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R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011 Raymond Morel AGORA Panel WCC’2010 Brisbane 23rd of Sept.

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2 R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011


4 Raymond Morel AGORA Panel WCC’2010 Brisbane 23rd of Sept

5 R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011









14 R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011


16 With the UN WSIS* process, started in Geneva in 2003 and folloed in Tunis in 2005 begnn for building the Information Society a global challenge in the new millennium in conjunction with MDG of 2000 for 2015 : – Our common vision of the information society – An information society for all with key principles – Towards an information society for all based on shared knowledge * WSIS : World Summit on the Information Society of the United Nations

17 After Geneva and Tunis you had two declarations, a plan of action and 11 action lines. In addition the follow-up was imagined with an annual WSIS Forum* to show the progress of the implementation of the action lines with the help of facilitators (namely IUT, UNESCO, UNCTAD;..). Each WSIS Forum* provided an internationalplatform for all the WSIS stakeholders with a unique opportunity to collaborate on harnessing the potential of ICTs, while keeping pace with their rapid changes. * WSIS Forum : since 2006 in May the annual event setting the tone for structured and inclusive dialogues, workshops and networking opportunities to address a range of issueswithin the global information society

18 (R)Evolution et Tendances

19 R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011 2011OutcomeDocument.pdf





24 "Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development" UNESCO headquarters, Paris, 25-27 February 2013 and-follow-up/wsis-10-review-meeting/ First WSIS+10 Review Meeting Marking the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society, UNESCO, in cooperation with ITU, UNDP and UNCTAD, hosts in 2013 the first WSIS+10 Review meeting, in which world leaders, along with high-level participants from governments, the private sector, NGOs and other groups, to assess progress made and future ICT trends, which will impact all spheres of societies. It is also envisaged that the Conference will result in post-2015 recommendations.World Summit on the Information Society

25 UNESCO will host related meeting organized by all Action Line Facilitators, but will focus its own preparations on its areas of competence, which have become key for societies to benefit fully from an increasingly connected world: ICT for education Access to information and knowledge ICT for science Cultural and linguistic diversity in cyberspace Freedom of expression and media development Ethical dimensions of the information society



28 R. Morel ASO 25 novembre 2010

29 "A strong public school system is the key to social, political and economic renewal in society"

30 Info-anxiety dixit Richard Saul Wurman — Netchercheur N° 7, janvier 2005 Info-anxiety is produced by the always increasing gap between what we understand and what we think we are understanding. Info-anxiety is this black hole between data and knowledge. It happens when information does not tell us what we expect or anticipate.

31 R. Morel ASO 25 novembre 2010







38 IndicatorscriteriaandbenchmarksforinternationalcomparisonsAssessingtheeffectsofICTineducation9609111E.pdf


40 EU project MATURE


42 MATURE Flyers, Brochures & Posters MATURE Brochure (Sep 2007) MATURE Brochure MATURE Poster (Apr 2008) MATURE Poster MATURE General Flyer (October 2008) MATURE General Flyer MATURE Flyer for IAG use cases (October 2008) MATURE Flyer for IAG use cases Motivational Design for Learning Support Systems (November 2009) Motivational Design for Learning Support Systems People Tagging for Organizational Development (November 2009) People Tagging for Organizational Development Developing Collaborative Understanding (April 2010) Developing Collaborative Understanding Adaptive Business Processes: Joining process models with everyday routine (April 2010) Adaptive Business Processes: Joining process models with everyday routine Assuring Quality for Social Learning in Content Networks (April 2010) Assuring Quality for Social Learning in Content Networks Knowledge Maturing Model Poster (February 2011) Knowledge Maturing Model Poster Knowledge Maturing Tools Poster (February 2011) Knowledge Maturing Tools Poster R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011

43 R. Morel ASO 25 novembre 2010

44 FuturICT : one of the 6 flagships for the FET (Future Emerging Technologies) Project Summaries Project Summary Project Outline Project Impact Platforms Living Earth Simulator Platform Global Participatory Platform Planetary Nervous System Platform Innovation Accelerator Platform High Level Concepts

45 Observatories Energy Networks and Communication Economics Crime and Corruption Migration Health Crisis Management The new « sustainable Education »  to add  FuturICT  Graphene-CA  Guardian Angels  HBP-PS  ITFOM  CA-RoboCom


