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PEIMS SUBMISSION 3 2015 - 2016. PEIMS Submission 3 2015-2016 The collection of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is required.

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Presentation on theme: "PEIMS SUBMISSION 3 2015 - 2016. PEIMS Submission 3 2015-2016 The collection of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is required."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEIMS SUBMISSION 3 2015 - 2016

2 PEIMS Submission 3 2015-2016 The collection of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is required of all school districts and charter schools [local education agencies (LEAs)] by TEC §42.006. The PEIMS Data Standards provides instructions regarding the submission of PEIMS data from LEAs to the Texas Education Agency. Tools to assist with the reporting of PEIMS are: PEIMS Data Standards TEDS Data Standards Release/ Release/ Student Attendance Accounting Handbook


4 PEIMS Submission 3 2015-2016 What do we report Organization Data Teacher Data Student Data Basic Student Data for all students Prekindergarten Data Early Reading Indicator Data Special Education Data LEP Data Secondary Student Data

5 PEIMS Submission 3 2015-2016 What do we report Student Course Section Data – Classroom Data Link Course Completion Data Attendance Student Basic & Flexible Attendance Student Special Education Attendance & Flexible Attendance Student Career & Technical Education Attendance & Flexible Attendance

6 PEIMS Submission 3 2015-1016 What do we report Discipline Restraints Special Education Student Restraints General Education Student Restraints

7 Organization Data

8 District Information Campus Information Community and Student Engagement Indicators (CASE) JJAEP’s, DAEPS and Juvenile Detention Center campuses are exempt from this reporting

9 Organization Data Community and Student Engagement Indicators (CASE) Fine Arts – E1531 Wellness and Physical Education – E1532 Community and Parental Involvement – E1533 21 st Century Workforce Development Program – E1534 Second Language Acquisition Program – E1535 Digital Learning Environment – E1536 Drop Out Prevention Strategies – E1537 Education Programs for Gifted and Talented – E1538

10 Organization Data Total Number of School Board Requests (June 1 st through May 31 st each year) – E1556 Total Cost of School Board Requests (June 1 st through May 31 st each year) – E1557

11 Teacher Data

12 Teacher Demographic Information – Staff with Role IDs 087 and 047 Unique Staff ID – E1524 Social Security Number – E0505 First, Middle, Last Name and Generation – E0703 – E0706 Sex – E0004 Date of Birth – E0006 Race and Ethnicity – E1059 – E1064 Staff Type Code – E1073 Highest Degree Level – E0730 Years Experience In District – E0161 Total Years of Professional Experience – E0130 Percent of the Day Employed – E0760 Number of Days Employed – E0160

13 Teacher Data Teacher Class Assignment (Locally developed courses such as the special education 9XXXXXXX series and the locally developed 8XXXXXXX series courses are not reported through the Classroom Link data Reporting. Additionally, the Service IDs that begin with SS, SR, and SA are excluded because these series of Service IDs are not valid for student records.) Class ID Number – E1056 Course Sequence Code – E0948 Class Role – Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher or Support Teacher – E1067 Role ID – E0721 Assignment Begin Date – E1065 Assignment End Date – E1066

14 Student Data

15 Student Data – All Students The following information is reported for all students:  Student Demographic Information First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Generation Code Date of Birth – E0006 Sex – E0004 Grade Level – E0017 Social Security Number – E0001 TX Unique ID – E1523 ADA Eligibility – E0787 Attribution Code – E1000

16 Student Data – All Students Cont’d The following information is reported for all students: As of Status Code – E1002 Campus ID of Enrollment – E0782 Campus ID of Residence – E0903 Campus ID of Accountability – E1027 Race and Ethnicity – E1059 thru E1064 Economic Disadvantage Code – E0785 Last Date of Enrollment – E1044 At-Risk Indicator Code – E0919 Military Connected Student Code – E1529

17 Student Data – All Students Cont’d The following information is reported for all students: Foster Care Indicator Code – E1528 Migrant Indicator Code – E0984 Gifted and Talented Indicator Code – E0034 Homeless Status Code – E1082 Unaccompanied Youth Status Code – E1076 Title 1 Part A Indicator Code – E0894

18 Student Data – PreK All students in Prekindergarten need the following data reported: PreK qualifying data PK Program Type Code – E1078 Primary PK Funding Source – E1079 Secondary PK Funding Source – E1080

19 Student Data – Grades K - 2 The Early Reading Indicator Code (E1522) is reported for all students in grades K - 2. Report grade level reading status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. 1 – Student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as indicated by the administered reading instrument on the commissioner’s list or approved by district committee under TEC 28.006. 2 -Student is not eligible for accelerated reading instruction as indicated by the administered reading instrument on the commissioner’s list or approved by district committee under TEC 28.006. 3 - Student was not assessed.

