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Extensive Reading Interventions in Grades K - 3: From Research to Practice Scammacca, Vaughn, Roberts, Wanzek, & Torgesen (2007)

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Presentation on theme: "Extensive Reading Interventions in Grades K - 3: From Research to Practice Scammacca, Vaughn, Roberts, Wanzek, & Torgesen (2007)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extensive Reading Interventions in Grades K - 3: From Research to Practice Scammacca, Vaughn, Roberts, Wanzek, & Torgesen (2007)

2 RTI Goals Early Identification Targeted Interventions Ongoing Progress Monitoring Use of Increasingly Intensive Tiers Improved Confidence in Identification

3 Findings Related to Duration of Intervention All interventions were provided 4-5 times per week (generally around 30 minutes) Few differences in the magnitude of effects for participants based on length of intervention, but further information on the number of hours of intervention would extend our understanding

4 Findings Related to Instructional Group Size Most studies were delivered with one-on-one grouping format with high effects Limited information on small group instruction; positive outcomes demonstrated

5 Example 1: Santa & Hoien (2000), cont. Results: Intervention significantly higher than comparison on all posttest measures (spelling, word recognition, and passage reading) 52% of the intervention reading at or above grade level at posttest; 24% of comparison

6 Example 1: Santa & Hoien (2000) Grade 1 at-risk readers who scored in lowest 20% on screener 1:1 intervention Implemented by general ed teacher, Title I tutors, other educators 30 minutes/5 days per week/35 weeks

7 Example 1: Santa & Hoien (2000), cont. Components: Re-reading of books at progressive reading levels Word study Instruction in meta-cognitive strategies Sentence writing Guided reading of a new book at a slightly higher reading level that is re-read at the start of the next session

8 No “one right way” Findings from these studies do not identify any particular method as the “one right way” to provide early extensive interventions to students at risk for reading problems in the early grades. Note: All effective interventions in these studies shared some essential elements: – Training in PA, decoding and word study – Guided and independent reading of progressively difficult texts – Writing exercises – Engaging students in using comprehension strategies while reading

9 Elements Possibly Related to Success Group size (one-on-one, small group) Daily or near-daily frequency of intervention sessions Early identification of students in need of intervention in K or 1st grade

10 More Knowledge About Early Interventions We know considerably more about the effectiveness of early interventions than we do about interventions provided at later stages of development. – More studies addressing K and 1st grade than 2nd and 3rd grade.

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