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 Brian Boru was born around 936, the youngest son of Cennedig, (Kennedy).  He was a prince of the Dal Cáis (Dalcassian)dynasty of Thomond.  His great.

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Presentation on theme: " Brian Boru was born around 936, the youngest son of Cennedig, (Kennedy).  He was a prince of the Dal Cáis (Dalcassian)dynasty of Thomond.  His great."— Presentation transcript:


2  Brian Boru was born around 936, the youngest son of Cennedig, (Kennedy).  He was a prince of the Dal Cáis (Dalcassian)dynasty of Thomond.  His great grandfather had been King of Munster in Cashel.  Brian lived in what we now know as County Clare.

3  The Vikings or Norsemen from Limerick constantly attacked the kingdom of Munster where Brian lived with his family.  The Norsemen came to steal women and children, to sell as slaves and they took cattle, gold and jewellery as well.  The Norsemen would kill any one who tried to fight against them and destroyed their homes and land.  When Brian was a child his mother Bébhinn, was killed by Viking raiders who attacked their home.  These Norsemen came up the Shannon from Limerick and were led by Ivar.  Brian learned to hate and detest the terrible violence of the Norsemen.

4  Brian was sent to school in the monastery of Clonmacnoise.  Brian met students from all over Europe.  There he studied history, Latin, Greek, religion and music.  By all accounts he was an excellent harp player.  Brian learned about the great leaders of history like Julius Caesar, Charlemagne and Alfred the Great.  Brian was fascinated with Ancient Irish history and the time before the Norsemen came to Ireland.

5  Brian’s older brother Mahon became the Taoiseach of the clan when their father was killed in battle by a neighbouring clan.  Mahon made a truce with the leader of the Norsemen, Ivar of Limerick, to keep the peace.  Brian turned against his brother and refused to support him.  Brian gathered a small well trained force and began to attack the Norsemen from the hills and mountains around his home in the kingdom of Thomond.  Brian and this small band of brave young warriors started fighting like the Norsemen using axes and both hands.  Brian learned how to make really fast boats like the Norsemen used and he was able to attack the Norsemen on the Shannon.

6  With Brian’s help, Mahon took the throne of Cashel in 959.  Mahon was now King of Munster.  In 968 at Sulchoit (county Tipperary) the two brothers completely overtook Ivar’s forces and defeated them.  Brian then marched on Limerick and destroyed it.  Ivar fled back to the Norse lands.  Ivar later returned and built a settlement on Scattery Island in the Shannon Estuary.  The Norse tyranny in Munster collapsed and Mahon ruled peacefully for eight years with Brian‘s help and advice.  Brian preferred to live with his family in Béal Boru in the fort built by his father.  Brian was called Brian Boru, after his home.

7  Mahon was killed by two Irish chieftains who were jealous of Mahon’s power and wanted to trade again with the Norsemen of Limerick.  Brian had a terrible battle against Mahon’s killers and became King of Munster.  Brian realised that he could not rid Ireland of the Norsemen, they were now a part of the country but he realised that if all the men of Ireland worked together it would be a better place for everyone.

8  The flag or standard of Brian Boru.  Not everyone was happy to see how powerful Brian Boru was becoming.  Some chieftains in the south east joined with the Norsemen of Waterford and the king of Leinster to form an army to defeat Brian Boru.  They were defeated by Brian and his excellent army.  Brian made each defeated chieftain pay tributes to him every year.  Brian used this wealth to rebuild forts and monasteries all over Munster.

9  The king of Dublin was a Norseman called Sitric Silkenbeard.  His mother was Gormlaith, a princess of Leinster and his father was Olaf Cuaran.  When Olaf died Gormlaith married Malachy, High King of Ireland.  Even though Gormlaith was very beautiful and clever she was not easy to live with and Malachy divorced her after a few years.  Sitric was not happy with the power of Brian Boru and joined with his uncle Maelmorda of Leinster to destroy Brian Boru.  There was a terrible battle in Glen Mama (County Wicklow). Brian was victorious.  Brian made peace with Sitric and Maelmorda. Brian’s daughter Eimear married Sitric and Brian married Gormlaith

10  In 1002 Brian led a huge army up into Tara the seat of the High King of Ireland, Malachy.  Brian did not go into battle against Malachy.  Malachy surrendered the High Kingship to Brian. It seems he was terrified by the size of Brian Boru’s army.  There were 10 peaceful years in Ireland after that as Brian brought most of Ireland under his control ruling firmly but fairly, treating all the people of Ireland equally.  However Gormlaith wanted more power and grew jealous of her husband.  Gormlaith wanted her son, Donncha to be Brian’s heir, not his oldest son Murcha.  Brian got tired of the constant rows at home and he sent Gormlaith back to her son, Sitric, in Dublin.  Meanwhile Maelmorda, Gormlaith’s brother was not happy either and began plotting against Brian with Sitric and Gormlaith.

11  In 1013 a prince of Ulster, Maelmorda of Leinster and Sitric attacked Malachy of Meath.  Brian’s army went to help Malachy.  Brian’s army chased them as far as Dublin but had to abandon the siege due to the winter.  The battle was due to resume in the spring of 1014.  In the meantime Sitric went to enlist the help of other Norsemen in Orkney, the Isle of Man and as far away as Denmark.  Sitric promised them all plenty of plunder in Ireland.  Neither Sitric nor Maelmorda would stop them from plundering or get in their way.  These Norsemen had heard of the great wealth of Brian Boru and were greedy to get their hands on it.

12  Brian had an army made up of his own loyal Munster men but he also had the support of the Norsemen from Waterford Wexford Cork and Limerick.  This was not a battle of Irish men against Norsemen but the men of Ireland fighting to stop the tyranny of outsiders taking over the country of Ireland again.  Most of the people of Ireland had enjoyed the peace and prosperity of Brian’s reign.  By now Brain Boru was in his seventies and too old to fight so he stayed in his tent and prayed for victory.  His army was led by his son Murcha and his grandson Turlough.  Brian had other sons fighting for him as well.  Thousands of Vikings landed on the coast of Dublin in Clontarf ready to defeat the Irish king Brian Boru and plunder his lands

13  The fighting was terrible but Brian’s army steadily won the battle, driving the Vikings back into the sea. Many of them were drowned in the incoming tide.  Sitric watched the battle from inside the city wall with his wife and mother.  Brian’s son Murcha and his grandson Turlough were killed in the battle.  As the Norsemen were being defeated, a Viking from The Isle of Man, Brodir, ran away and came upon an old man praying in his tent.  Brodir recognised Brain Boru and killed him.  Legend tells us that Brian Boru killed Brodir also while defending himself.  Good Friday  23 rd April 1014

14  Brian Boru was buried in Armagh.  There is a plaque on the north wall of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral that marks the grave.  Brain Boru was the last High King of Ireland.  The Norsemen settled down to live peacefully in Ireland and the raiding stopped.  The O’Brien family are descendants of Brian Boru.  1000 years after his death Brian Boru remains a great Irish hero.  There is a beautiful piece of music, made famous by The Chieftains called Brain Boru’s March.

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