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Dr Adriana Basarab & Dr Cecilia Jukka on behalf of BIA Clinical Services Committee Infection Diagnostic Services; Learning Experiences of Laboratory Centralisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Adriana Basarab & Dr Cecilia Jukka on behalf of BIA Clinical Services Committee Infection Diagnostic Services; Learning Experiences of Laboratory Centralisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Adriana Basarab & Dr Cecilia Jukka on behalf of BIA Clinical Services Committee Infection Diagnostic Services; Learning Experiences of Laboratory Centralisation and Mergers To vote please open up the FIS app, find the current session on the agenda, then choose polls and find the appropriate question

2 Infection Diagnostic Services; Learning Experiences of Laboratory Centralisation and Mergers It is a challenging time for infection services and the re- alignment of laboratories within this. The BIA Clinical Services Committee (CSC) were keen to garner more information about what has gone well and what has gone less well with the “transformation / networking” of microbiology laboratories Papers published in the RCPath Bulletin (January 2015) Following this the BIA CSC put together a questionnaire to monitor progress so far All responses remain anonymous in all instances

3 Infection Diagnostic Services; Survey Distribution Methods Questionnaire planned in CSC meeting March 2015 and reviewed by CSC members June 2015 Questionnaire launched on BIA members website in July 2015 as a “survey monkey”® 86 replies received and analysed Initial pilot survey closed early September2015

4 Laboratory Centralisation Questionnaire Interim BIA Member Survey Results - Summary 90% respondents had been involved in a laboratory centralisation process Process perceived as costly associated with a 15% failure rate Majority of these failures took over 12 months of time/financial expenditure to become apparent (70%)

5 Laboratory Centralisation Questionnaire Interim BIA Member Survey Results - Summary 47% of respondents did not have on site microbiology laboratory facilities 66% felt that lab centralisation compromised the organisation without microbiology laboratory facilities 36% felt that the issues of having an off-site lab could not be overcome

6 Laboratory Centralisation Questionnaire Interim BIA Member Survey Results - Summary 28% said that pre/post centralisation resulted in the same service The only perceived positive feedback was for cost savings Most feedback perceived the process as having been detrimental to specimen turnaround times, quality, infection control, laboratory staff morale and personal job experience

7 Laboratory Centralisation Questionnaire Interim BIA Member Survey Results - Summary 38% of respondents said they could provide tangible evidence of the impacts of centralisation It is not clear from the questionnaire how many centralisation projects are still ongoing and what the appetite is for further mergers/centralisation

8 Laboratory Centralisation Questionnaire Interim BIA Member Survey results





13 Infection Diagnostic Services; Learning Experiences of Laboratory Centralisation and Mergers Thank you for your input Please visit BIA’s website for more information on this topic and a link to the online questionnaire where you will have an opportunity to submit more details and further opinions at your convenience all responses remain anonymous in all

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