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COR2789 – Measures to Address Unregistered and Shipperless Sites Implementation of MOD424, MOD410a & G7.3.7 1.

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Presentation on theme: "COR2789 – Measures to Address Unregistered and Shipperless Sites Implementation of MOD424, MOD410a & G7.3.7 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 COR2789 – Measures to Address Unregistered and Shipperless Sites Implementation of MOD424, MOD410a & G7.3.7 1

2 MOD424, MOD410a & G7.3.7 High Level Process Flow 2 Xoserve / Transporter QueuesShipper / Xoserve Queues

3 Impact to Shippers & Networks External ImpactNetworkShipper New Contact Codes  New Case Event Descriptions  New Resolution Text  New Rejection Text  New File Formats – Supporting information files  Amendments to existing file types such as but not limited to allowable values  3

4 Throughout the lifecycle of a contact, Case Event Descriptions (CED’s) will be used to identify where the contact is within the cycle. The proposed new CED’s that will be visible to you are detailed below: New External Case Event Descriptions 4 CEDDescriptionUsage SPURSupply Point Update RequiredThe contact will be in SPUR when the contact is sent to Shipper for confirming the site ALNWAllocated to NetworksThe contact will be in ALNW when the contact is sent to networks for Investigation

5 As part of this change there will be a number of changes required to existing files and changes to allowable values in interface files. The proposed changes are detailed below: Changes to Existing Files/Allowable Values in Interface Files 5 File Type Source System DestinationSummary of Change MBRUK Link – S&M ShippersNo changes to format or allowable values. Xoserve estimated reads and Auto asset update reads (MOD 424) will be sent to shippers in this file. ADHUK Link – B2K ShippersNo changes to format or allowable values. Back billing invoice will be sent to shippers in this file. QCLCMSNetworksNo changes to format or allowable values. Closure of GSR contacts will be notified to networks in this file. QEXCMSNetworksNo changes to format or allowable values. Weekly update of GSR contact status will be notified to networks in this file.

6 It is intended that the remaining changes will be communicated to you in February. The additional proposed changes are: On screen additions to DC/CC/SV templates Confirmation of new Rejection Codes The actual Resolution text and the text behind the Rejection Codes will be defined in a later stage of the project and communicated to you in the coming months. Outstanding Proposed Changes 6

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