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Revision 1 Miss Chen address (地址) Age( 年龄 ) Character ( 性格) look( 外貌) weekend Work( 工作) How old is she/he? What’s xx like? What does xxx do on the weekend?

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Presentation on theme: "Revision 1 Miss Chen address (地址) Age( 年龄 ) Character ( 性格) look( 外貌) weekend Work( 工作) How old is she/he? What’s xx like? What does xxx do on the weekend?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Revision 1

3 Miss Chen address (地址) Age( 年龄 ) Character ( 性格) look( 外貌) weekend Work( 工作) How old is she/he? What’s xx like? What does xxx do on the weekend? hobby What’s her/his hobby? How does xx go to work? Where does xxx work? Where does xx live? Where does xx come from? hobby?

4 Age( 年龄 ) How old is …? He/She is … years old.

5 address (地址) Where does … live? He/She lives in …. Where does … come from? He/She comes from …. Words bank: Beijing Dongguan Guangzhou Changping America==USA England==UK Canada==CAN China==PRC Austrilia

6 Character( 性格) What’s … like? He/She is …. Words bank: kind/strict funny nice cute

7 Look (外貌) What’s … like? He/She has …. He/She is …. Words bank: eyes ears mouth nose hair ( 五官) tall/short thin/strong young/old ( 身形)


9 Weekend What does … often do on the weekends? He/She often …. Words bank: play compute games watch TV play sports/basketball/football/ping-pong play the piano/violin do homework/housework swim

10 Work What’s …?/What does … do? He/She is …. Where does … work? He/She works in a … How does … go to work? He/She goes to work by … Words bank: a singer a writer an actor/actress an artist ( 职业) school TV company bank supermarket ( 地方) bus car subway train ship plane ( 上班方式)

11 填上 a 或 an ,(表示 “ 一 …………..” ) ___ teacher ___ actor ___ doctor ___ English teacher ___ nurse ___ writer ___ TV reporter ___ driver ___ actress ___ worker ___ farmer ___ artist ___ policeman ___ engineer ___cleaner ___ accountant ___ salesperson ___ singer work __ the hospital work ___ Hong Kong Work __ a school work ___ a/the farm a a a a a a a a a a aa an in in on

12 1._______________________________ I am an artist. 2._______________________________ I often read books on the weekend. 3._______________________________ She is a doctor. She ____ in the hospital. 4. ______________________________ She is my aunt. What do you do? What do you do on the weekend? What does she do? Who is she? works

13 5.____________________________ My father is an actor __ TV. 6.____________________________ I am going to be a singer. 7. ____________________________ She is going to be a writer. 8. ____________________________ John is going to be a TV reporter. What does your father do? on What are you going to be? What is she going to be? What is John going to be?

14 9._______________________________ He is a writer.He ____ TV show __ my aunt. 10. _____________________________ I go to school by bike. 11. _____________________________ He goes to school by bus. 12. _____________________________ She is tall and thin. What does he do? How do you go to school? writes for How does he go to school? What is she like?

15 16. ______________________________ Her mother is fat. 17. ______________________________ I like writing emails. 18. ______________________________ She likes making planes. 19. ______________________________ Yes, he does. He lives in Guang Dong. What is her mother like? What’s your hobby?/what do you like? What does she like?/what is her hobby? Does he live in Guang Dong?

16 Where do you live? ___________________________ Where does your aunt live? ____________________________ Where does your uncle live? ___________________________ Where does he/she live? ____________________________ I live in Hu Men. She lives in Hu Men. He lives in Hu Men. He/She lives in China.

17 A:______________ B: She is my mother. A: ___________________ B: She is an accountant. A: ______________________ B: She works in a bank. A: ________________________ B : She gets up at 7:00.. Who is she? What does she do? Where does she work? When does she get up?

18 A: ____________________________ B: She goes to work by subway. A: _____________________________ B: She is tall and thin. A:_____________________________ B: She likes playing the violin. A :____________________________ B: Yes, she reads newspapers everyday. How does she go to school? What is she like? What is her hobby?/what does she like? Does she read newspapers every day?

19 1._____________________________ No, it’s not far. The hospital is near the bank. 2.______________________________ It’s not far. The hospital is near the bank. 3. _____________________________ She likes collecting stamps. 4. _____________________________ He likes writing emails. Is it far? Where is the hospital? What is her hobby? What is his hobby?

20 1.I dance. I am _______. 2.I sing songs. I am _________. 3.She sells things. She is _________. 4.He helps sick people. He is ______. 5.She draws pictures. She is ______. 6.He teaches lessons. He is _____. 7.She cleans streets. She is _____. 8.My father drives cars. He is _____. a dancer a salesperson a singer a doctor. an artist a teacher a cleaner a driver

21 9.My mother writes stories. She is _____. (story) 10. He likes helping people. He works in the police station. He is ____. 11.He likes drawing and math. He works in a car factory. He is ______. 12.She likes working with numbers. She works in a bank. She is _____. a writer. a policeman. an engineer. an accountant

22 13.She acts on TV. She is _____. 14. He acts on TV,too. He is ____. 15.He works on a farm. He is ____. 16. She reports news on TV. She is _____. an actress an actor a farmer a TV reporter.