47 7+ / 2 / 6 2/3 1/3 The dark side of connectivity Social networks 1 / 9 / 90

48 Global Risks 2012: The Dark Side of Connectivity The findings of the World Economic Forum Global Risks 2012 survey offer an analysis of three major risk cases: Seeds of Dystopia; Unsafe Safeguards and the Dark Side of Connectivity. “The Dark Side of Connectivity” (pages 24 – 27 of the report) delves into Cyber Attacks and Cyber Crime and why we all need to be concerned. It offers many great reasons why Cyber Insurance will see a fairly sizeable increase in growth in 2012. Global Risks 2012 – Seventh Edition


50 From Rowan Gibson :


52 http:/ http:/ R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011

53 http:/ R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011

54 Note: * Data in this chart refer to countries that have collected data on the number of households with Internet access at home through official national surveys Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database. Progress in measuring Internet access R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011

55 Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database. Note: * Data in this chart refer to countries that have collected data on individuals using the Internet through official national surveys Progress in measuring Internet users R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011

56 ICTs in Education in Latin America and the Carribbean: Monitoring the WSIS education targets WSIS Forum 2012 14-18 May, Geneva Peter Wallet, Assistant Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Statistics

57 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Policy Issues and Partnerships Process/ History Data Collection in LAC and Monitoring the WSIS targets Way Forward

58 POLICY ISSUES AND PARTNERSHIPS: What do we mean by ICTs in education? ICTs in education refers to education models that employ ICTs to support, enhance and enable the delivery of education. Any, all or combinations of the following types of ICTs are included. RadioTVComputer Internet ICTs in Education

59 RISE OF ICTs USED IN EDUCATION: Country examples Uruguay (El Ceibal project); provides free laptops for all primary school-age pupils and primary teachers by 2009 Malaysia (Smart School Project); provides schools with latest ICTs and the required training of teachers Russia: (Russia e-learning support project); provides greater access to ICTs in education and teacher professional development; also targets rural areas Belarus (State programmes): Achieved universal connectivity by 2008 by establishing computer labs in all schools Ghana, Kenya and Uganda (E-reader project) funded by WorldReader; provides children with digital textbooks

60 WHY MEASURE ICTs IN EDUCATION? International Commitments: – WSIS (Geneva, 2003) Plan of Action – eLAC2010 (Strategy for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean ) – Education for All (EFA) goals – Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) e-schools initiative UNESCO sector demands, vision and mission Demands from analytical community Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (ICT4D)

61 PARTNERS UNESCO Communication and Information Sector UNESCO (Bangkok) Korean Education Research and Information Service (KERIS)/ Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST) (Korea) Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Inter-American Development Bank World Bank Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (ICT4D)

62 PROCESS AND HISTORY: WISE: Core indicators Adopted by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) through the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development at its 40 th session in February 2009 ED1 Proportion of schools with a radio used for educational purposes (for ISCED level 1-3) ED2 Proportion of schools with a TV used for educational purposes (for ISCED level 1-3) ED3 Proportion of schools with a telephone communication facility (for ISCED level 1-3) ED4 Learner-to-computer ratio in schools with CAI (for ISCED level 1-3) ED4. bis Learner-to-computer ratio (for ISCED level 1-3) ED5 Proportion of schools with Internet access at school, by type (for ISCED level 1-3) Fixed narrowband Internet access (using modem dial-up, ISDN) Fixed broadband Internet access (DSL, cable, other fixed broadband) Both fixed narrowband and broadband Internet access ED6 Proportion of learners who have access to the Internet at school (for ISCED level 1-3) ED7 Proportion of learners enrolled by gender at the post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary level in ICT-related fields (for ISCED level 4 and level 5- 6) ED8 Proportion of ICT-qualified teachers in primary and secondary schools (for ISCED level 1-3) EDR1 Proportion of schools with electricity (for ISCED level 1-3) --- Reference indicator

63 WISE: BEYOND THE CORE INDICATORS Development of an international questionnaire and instructional manual for ICTs in education Guide to Measuring ICTs in Education, which covers the 10 core indicators as well as an extended 43 indicators covering: – Political commitment – Infrastructure – Teaching staff and development – Curriculum – Participation skills and output – Outcomes and impact

