 and E-Title Working Group was established to develop a plan figuring out how to establish an electric title program.  2011 decided to create an E-Title Task Force to develop an E-Title Proof- of-Concept. The Task Force includes the E-Title Working Group and several other stakeholders including manufacturers, dealers, lien holders, auctions, fleet owners, insurance industry, NICB and federal partners from DOT and DOJ.

43 AAMVA Official Use Only Vehicle Standing Committee E-Title Task Force  In May 2012 the Task Force developed a Proof of Concept that demonstrates the viability of an electronic titling process.  Fall 2013 Completed Proof of Concept. Identified several challenges that need to be addressed before titles could be truly processed electronically.  States must petition NHTSA for a waiver to allow for electronic odometer disclosure.  Focus moved to developing an e-odometer solution.

44 AAMVA Official Use Only  NHTSA is required to adopt rules to allow for electronic odometer disclosure.  Task Force is developing a report that outlines the requirements states would like to see in the NHTSA e-odometer regulations.  Draft report available in June. Task Force welcomes review and comments by stakeholders. E-Odometer Task Force Vehicle Standing Committee

45 AAMVA Official Use Only Autonomous Vehicle Information Sharing Group Vehicles will be available in the future Assist jurisdictions in understanding and preparing for these vehicles Developed an Information Library on AAMVA 'S website Form a smaller working group to develop best practices and model legislation Vehicle Standing Committee

46 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Standing Committees Update Identity Management Geoff Slagle Director, ID Management August 6, 2014

47 AAMVA Official Use Only Identity Management Tools Card Design Standards Committee – DL/ID Standard – driven by ISO JTC1/SC17/WG10 – Conformity Assessment Services Trusted Identities (Electronic Identities) Working Group – National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace – Implementation of a State/Provincial Identity Credentialing and Access Management approach Identity Proofing and Verification – ANSI standard with aim towards International work at ISO – Role of biometrics through ANSI (M1), ISO (SC37), FISWG – Verification applications with the most discussed being DL data verification (DLDV)

48 AAMVA Official Use Only AAMVA Subject Matter Expert Contacts Patrice Aasmo, Director, Member Support, R I & II Cathie Curtis, Director of Vehicle Programs Geoff Slagle, Director, Identity Management Kevin Lewis, Director of Driver Programs Sheila Prior, Director, Member Support, R III & IV Brian Ursino, Director of Law Enforcement

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