20 Student Data – Special Ed Student’s with disabilities require the following additional information to be verified. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Disability - E0041, E0834, E0835 Multiple Disabled – E0882 Instructional Setting – E1073 Early Childhood Intervention – ages birth through age 2 – E0900 Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities – age three through five years old – E0899 PPCD Service Location – age three through five years old – E1077

21 Student Data – Limited English Proficient (LEP) Student’s who are limited English proficient require the following additional information: LEP Indicator Code – E0790 ESL Program Type Code – E1043 Bilingual Program Type Code – E1042 Parental Permission Code – E0896

22 Secondary Student Data - CT For Submission 3, the Career and Technical Ed Indicator code is reported based on the end of year status for the student. E0031 Career and Technical Ed Indicator Code – Code Table C142 o0 -Not Enrolled In a CTE Course o1 -Enrolled In A CTE Course A student in grades 6-8 who is taking a CTE course as of the fall snapshot date or completed a CTE course by the end of the school year. A student in grades 9-12 who is taking a CTE course as of the fall snapshot date or completed a CTE course by the end of the school year, and the student’s 4-year plan of study does not outline a coherent sequence of courses in CTE

23 Secondary Student Data - CT Code Table C142 Cont’d: o2 -Participant In a Coherent Sequence Of Courses A student in grades 9-12 who is enrolled in a sequential course of study, which develops occupational knowledge, skills, and competencies relating to a CTE program of study. The student must have a 4-year plan of study to take 2 or more CTE courses for 3 or more credits

24 Secondary Student Data - CT Code Table C142 Cont’d: o3 -Participant In Tech Prep Program A student in grades 9-12 who follows a state approved Tech Prep high school plan of study leading to postsecondary education and training. The student must have a 4-year secondary plan of study that includes a CTE coherent sequence of courses of 2 or more CTE courses for 3 or more credits. The plan must provide at least one option for articulated and/or concurrent credit at the postsecondary level Funding for the Career and Technical Education Tech Prep Program ended in 2010. The only students that are to be reported as participating in the Tech Prep Program are those students that were already in the program during the 2010-2011 school year. In place of the Tech Prep Program, the Coherent Sequence of Courses option should be used for students desiring to develop occupational knowledge, skills, and competencies relating to a CTE program of study.

25 Secondary Student Data - CT The Career and Technical Education Indicator Code Summer Submission Decision Chart (E0031) is located: PEIMS Data Standards on the Record TEDS – PEIMS Appendices 8.P:PEIMS Data Submission Guide

26 Secondary Student Data – ECHS Early College High Schools (ECHS)are authorized under Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.908(b) and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §102.1091.(TEC) §29.908(b) (TAC) §102.1091 Only campuses and programs that are approved by TEA can and should report the ECHS Indicator Code for a particular student participating in the program.

27 Secondary Student Data – ECHS E1560 ECHS Indicator Code indicates whether a student in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 is enrolled in an Early College High School (ECHS) as defined in TAC 102.1091.

28 Secondary Student Data T-STEM Texas – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Academies (T-STEM) T-STEM Academies are rigorous secondary schools focusing on improving instruction and academic performance in science and mathematics-related subjects and increasing the number of students who study and enter T-STEM careers. T-STEM Academies are demonstration schools and learning labs that develop innovative methods to improve science and mathematics instructions.

29 Secondary Student Data T-STEM E1559 T-STEM Indicator Code indicates whether a student is enrolled in Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy as defined in TAC 102.1093.

30 Secondary Student Data – Foundation High School Program Submissions and reporting FHSP data elements: Upon entering 9 th grade as a FHSP student, each student must select at lease one endorsement. At the end of the 10 th grade, and with written parent permission, a student may opt out of the selected endorsement(s).

31 Secondary Student Data – Foundation High School Program FHSP data elements (Submission 3) – 203 Record for Edit+ and Student Enrollment Interchange for TSDS Schools report whether a student is participating in the FHSP (E1541). Schools report which endorsement(s) (E1544 – E1548) A student is pursuing A student has completed

32 Secondary Student Data – Foundation High School Program FHSP Distinguished Level Indicator Code A Distinguished Level of Achievement is something a student can earn in addition to an endorsement. A Distinguished Level of Achievement is only earned once. A Distinguished Level of Achievement requires the co- existence of at least one endorsement.

33 Secondary Student Data – Foundation High School Program FHSP data elements (Submission 3) Schools report the Distinguished Level Achievement status of each FHSP student (E1542) A student is pursuing A student has completed

34 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees During the 84 th legislative session (2015) SB 149 was passed. SB 149: Established the Individual Graduation Committee option for students who cannot pass all five (5) of the mandated End-of-Course exams required for graduation.

