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1 MPO Public Involvement Efforts During 2010 Presented to the: CMS/ITS on January 19, 2011 PAC on January 28, 2011 TAC on January 31, 2011 CAC on January.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MPO Public Involvement Efforts During 2010 Presented to the: CMS/ITS on January 19, 2011 PAC on January 28, 2011 TAC on January 31, 2011 CAC on January."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MPO Public Involvement Efforts During 2010 Presented to the: CMS/ITS on January 19, 2011 PAC on January 28, 2011 TAC on January 31, 2011 CAC on January 31, 2011 MPO Board on February 11, 2011 LCB on March 9, 2011 by MPO Staff

2 2 2010 MPO Public Involvement In the 2008 FHWA and FTA Certification Report, the MPO was informed that while making strides in their public involvement efforts, there was room for improvement. The agencies made the following recommendation: –The MPO staff begin to use the “measures of effectiveness” portion of the plan. The measures have been established, they just have not been put in to practice as it relates to documenting how effective the current public involvement efforts are. 2

3 3 2010 MPO Public Involvement In order to comply with the recommendations of FHWA and FTA, MPO staff has reviewed the existing performance measures and assembled the results in this PowerPoint. This is the third year of data collection and committee presentations. The data discussed will reference 2008 as the benchmark year, because that was when the data was first compiled and evaluated. 3

4 4 Public Involvement Tool - Attendance at Community Events In 2010 – the staff attended 16 community events In 2009 – the staff attended 15 community events In 2008 – the staff attended 16 community events Some of the 16 community events attended are as follows: –Attended Transit Development Plan (TDP) workshops and public meetings related to the TDP Major Update –Attended CTST Bike Rodeo –Attended the 18 th Annual TD Technology and Training Conference –Attended the Mobility Management Workshop –Attended the IJR Public Meeting –Attended the Vanderbilt Drive Greenway Public Meeting –Attended the CAT Route Modification Public Meeting –Attended the Collier Blvd. Interchange Public Meeting –Attended Several Model Coordination and Task Force Meetings 4

5 5 Public Involvement Tool – Hosting Informational or Committee Workshops The MPO Held: –Two 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Workshops / Public Meetings –Joint CMS/ITS and PAC Workshop related to: The CMS and Pathways Box Funds –Special TAC and CAC Meetings / Workshops related to: Approval of various aspects of the LRTP including Zonal Data and Draft LRTP Documents 5

6 6 Public Involvement Tool – Speaking Engagements, CAT and CTST Activities Environmental Agencies Property Owners Association President Meeting Immokalee CRA Hunger and Homeless Coalition of Collier County Collier County Airport Authority City of Naples Airport Authority Collier County Historical / Archaeological Preservation Board Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs Attended CAT Operations Meetings Attended six (6) CTST Meetings Attended Bicycle Rodeo at North Collier Regional Park 6

7 7 Distribution of Information GOALS The goal for Legal Advertisements is to legally advertise any meeting as required by Florida Statute. The goal for Press Releases is to have a minimum of 50 per year. 2010 In 2010, the MPO placed 25 required Legal Ads. In 2009, the MPO placed 15 required Legal Ads. In 2008, the MPO placed 14 required Legal Ads. In 2010, the MPO drafted and submitted 116 Press Releases. In 2009, the MPO drafted and submitted 88 Press Releases. In 2008, the MPO drafted and submitted 67 Press Releases. 7

8 Distribution of Information (Continued) GOALS There is no direct goal for Media Coverage – but the MPO is tracking the data and it will be reviewed for benchmarking purposes. The goal for mass mailings is to have a 2% return rate. 2010 In 2010, the MPO Board or MPO Staff were the focus of 18 newspaper articles. In 2009, the MPO Board or MPO Staff was the focus or was quoted in 25 newspaper articles and one feature on the Lee Pitts Live Show. In 2008, the MPO Board was the focus of 22 newspaper articles. The MPO conducted two mass mailings of the MPO newsletter. The MPO now considers this category to include Mass E-Mail Distributions which were conducted for most LRTP activities. The MPO is continually working to meet the goal of an under 2% return rate. 8 8

9 9 Distribution of Information (Continued) GOALS The goal for published newsletters is two per year. The goal for public review of documents is to have them available at municipal buildings and libraries. 2010 The MPO produced two Newsletter mailings in 2010. The MPO also published one project newsletter. The LRTP newsletter was 1 st published in October 2009 and was widely distributed until the 2 nd LRTP newsletter was published in the Fall of 2010. The MPO submitted 9 Projects / Reports Available for Public Review. 9

