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Adoption of Pacification: In the context of Brazil Jazmin Brunson.

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1 Adoption of Pacification: In the context of Brazil Jazmin Brunson

2 Source:

3 Thought Process on my “Question”. Why should pacification be the means of security in marginalized groups. Given as an example as a glocal concern in Brazil? Can pacification be a long term solution to better aid the civil society?

4 Definitions What is a favela? – According to Merriam-Webster, a settlement of jerry-built shacks lying on the outskirts of a Brazilian city or as the global community refers to is as a slum. What is pacification? – According to Merriam-Webster, the act of forcibly suppressing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile What is the goal of pacification? – The Pacification units’ mission is to maintain control of Favela territory once the local drug trade has been expelled. – The Pacification Police are meant to be a “community police” force, meaning that after the favela is “pacified” and after a UPP center is installed in the neighborhood, the officers are meant to cooperate with the community in order to make police work more efficient, and to act, in a sense, as agents of social development.

5 Why the adoption of Pacification Short Term or Long Term Implications ?

6 Infrastructure for the Olympics Games Source:

7 Identification Who is affected in the context of this situation and How? – The state – The UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) – The people living within the favela The Innocent The Drug Dealers

8 The State Versus The people The State and Policies The People in the favelas

9 Glocal Concerns -Transnational security Drugs The number of seizure cases involving Brazil as a transit country increased tenfold in the past four years, from 25 tons in 2005 to 260 tons in 2009. Only 15 percent of South America’s cocaine destined for the U.S. and Europe travels through Brazil. Human trafficking Brazil is also a destination country for victims of human trafficking, and there is internal trafficking of Brazilians for exploitation within the country’s borders as well. Arms A recent arms trafficking report noting that Brazil’s border control is “far from satisfactory” has prodded the government to pursue new initiatives such as doubling troops along the entire Brazilian border Corruption Very Transparent to all

10 Outcome of Pacification Social Programs Security Housing and Health Care Jobs Education Negatives of Pacification Displacement of people Opportunities for the states Implications of pacification long term? Cooperative Corruption

11 Media Response Social Media Blogging YouTube Protest Official Interviews Testimonies ge&v=mzF9C6EvLgw

12 Online Community Responses

13 Recommendations How can the state address the officer attitudes? What programs can the state provide to create a inclusive Brazil? Why the resistance from the people? Can pacification actually be a long term program?

14 Sources Alzir das Chaves, Roberto, Antonio Roberto Cesario De Sa, and Paula Sotero. "A New Approach to Citizen Security in Brazil: Rio's Pacifying Police Units." A New Approach to Citizen Security in Brazil: Rio's Pacifying Police Units. District of Columbia, Washington. 16 Mar 2011. Address. Baena, Victoria. "Favelas in the Spotlight: Transforming the Slums of Rio De Janeiro.” Harvard International Review 33.1 (2011): 34-7. ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2013 BRAZIL: Anti-Crime Measures Aim to Boost Rio Tourism. Oxford: Oxford Analytical Ltd, 2011. ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2013 Brazil Economy: June Event is a Dress Rehearsal for the 2014 World Cup. New York: The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013. ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. Cano, Ignacio, perf. Militias in Rio de Janeiro. Professor Ignacio Cano, 2011. Web. 08 Oct 2013. De Sainte Croix, Sarah. "The Occupation of Rociunha and Vidigal." Rio Times [Rio de Janeiro] 15 Nov 2011, Weekly CCXXXIX. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. Oct 2013.

15 Sources De Sainte Croix, Sarah. "The Occupation of Rociunha and Vidigal." Rio Times [Rio de Janeiro] 15 Nov 2011, Weekly CCXXXIX. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. of-rio-rocinha-vidigal/# of-rio-rocinha-vidigal/# Dos Santos, Mariana. Of Shacks, Houses and Fortresses: An Ethnography of Favela Consolidation in Rio de Janeiro. Diss. The University of Chicago, 2007. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2007. Print. Gara, Marcela, prod. Unlocking Pacification: Human Security in Rio. Prod. Thornton, William. 2013. Film. 12 Jun 2013. Garmany, Jeff. Governance without government: Explaining order in a Brazilian Favela. Diss. The University of Arizona, 2011. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2011. Print. Solis, Alma. "Panama adopts police pacification experience of Brazil." [Panama City] 26 Sept 2013, Weekly Law Enforcement. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. ature-02. ature-02 Vargas, Laura. "RIO DE JANEIRO: A LOCAL RESPONSE TO A GLOBAL CHALLENGE.” Journal of International Affairs 66.1 (2012): 177-82. ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. De Sainte Croix, Sarah. "The Occupation of Rociunha and Vidigal." Rio Times [Rio de Janeiro] 15 Nov 2011, Weekly CCXXXIX. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. of-rio-rocinha-vidigal/# of-rio-rocinha-vidigal/# Dos Santos, Mariana. Of Shacks, Houses and Fortresses: An Ethnography of Favela Consolidation in Rio de Janeiro. Diss. The University of Chicago, 2007. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2007. Print. Gara, Marcela, prod. Unlocking Pacification: Human Security in Rio. Prod. Thornton, William. 2013. Film. 12 Jun 2013. Garmany, Jeff. Governance without government: Explaining order in a Brazilian Favela. Diss. The University of Arizona, 2011. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2011. Print. Solis, Alma. "Panama adopts police pacification experience of Brazil." [Panama City] 26 Sept 2013, Weekly Law Enforcement. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. ature-02. ature-02 Vargas, Laura. "RIO DE JANEIRO: A LOCAL RESPONSE TO A GLOBAL CHALLENGE.” Journal of International Affairs 66.1 (2012): 177-82. ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2013.

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