35 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE- REVIEW-CODE (E1563) indicates whether an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) has been established for a student. This is only reported for 11th and 12th grade students in Submission 3.

36 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees For Submission 3, only students in grades 11 or 12 can be reported as having been assigned an IGC. (checked with fatal edit). For Edit+ this is reported on the 203 Record and for TSDS it is on the Student Enrollment Interchange.

37 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees For Submission 3, the only INDIVIDUAL- GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-CODEs reported are: 00 - Not Applicable 01 - IGC Reviewed (Sub 3 Only).

38 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees The TEA will be reviewing the number of students reviewed by IGC in the Summer PEIMS Submission and comparing those with the number of students reported as IGC graduates in the next Fall Submission.

39 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees If data on additional students reviewed by an IGC is received after the first PEIMS submission has been closed, but before re-submission has closed; report them in the re-submission.

40 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees Do not report the entire grade 11 and/or grade 12 population as “IGC Reviewed” unless each student has failed to pass not more than 2 EOC exams and has been assigned an IGC.

41 Secondary Student Data - Individual Graduation Committees Refer to the Commissioner’s rules (TAC 74.1025) for additional guidance on the assignment of students to an IGC.

42 Student Course Section Data

43 The Course Section Data is used to capture the complete course offerings for a particular campus. Then the information is used to identify the classes enrolled in by students and classes taught by teachers. This is reported for grades 1 – 12. TX Unique Student ID – E1523 Campus ID – E0266 Class ID Number – E1056 Student Begin Date – E1069 Student End Date – E1070 Course Sequence Code – E0948

44 Course Completion Data

45 This information is used to link back to the Course Section Data in order to identify the classroom information associated with a student’s respective class assignments. This is reported for students in grades 1 – 12. oPass/Fail Credit Indicator – E0949 oDual Credit Indicator – E1011 oCollege Credit Hours – E1081 oATC Indicator Code – E1058

46 Student Attendance

47 Attendance data must be reported for all students who were in membership at least one school day during the course of the school year. Submission 3 is for all six six-week reporting periods. Attendance for special programs (FTE or ADA) is also calculated based on the student’s special program data for Special Education, Career and Tech, Bilingual/ESL, Mainstream and Pregnancy Related Services.

48 Student Attendance The following elements are reported: Instructional Track Indicator Code – E0975 Reporting Period Indicator Code – E0934 Number Days Taught – E0935 Grade Level – E0017 Total Days Absent – E0036 Total Ineligible Days Present – E0936 Total Eligible Days Present – E0937 Total Elig Bilingual/ESL Days Present – E0938 Total Elig Preg Rel Svcs Days Present – E0939 Total Elig Sp Ed Mainstream Days Present – E0940 Eligible Days Present Career and Tech – E0950 – E0955 Gifted and Talented Indicator Code – E0034

49 Student Attendance For students participating in the Optional Flexible School Day Program the following elements are reported: Instructional Track Indicator Code – E0975 Reporting Period Indicator Code – E0934 Number Days Taught – E0935 Grade Level – E0017 Flexible Attendance Program Type – E1045 Flexible Attendance Total Eligible Minutes Present – E1046 Flexible Attendance Total Ineligible Minutes Present – E1047 Flexible Attendance Total PRS Days Eligible – E1048 Flexible Attendance Total Special Ed Mainstream Days Eligible – E1049 Flexible Attendance Total Bil/ESL Days Eligible – E1050 Flexible Attendance Total Career Tech – E1053 Gifted and Talented Indicator Code – E0034

50 Discipline

51 Discipline Discipline data records each incident that the student is removed from instruction based upon the student’s conduct. Disciplinary Incident Number – E1016 Disciplinary Action Number – E1004 Date of Disciplinary Action – E1036 Disciplinary Action Code – E1005 Disciplinary Action Reason Code – E1006 Official Length of Disciplinary Assignment – E1007 Actual Length of Disciplinary Assignment – E1008 Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Code – E1009 Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility – E1037 Campus ID of Disciplinary Assignment – E1003 Reporting Period Indicator Code – E0934 Behavior Location Code – E1083

52 Student Truancy – House Bill 23 Student Truancy – House Bill 23 98

53 Truancy Reporting Changes During the 84 th legislative session (2015) HB 2398 was passed. HB 2398: Decriminalized student truancy. Created truancy prevention measures. Raised the compulsory school age to age 19 (must attend school through 18).

54 Truancy Reporting Changes Many schools have expunged truancy data for truancy events that occurred prior to the 2015- 2016 school year in response to court orders received.