64 CONTENT OF THE GUIDE ON ICTs IN EDUCATION  Detailed specifications: è Statistical definitions è Purpose è Data requirement è Interpretation è Methodological issues and limitations  Serves as methodological reference material and facilitates operational implementation

65 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE (2011) Why: Regional interest to monitor the eLAC2010 goals for education Partners: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Instituto de Informática Educativa, Universidad de La Frontera (Chile)  Countries: 41 countries initially included – 38 countries responded  Timeframe: – Questionnaire implementation: 2011 – Report to be published: 2012

66 LAC ICT QUESTIONNAIRE: Themes Policy and Curriculum  ICT Infrastructure in Schools Pupils’ access to/participation in programmes using ICTs  Teachers’ ICT Related Training and Use of ICT

67 Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (ICT4D) World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) As a follow up to the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), a list of ten targets were identified. Partnership has written a publication on measuring these targets, as well as providing an analytical mid- term review Statistical Framework Mid-term Review

68 Target 2: Connect all secondary and primary schools with ICTs Four indicators suggested to measure Target 2 All are existing UIS indicators, with three of them also being Partnership core indicators: – Proportion of schools with a radio used for educational purposes – Proportion of schools with a television used for educational purposes – Learners-to-computer ratio* – Proportion of schools with Internet access, by type of access *Among the Partnership core indicators, the more specific indicator Learners-to- computer ratio in schools with computer-assisted instruction is included.

69 Target 7: Adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to meet the challenges of the information society, taking into account national circumstances Four indicators suggested to measure Target 7 All are existing UIS indicators, with one of them also being a Partnership core indicator: – Proportion of ICT-qualified teachers in schools – Proportion of teachers trained to teach subjects using ICT – Proportion of schools with computer-assisted instruction – Proportion of schools with Internet-assisted instruction

70 Target 2: Connect all secondary and primary schools with ICTs  Reflects the importance of connecting schools with ICTs

71 Indicator 2.1: Proportion of schools with a radio used for educational purposes

72 Indicator 2.2: Proportion of schools with a television used for educational purposes

73 Indicator 2.3: Learners-to-computer ratio

74 Indicator 2.4: Proportion of schools with Internet access

75 Indicator 2.4: Proportion of schools with Internet access, by type of access Total Internet connections in primary education Broadband Internet connections in primary education Total Internet connections in secondary education Broadband Internet connections in secondary education Nicaragua4418 El Salvador21 45 Argentina29175033 Costa Rica29175033 Brazil41337663 Turks and Caicos Islands41335033 Grenada44 100 Trinidad and Tobago (public only)44 100 Montserrat50 100 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines553010046 Antigua and Barbuda663093 Dominica663793 Columbia (primary and secondary)799xx Uruguay95 100 Anguilla10075100 Aruba100 Barbados (public only)100 British Virgin Islands100 Saint Kitts and Nevis100 Saint Lucia100 Sint Maarten100

76 Target 7: Adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to meet the challenges of the information society, taking into account national circumstances  Reflects the importance of enabling schools to benefit from ICT. Emphasis is on teacher training and on use of advanced forms of ICT-assisted instruction

77 Indicator 7.1: Proportion of ICT-qualified teachers in schools

78 Indicator 7.2: Proportion of teachers trained to teach subjects using ICTs

79 Indicator 7.3: Proportion of schools with computer-assisted instruction (CAI)

80 Indicator 7.4: Proportion of schools with Internet-assisted instruction (IAI)

81 WAY FORWARD Regional perspective to data collection for ICT in education statistics – Latin America and the Caribbean: When to repeat the data collection? – Asia and Pacific (2012): Partnership with KERIS (Rep. of Korea) – Arab States (2011/2012): Coordinated by UNESCO Communications sector – Sub-Saharan Africa: Data collection in 2013? Global perspective to data collection for ICT in education statistics

82 For more information on UIS statistics on ICT in education, please visit the UIS website: THANK YOU

83 R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011

84 R. Morel HBMeU-4theLEX-panel-01.02.2011

85 RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award. For more information on Sir Ken's work visit: R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011

86 R.Morel – SARIT event – Fribourg -21.11.2011

87 R. Morel (SATW/IFIP) Moscow, 8-9 of June 2011

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