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Afraid of PowerPoint in 4 th grade? Have no fear!!! Mrs. Kreider is here!!! I’m here to help!

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Presentation on theme: "Afraid of PowerPoint in 4 th grade? Have no fear!!! Mrs. Kreider is here!!! I’m here to help!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Afraid of PowerPoint in 4 th grade? Have no fear!!! Mrs. Kreider is here!!! I’m here to help!

3 Table of Contents This presentation is designed to teach you how to implement the following enhancements into your PowerPoint presentation:  Insert graphics  Resize graphics  Insert a table  Insert a diagram  Insert a chart  Insert footer on slides  Apply animations to your text  Apply slide transitions  Insert hyperlinks to the Internet  Incorporate audio  Include speaker notes with presentation

4 Insert graphics CClick INSERT CHOOSE PICTURE CLIP ART TType the keyword you want to find in the SEARCH TEXT box. Click SEARCH. SScroll through the clips to find the right one for you. TTo preview clip before inserting, click on drop-down menu that appears when you mouse over the clip. Choose insert. YYour graphic will insert into the selected slide.

5 Resizing Graphics  To move: Click image and drag it to desired location.  To resize: Click image. Click on Handles that appear. Drag corner handles to maintain aspect ratio. Drag one handle to resize only in that direction.

6 Insert a table  Click INSERT TABLE  Change the number of rows and columns Click OK  Edit text in the Table to display desired information First…Then… Next…Finally… Personal Narrative

7 Insert a diagram  Click INSERT DIAGRAM  Select a diagram type Click OK  Diagram will appear  Click in shapes to add text  Click diagram to edit Fats Fruit Vegetable Dairy Meats Breads, Cereal, Rice, Pasta

8 Insert a chart  Click INSERT CHART  Edit data - chart will change as you edit  Edit Title: Right click on Chart Click CHART OBJECT Click OPEN  Microsoft Graph will open Click CHART Choose CHART OPTIONS Type CHART TITLE Click OK

9 It's so EASY!!! Insert A Footer on Slides  Click VIEW HEADER AND FOOTER  Click FOOTER  Type desired text to be displayed  Included Options to be displayed: Date and time (automatic or fixed) Slide # Footer  Click APPLY to display on selected slide Click APPLY TO ALL to display on all slides in presentation

10 Insert Headers on Handouts  If you want a header to print on your handouts, click on the Notes and Handouts tab in the VIEW menu.  The Header will display on the Notes handout page when it is printed.  You will not see the Header when you are in Slide Show format.

11 Apply animations to your text  (If needed, insert text box.) Type desired text into text box.  Highlight text and click SLIDE SHOW CUSTOM ANIMATION The custom animation task pane will open  Click ADD EFFECT

12 What are animations? the way that individual objects ENTER, EXIT, or MOVE in a slide

13 Types of Text Animation Entrance: entering text Emphasis: creates emphasis on present text Exit: leaving text Motion Paths : how text moves

14 Apply slide transitions  Click SLIDE SHOW SLIDE TRANSITION (The task pane will appear)  Choose the desired transition (this will apply to selected slides)  Click APPLY TO ALL SLIDES if you want this transition to play for your entire presentation  Change options in ADVANCE SLIDE

15 What are transitions? the entry or exit of the SLIDE, rather than of an individual object on the slide

16 What is a hyperlink? A hyperlink is a connection from one slide to another slide, a custom slide show, a Web Page, or a file on your computer.

17 Insert hyperlinks to Internet  Click INSERT HYPERLINK  Type text to display on slide  Change LINK TO: Existing File or Web Page  Type Internet address you want Hyperlink to take you to  Click OK  Change font and color as desired

18 Incorporate audio  Click INSERT MOVIES AND SOUNDS SOUND CLIP FROM CLIP ORGANIZER  Preview sounds that result from search. Click drop-down arrow Choose PREVIEW/PROPERTIES  Navigate through clips using > or < buttons to find the right sound for your slide presentation  Choose appropriate sound options

19 Customize sound options  Click YES or NO to play sound automatically when slide is displayed  Custom Animation options Choose: how long sound will play how many times the sound will repeat when the sound will start playing

20 Include speaker notes with your presentation  Start a new presentation  Click bottom section “Click to add notes”  Minimize or maximize the view of your notes page by moving your mouse to the line between your slide and notes. Drag and drop when you are satisfied with the size Why would I include speaker notes in my presentation?

21  Effective presentations don’t use a lot of words  Speaker notes remind presenter of all important notes he wants to address  Gets rid of note cards during a presentation  You can print slides with notes so you don’t ever lose your place

22 Faithe Wempen, Powerpoint 2003 Bible, 1e Effective Presentation Tips  Make your slides creative and appropriate for your audience  Don’t give too much information!!  Don’t use too many graphics!!  Give the audience handouts  Allow Question and Answer time

23 Faithe Wempen, Powerpoint 2003 Bible, 1e Effective Speaker Tips  Speak loudly and clearly  Make sure your audience can see clearly  Stay focused on your lesson  Dress appropriately  Get the audience involved and excited about your lesson

24 Any questions???

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