55 Truancy Reporting Changes Truancy data, starting with the 2015-2016 school year, is not criminal and therefore is not subject to the data expunction requirements as the prior years data.

56 Truancy Reporting Changes TEA has expunged all truancy data prior to 2015-2016 by replacing the Student IDs with an anonymous number.

57 Truancy Reporting Changes The 2015-2016 school year is the last year that the student truancy data will be collected. Due the adoption of the Every Student Succeeds Act (formerly No Child Left Behind), truancy data is no longer reported to the USDE after the 2015-2016 school year. These are reported on the 425 Record for Edit+ and Student Discipline Interchange for TSDS.

58 Truancy Reporting Changes For the 2015-2016 school year the truancy reason codes in C165 have changed: Deleted Code: 43: Truancy (failure to attend school) – Student is at least 12 years old with at least 3 unexcused absences – TEC §25.094

59 Truancy Reporting Changes For the 2015-2016 school year the truancy reason codes in C165 have changed: Old 44: Truancy (failure to attend school) – Student is at least 12 years old with 10 unexcused absences – TEC §25.094 New 44: Truancy (failure to attend school) – Student is at least 12 years old and less than 19 years old with 10 unexcused absences – Texas Family Code §65.003

60 Truancy Reporting Changes For the 2015-2016 school year the truancy action codes in C164 have changed. Deleted Codes: 16: Truancy (failure to attend school) charges filed in Juvenile Municipal or Justice of the Peace court and a fine was assessed 17: Truancy (failure to attend school) charges filed in Juvenile Municipal or Justice of the Peace court and no fine was assessed

61 Truancy Reporting Changes For the 2015-2016 school year the truancy action codes in C164 have changed. Added Code: 29: Truancy Complaint Filed in Truancy Court (includes County Court, Justice of the Peace Court, or Municipal Court)

62 Truancy Reporting Changes Despite the fact that TEA will not be collecting truancy data in the 2016-2017 school year, schools are still required to track and manage student truancy matters. - truancy prevention measures - filing truancy complaints - special circumstances for students

63 Restraints

64 Restraints Student restraint data captures the restraint data for: The restraints of all students that are administered by school district police officers and school resource officers working with a LEA under a local MOU Special education students that are restrained by school district/charter school employees and volunteers oRestraint Instance Number – E1035 oDate of Restraint Event – E1034 oRestraint Reason Code – E1033 oReporting Period – E0934 oInstructional Setting Code – E1073 oRestraint Staff Type Code – E1516 oSpecial Ed Indicator Code – E0794

65 Restraints The Student Restraint Reporting Flowchart is found: PEIMS Data Standards on the 435 Record TEDS – PEIMS Appendices 8.P:PEIMS Data Submission Guide

66 Optional Flexible School Day Funding Formulas – House Bill 2660

67 OFSD Funding Formulas During the 84 th legislative session (2015) HB 2660 was passed. HB 2660: Alters the requirements related to the Optional Flexible School Day so that a student can generate one day of eligible attendance for each increment of 240 minutes of classroom attendance. The law formerly required 360 minutes of classroom attendance to generate one day of eligible attendance.

68 OFSD Funding Formulas Example: Old NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT = 30 7000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 360 minutes = 19.44 Equivalent Eligible Days Present Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present = 19.44 (the lesser of Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT) ADA = 19.44 Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present divided by NUMBER-DAYS- TAUGHT of 30 =.6481

69 OFSD Funding Formulas Example: New NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT = 30 7000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 240 minutes = 29.17 Equivalent Eligible Days Present Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present = 29.17 (the lesser of Equivalent Eligible Days Present or NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT) ADA = 29.17 Adjusted Equivalent Eligible Days Present divided by NUMBER-DAYS- TAUGHT of 30 =.9723

70 OFSD Funding Formulas There are three kinds of students that are eligible to participate in the OFSDP: 1- Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) – This is an attendance program for students who: 1) have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, 2) are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or 3) are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.

71 OFSD Funding Formulas 2- High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) - The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is also known as the "In-School GED Program." The Texas In-School GED Program provides an alternative for high school students ages 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma. Only those school districts that have applied and been approved by the agency may operate High School Equivalency Programs (HSEP). For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.

72 OFSD Funding Formulas 3- OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program – This is an attendance program that occurs in the summer period between school years for students who, as a result of not meeting the attendance requirements under TEC §25.092, will be denied credit (promotion) for one or more classes in which the students have been enrolled. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. (Submission 4 only)

73 Questions ? ? ? Mary Morgan PEIMS Specialist ESC 11 817-740-7618 Cindy Moore PEIMS Specialist ESC 11 817-740-3677

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