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Paragraph 1 Mechanical: (adj) involving a machine brain: (n) the organ inside the head which thinks massive: (adj): very large or serious menacing: (adj)

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Presentation on theme: "Paragraph 1 Mechanical: (adj) involving a machine brain: (n) the organ inside the head which thinks massive: (adj): very large or serious menacing: (adj)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paragraph 1 Mechanical: (adj) involving a machine brain: (n) the organ inside the head which thinks massive: (adj): very large or serious menacing: (adj) harmful, dangerous cute: (adj) lovely cuddly: soft and designed to be cuddled cuddle: (n) hug androids: (n) a robot that looks like a real person

2 1. What are robots? 2. What is an android?

3 Paragraph 2 fixed: held firmly; not changing industry: production of goods in factories industrial: (adj) weld: (n) to join two pieces metal by heating

4 3. Mention 3 characteristics of industrial robots. 4. What do industrial robots do? (mention 6 works)

5 Paragraph 3 dust: (n) a fine powder of sand, earth, etc damp: (adj) slightly wet choking: (adj) choke: to make sb unable to breathe blow up: to explode

6 5. Why are robots good at repetitive works? 6. Mention some difficult or dangerous conditions of human work (7 cases).

7 Paragraph 4 sideways: (adv) to or towards one side gripper: (n) grip (v): to hold tightly twist: (v) turn body quickly 7. To which sides can the arm of the robot move?

8 Paragraph 5 instruction: (n) directions squeeze: press with finger crack: (v), (n) break detect: (v) to discover, notice

9 8. What controls the movement of the robot? 9. A set of instructions is called a ………… 10. What happens if the signal doesn’t come from the computer? 11. ………………..detect the pressure of the gripper. 12. What helps the robot to find the bottles? 13. How are robots controlled from distance?

10 Paragraph 6 complicated: (adj) complex details: (n) small facts or items 14. What can be used instead of programs? Why? 15. What does ‘to do this’ refer to?

11 Paragraph 7 vehicle: (n) a thing for transporting people or goods land: (v) to come down on the surface explore: (v) (1) to travel to or around an area to learn about it; (2) analyze take over: (v) to take control or responsibility

12 16. What have robot vehicles done for human? (give 2 examples)

13 Paragraph 8 strip: a long narrow piece of paper, metal, etc. bump: (v) into sb/sth: to hit by accident bumper: (n) 17. What does a robot vehicle do in a factory?

14 Paragraph 9 limb: an arm or leg

15 18. There are 3 main ways of moving robots limbs: 1. 2. 3.

16 Paragraph 10 science fiction: (n) stories based on future scientific discoveries علمی - تخيلی stimulus: (n) sth that produces reaction convert: turn into

17 19. Why are movie robots like humans? 20. How do these robots hear or speak?

18 Paragraph 11 toxic: (adj) poisonous make contact: (v) touch 21. What types of things do robots do that human cannot?

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