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HAAD Health Facility Guidelines Version 3.1 Eng. Salem AlShamisi, Eng. Tim Sfeir January 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "HAAD Health Facility Guidelines Version 3.1 Eng. Salem AlShamisi, Eng. Tim Sfeir January 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAAD Health Facility Guidelines Version 3.1 Eng. Salem AlShamisi, Eng. Tim Sfeir January 2014 1

2 Introduction Key Facts 2008 HAAD noticed a need to introduce Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Health Care facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi September 2010 First edition of HAAD guidelines issued to the public 2011 a Press conference launched HAAD guidelines, since that date all new Health care facilities need to comply with HAAD standards and guidelines 2012 HAAD received the Award winning for best initiative to improve the design standards of health care facility. 2

3 The Mission “Healthcare Facilities need to comply with certain minimum standards of quality. HAAD has now provided the first edition of the new Health Facility Guidelines “ or HAAD-HFG These guidelines are amongst the most comprehensive in the world and the first of their kind in the Middle East 3

4 Key Aims and Objectives Establish the minimum acceptable standards for Health Facility Design and Construction. Maintain public confidence in the standard of Healthcare Facilities. Determine the basis for the approval and licensing of hospitals. Provide general guidance to designers seeking information on the special needs of typical Health Facilities. 4

5 Key Aims and Objectives Promote the design of Health Facilities with due regard for safety, privacy and dignity of patients, staff and visitors. Eliminate design features that result in unacceptable practices. Ensure that design consultants engaged in healthcare design are appropriately qualified HAAD guidelines can freely be downloaded in: 5

6 Since the Launch of HAAD Guidelines in 2011 the following number of premises have been licensed : 1- Hospitals: 42 2- Clinics and centers: 408 centers, 337 Clinics, 119 Rehabilitation Centers 25 Consultant have been recognized as tier 4 pre- approved consultant list can be downloaded from: 6 Statistics

7 HAAD-HFG Structure and Content Part A - Administrative Provisions Part B - Health Facility Briefing and Planning Part C - Ergonomics, Occupational Health and Safety Part D - Infection Control Part E - Engineering Services & Environmental Design Part F - Feasibility Planning and Costing Guidelines 7

8 Part A administrative Provisions licensing process for Health Facilities and the prequalification process for Design Consultants. Part B Health Facility Briefing & Design includes all Architectural and Health Facility Planning Guidelines Part C Access, Mobility, OH&S. Part D Infection Control requirements Part E Engineering Services & Environmental Design Part F Feasibility Planning & Costing guidelines 8 HAAD Guidelines components

9 Comments can be received through the year Urgent comments and errors are acted upon immediately Other suggestions and contributions are aggregated and considered together once a year Results of consultations are implemented progressively through the year, ready for publication New versions are uploaded once a year combining all of the above Incremental changes are marked with NEW label 9 Further ongoing updates & refinements

10 10 Questions ?

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