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2002-2015. T Thesis (must be acceptable according to the prompt) R Reasons for similarities AND differences through analysis (APRULE OF 3) A Addresses.

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Presentation on theme: "2002-2015. T Thesis (must be acceptable according to the prompt) R Reasons for similarities AND differences through analysis (APRULE OF 3) A Addresses."— Presentation transcript:

1 2002-2015

2 T Thesis (must be acceptable according to the prompt) R Reasons for similarities AND differences through analysis (APRULE OF 3) A Addresses all parts of the question C Comparisons (relevant, direct; AP RULE OF 3) E Evidence (used to support thesis; AP RULE OF 3)

3 CompareContrastConcession Similarly likewise in like fashion in like manner analogous to equally On the contrary contrarily notwithstanding but however nevertheless in spite of in contrast yet on one hand on the other hand conversely at the same time instead on the other hand Although Though Even Though While it may be true In spite of Granted that notwithstanding even if whereas while

4 Begin listing similar and different reactions: Venn Diagram? IN the 19 th Century both Japan and China were open up to capitulation agreements due to the industrialization of “Western” powers, both made decisions to modernize or become imperialized, however, the Japanese Mejii restoration was state sponsored without traditionalist intervention whilst the Chinese 100 days of reform were reversed by the Manchu government.

5 Not just patriarchy but bride wealth, machismo, cult of domesticity, Revolutions, and labor

6 Think depression, imperialism, treaty of Versailles, Mandates, nationalism, oil, Cotton, Ghandi, civil disobedience, totalitarianism

7 Yuan Dynasty, Il-Khanate, Golden horde, isolation vs. silk route, end of Abbasid, Foreign rule in China

8 Land redistribution, role of women, communism, role of the “West”, conservative vs. liberal

9 Gunpowder weaponry, maritime vs. overland, mercantilism, Catholic, Multi-Ethnic Empires, Westernization, imperialism

10 Revolutions, decolonization, unstable governments, constitutional governments, caudillos, dictators, neocolonialism, economic imperialism, OPEC, Pan Arab nationalism, Pan African nationalism

11 Encomienda, las castas system, miscegenation, laws forbidding intermarriage, syncretism, Las Casas, fugitive slave laws, social Darwinism

12 Imperial military, role of religion, role of laws, trade along silk routes, building projects,

13 Tribute, military trans Sahara, Silk route, role of religion, former nomads, treatment of conquered subjects

14 Miscegenation, foodstuffs, great dying, trans Atlantic slave trade, deforestation, silver mines, population increase in Europe and Africa

15 Think Mejii restoration, China’s self strengthening movement, the Ottoman Tanzimat reforms, traditionalist vs. modernization (Westernization), Industrialization, state sponsorship, foreign investment, emancipation of the serfs, ole of imperialism

16 Think of Eastern Orthodox Christianity ( Caesaropapism), Buddhism (under Asoka’s Pax Mauryana and tolerance), Hinduism inspiring Gupta’s golden Age if Hinduism, Islam as a political, economic and cultural force. Monumental architecture (Hagia Sofia, Dome of the Rock, Stupas, Arjunta Caves), Laws ( Justinian’s Code, Asoka’s Rock Pillar edicts, Sharia, Codes of Manu), Tolerance vs. Intolerance, social hierarchy ( caste) vs. social mobility role of women ( veiling, suttee, legal rights )

17 Think Buddhism, Islam, Christianity. Black Death, role of the Mongols, role of Dar Al Islam, urban entrepots like Baghdad, Cairo, Canton, Delhi. Commodities like sugar and cotton and tea and spices. Technologies like Lateen Sail and Dhow, Seasonal monsoon winds and caravans. Movement of people like ibn Battuta, Marco Polo and Mansa Musa

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