23 1.I _____. I am 2.I _____ songs. I am 3.She ____ things. She is 4.He ____ sick people. He is 5.She likes ______ pictures. She is 6.He ______lessons. He is 7.She ______ streets. She is 8.My father ____ cars. He is a dancer a salesperson a singer a doctor. an artist a teacher a cleaner a driver dance sing sells helps drawing teaches cleans drives

24 9.My mother _____stories. She is (story) 10. He likes _______ people. He works in the police station. He is 11.He likes ________and_____. He works in a car factory. He is 12.She likes ________with numbers. She works in a bank. She is a writer. a policeman. an engineer. an accountant writes helping drawingmath working

25 V—Vs/es

26 drink drinks readreads get gets watchwatches washwashes gogo goes 第三人称单数动词一般情况下加 。 但动词以 ______,______, 和 _________ 结尾的要加 _____________. s chsho e s

27 favourite food/colour/day What’s … favourite food/colour/day/…? He/She likes …. His/Her favourite food/… is …. Words bank: food : fish chicken beef tofu eggplant carrot Colour: yellow red green purple pink blue Day: Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday Season: spring summer fall/autumn winter

28 hobby (爱好) What does … like?/ What’s … hobby? He/She likes …. Words bank: collecting stamps playing the violin diving riding a bike making kites swimming running

29 v.--ving

30 动词变现在分词: 1. 一般在词后加 ing 2. 以不发音 e 结尾,去掉 e ,再加 ing 。如: write-writing skate-skating make-making use-using have-having take-taking 3. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母, 双写这个辅音字母,再加 ing 。如: swim-swimming run-running sit-sitting shop-shopping get-getting set-setting put-putting

31 给下列动词加上 -ing 。 ride- sit- make- go- collect- drive- swim- play- listen- write- sing- dance-

32 I like apples. 1.What’s your favourite food? (土豆) _________________________ 2.What’s your brother’s favourite fruit? (苹果) _________________________ 3.What do you like? (跑步) __________________________ 4.What’s your hobby? (弹钢琴) ____________________________ He likes apples I like running. I like playing the piano.

33 1.What’s Mike’s hobby? _________________________ 2. _________________________? My sister likes flying kites. 3. What does Tom like? __________________________ 4._________________________? His hobby is watching TV. He likes swimming. What’s your sister’s hobby He likes skating. What’s his bobby?

34 人称代词 --- 名词所有格代词 我我们你、 你们 他她它他们 人称 Iweyouhesheitthey 名词 所有 格 myouryourhisheritstheir

35 如何把第一人称改为第三人称单数? I play computer games every Monday. Jim plays computer games every Monday. Jim

36 Mrs Wang Mrs Wang reads books every Tuesday morning. I read books every Tuesday morning.

37 I play football on Wedneday. He plays football on Wednesday. He

38 I go to school by bike every day. John goes to work by bike every day. John

39 _________________________________? Yes , she watches TV every evening. _________________________________? No, he goes to work by car. _________________________________? No, she doesn’t watch TV every evening. Does she watch TV every evening? Does he go to work by car? Does she watch TV every evening? 第三人称的一般疑问句(现在时)?

40 把下面句子改为一般疑问句 : 1.I like reading. 2.We like running. 3.They like cooking. 4.Sarah and I like drawing pictures. 5.My parents like listening to music. Do you like reading? Do you like running? Do they like cooking? Do Sarah and you like drawing picture? Do your parents like listening to music?

41 6. He likes playing basketball. 7. She likes flying kites. 8. ZhangPeng likes swimming. 9. Amy likes playing computer games. 10. My uncle likes diving. 11. Peter likes skating. Does he like playing basketball? Does she like flying kites? Does ZhangPeng like swimming? Does Amy like playing computer games? Does your uncle like diving? Does Peter like skating?

42 E-mail 格式 To: From: Dear XX, … Yours, XX

43 1. ? I like collecting stamps. 2. ? She likes diving. 3. ? He likes making kites. 4. ? Sarah likes playing the piano. 5. ? My father likes listening to music. 6. ? His sister likes watching TV. What’s your hobby What’s her hobby What’s his hobby What’s Sarah’s hobby What’s your father’s hobby What’s his sister’s hobby

44 1. What’s your hobby?( 唱歌 ) 2. What’s her hobby?( 游泳 ) 3. What’s his hobby?( 骑自行车 ) 4. What’s Mike’s hobby?( 做风筝 ) 5. What’s Amy’s hobby?( 踢足球 ) 6. What’s your mother’s hobby?( 下棋 ) I like singing. She likes swimming. He likes riding a bike. Mike likes making kites. Amy likes playing football. My mother likes playing chess.

45 1 、 How does your father go to work? _______________________________. 2 、 What is your hobby? _____________________________. 3 、 What’s your sister’s hobby? ______________________________ 4 、 Does your brother go to school by bike? _____________________________. 5 、 Does she like playing the piano? _____________________________.

46 Tom: ____________________ ? John: I like playing the piano. Tom: _____________________? John: Yes, I often play the piano Tom: ______________________? John: Yes, I like playing the piano. Tom: _______________________? John: Mike likes playing the piano Tom: __________________? John: No, Mike often plays football.

47 阅读练习(课本 p80)

48 小作文 自己上网查找资料,以 e-mail 格式介绍你的 好朋友 Yang Mi( 杨幂) or Yao Ming 。

49 Homework: 1._________________________________? Alice likes making kites. 2._________________________________? My father likes drawing pictuer. 3.__________________________________? Yes, she does. She reads a magazine at night. 4.___________________________________? No, he doesn’t like diving. He likes swimming. 5.____________________________________? Mr Xu likes making friends. What’s Alice’s hobby What’s your father’s hobby Does she read a magazine at night Does he like diving What’s Mr Xu’s hobby

50 Homework: 1._________________________? Alice goes to bed at 9:30. 2.__________________________? I like playing the piano. 3.___________________________? He likes playing the violin. 4._______________________________?( 读杂志) No, she likes swimming. 5.____________________________? She likes reading a book. When does Alice go to bed What’s your hobby What’s his hobby Does she like reading a magazine What’s her hobby

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