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Presentation on theme: "Chapters 6-9 Vocabulary WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS BY WILSON RAWLS."— Presentation transcript:


2  Part of Speech: adjective  Definition: stubbornly persistent  Sentence from the Novel: “With my three little traps and a bulldogged determination, I set out to trap Mister Ringtail.” – Chapter 7 BULLDOGGED

3  Part of Speech: noun  Definition: the state of being desperate (having an urgent need, desire, etc.)  Sentence from the Novel: “In desperation I went to my grandfather. He smiled as he listened to my tale of woe.” – Chapter 7 DESPERATION

4  Part of Speech: noun  Definition: the territory governed by a single ruler or government; realm  Sentence from the Novel: “While prowling the woods, I had seen the big tree many times. I had always stopped and admired it. Like a king in his own domain, it towered far above the smaller trees.” – Chapter 8 DOMAIN

5  Part of Speech: noun  Definition: infinite time; duration without beginning or end  Sentence from the Novel: “After what seemed like an eternity I saw him coming. He was carrying a brace and a bit, that was all.” – Chapter 7 ETERNITY

6  Part of Speech: verb  Definition: to make a hole in  Sentence from the Novel: “‘It’ll catch him, all right,’ he said, ‘and it won’t fail. You see a coon is a curious little animal. Anything that is bright and shiny attracts him. He will reach in and pick it up. When his paw closes on the bright object it balls up, and when he starts to pull it from the hole, the sharp ends of the nails will gouge into his paw and he’s caught.” – Chapter 7 GOUGE

7  Part of Speech: adjective  Definition: hindering  Sentence from the Novel: “The next day was a busy one for me. With the hampering help of my sisters I made the little doghouse.” – Chapter 6 HAMPERING

8  Part of Speech: verb  Definition: to vibrate or shake  Sentence: Mama was jarred by the thought of a coon attacking Billy. JARRED

9  Part of Speech: verb  Definition: to make oneself flexible (usually followed by up)  Sentence from the Novel: “As Papa had said, in a little while the warm heat had limbered me up.” – Chapter 9 LIMBERED

10  Part of Speech: noun  Definition: a liquid or semiliquid preparation for rubbing on or applying to the skin, as for sprains and bruises  Sentence from the Novel: “Before I went to bed, Mama made me take a hot bath. Then she rubbed me all over with some liniment that burned like fire and smelled like a civet cat.” – Chapter 9 LINIMENT

11  Part of Speech: adjective  Definition: playfully or shyly teasing  Sentence from the Novel: “With a mischievous little smile on his face, he said, ‘You wouldn’t think a fellow could catch a coon with this brace and bit, would you?’” – Chapter 7 MISCHIEVOUS

12  Part of Speech: noun  Definition: the quality of being persistent (continuing in spite of obstacles, discouragement, etc.)  Sentence from the Novel: “With a pup under each arm, I’d wade out into the stream and set them down in the cool water. Nine times out of ten, one pup would swim one way and the other one would go just the opposite way. I had a time with this part of their training, but my persistence had no bounds.” – Chapter 7 PERSISTENCE

13  Part of Speech: adjective  Definition: questioning  Sentence from the Novel: “With a querying look on his face, he said, ‘I’m afraid I don’t understand. I thought you always wanted to go to town.” – Chapter 6 QUERYING

14  Part of Speech: verb  Definition: to pack or fix tightly  Sentence: The coon wedged himself into the sycamore tree for protection. WEDGE

15  Part of Speech: adjective  Definition: cunning; tricky  Sentence from the Novel: “For three solid weeks I lived on the river. I tried every trick I knew. It was no use. I just couldn’t catch the wiley old coons.” – Chapter 7 WILEY

16  Part of Speech: verb  Definition: to draw back or tense the body, as from pain; flinch  Sentence: When Mama applied the liniment to his muscles, Billy winced in pain. WINCED

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