10 10 Distribution of Information (Continued) GOAL The goal is to host MPO orientations for new members and gain positive feedback afterward from the participants. The goal for web site statistics is to have a 5% increase in web site hits over the previous quarter. The goal is to use of the MPO Logo. 10 2010 MPO staff hosted 7 orientations (for 3 TAC members, a CMS/ITS member, a PAC member and 2 MPO Board members). Staff received all positive comments. In March, the MPO hosted an LCB member orientation during the committee meeting. This orientation was recorded and aired on the Collier County Government channel. The MPO met this goal for the every quarter of calendar year 2010. The total annual number of hits increased from 2008 to 2009 by over 11.3% and from 2009 to 2010 by over 0.05%. The MPO makes every attempt to place the logo on all products, publications and materials for all MPO sponsored activities.

11 Distribution of Information (Continued) New Efforts for 2010 Naples Daily News Post-It Ad ran on July 23, 2010 for the LRTP Workshop dproof/spc0002666-1.html dproof/spc0002666-1.html Evaluation Cost = $400 NDN tracked their website and indicated a.47 click through rate. NDN stated the ads usually they have a.10 click through rate. MPO website tracking indicated it was the 2 nd largest number of visits for the month Attendees at the Workshop did not indicate that they heard about the Workshop because of the survey 11

12 Distribution of Information (Continued) New Efforts for 2010 The MPO monitored the number of committee and board meeting packets distributed in 2010 The MPO monitored the number of phone inquiries received from the public The MPO conducted a survey related to the LRTP Evaluation In 2010, the MPO assembled and delivered or mailed via Fed Ex over 1,300 agenda packets. The MPO staff received over 23 phone calls from citizens requesting detailed explanations of various MPO documents or functions. The MPO conducted surveys regarding the LRTP. 12

13 13 Public Involvement Tool - MPO Website The MPO Website includes all major MPO documents, such as: –Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), –Public Participation Plan (PPP), –Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), –Uniform Planning Work Program (UPWP), –And many other reports which may be downloaded directly from the site. Agendas, executive summaries, item attachments and minutes of the MPO and its Committee’s meetings may be accessed through this site. There are many hotlinks to other projects and agencies including: –Joint Collier / Lee MPO Web page and –LRTP Web page. The MPO receives many of its public inquiries from visitors to these sites. 13

14 14 Website Statistics (Hits) 14

15 15 Website Statistics (Hits) By Quarter 15

16 Website Statistics (Hits) By Year 16

17 17 Committee Member Attendance One of the recommendations by the federal review team during certification was attendance at committee meetings. The following slides are charts for each MPO committee and the representation / attendance at each meeting. This is meant for informational purposes to demonstrate what geographical areas of the MPO are being adequately represented in committee meetings. 17

18 18 CAC Attendance 18 In 2010, the CAC held 13 meetings and attained a quorum at 77% of those meetings. In 2009, the CAC held 14 meetings and attained a quorum at 86% of those meetings. In 2008, the CAC held 10 meetings and attained a quorum at 80% of those meetings. NOTE: all vacancies are highlighted in yellow.

19 19 TAC Attendance 19 In 2010, the TAC held 14 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2009, the TAC held 14 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2008, the TAC held 10 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. The TAC attained a quorum at 100% of their meetings since attendance was tracked for these presentations.

20 20 PAC Attendance 20 In 2010, the PAC held 10 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2009, the PAC held 12 meetings and attained a quorum at 92% of those meetings. In 2008, the PAC held 11 meetings and attained a quorum at 82% of those meetings.

21 21 CMS/ITS Attendance 21 In 2010, the CMS/ITS held 6 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2009, the CMS/ITS held 5 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2008, the CMS/ITS held 6 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings.

22 22 LCB Attendance 22 In 2010, the LCB held 4 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2009, the LCB held 4 meetings and attained a quorum at 75% of those meetings. In 2008, the LCB held 4 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings.

23 23 MPO Attendance 23 In 2010, the MPO held 10 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2009, the MPO held 13 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings. In 2008, the MPO held 10 meetings and attained a quorum at 100% of those meetings.

24 24 Ideas for the Future The Public Involvement Plan (PIP) is to be reviewed and if necessary updated this year. –Staff is open to suggestions about what is working and what should be amended. Based on the LRTP, the MPO now has an extensive contacts list, it intends to use it more The MPO has selected a new Web Site host and is anticipating adding some functions to the website to increase hits –Surveys –Translation Capabilities –Video Capabilities 24

25 25 Thank you! Questions? Comments? 25

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