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Bellwork: 1/7/16 What makes a dictator or a tyrant? List three attributes of a dictator in your journal. Daily Vocabulary: fascism, totalitarian, Nazism,

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: 1/7/16 What makes a dictator or a tyrant? List three attributes of a dictator in your journal. Daily Vocabulary: fascism, totalitarian, Nazism,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: 1/7/16 What makes a dictator or a tyrant? List three attributes of a dictator in your journal. Daily Vocabulary: fascism, totalitarian, Nazism, and Neutrality Acts

2 Essential Question What were the causes, course, and consequences of WWII on the US and the world? I will explain how the dictators of Europe threaten the stability of the world.

3 WWII and America Discuss with shoulder partner and write down: what are some reasons America may not have wanted to get involved in WWII? Define “Age of Isolationism” and Neutrality Acts. The rise of rulers with total power in Europe and Asia led to World War II.

4 Clip: Evil Dictators World War II Dictators 2 things you learned.

5 Read Pages 529-531 and 534-535 1. While reading, take notes on type of government and leaders of Germany, Italy, Soviet Union. 2. How did the Treaty of Versailles fail to meet Woodrow Wilson’s hope of a world safe for democracy? 3. Why did the US policies of isolationism and neutrality through The Neutrality Acts become increasingly difficult?

6 Cartoon: Discuss 1. What do you see in this picture? 2. What message do think the artists is trying to convey?

7 Writing Prompt Argue whether you agree or disagree with the following quote: “President Roosevelt led the nation into war and never should have abandoned The Neutrality Acts. The US should have remained neutral and isolated itself from the world.” In one paragraph, choose one side and back your claim.

8 Bell Work 1/11/16 Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you see in this picture. You may discuss with each other.

9 Appeasement

10 Essential Question What were the causes, course, and consequences of WWII on the US and the world? I will argue and support either aggression or complacency for being the greatest factor in the allowance of the Second World War.

11 Review 1. Which of the following were effects of the Treaty of Versailles: A. Blamed Germany for starting the war B. Caused anger and resentment C. Failed to make the world “safe for democracy.” D. All of the above

12 Review 2. The Neutrality Acts were written with the goal of: A. Preserving international peace. B. Keeping the US out of future wars. C. Ending totalitarian regimes worldwide D. None of the above

13 Review 3. Which of the following is NOT a common feature of a totalitarian regime? A. Extreme nationalism B. Government exerting control on free speech. C. Tolerance of opposition D. Forceful leader; often dictator

14 Notes(review Bell work) The rise of Nationalism and Dictators in Europe threatened world peace. The United States began to debate it’s policy of isolationism and neutrality.

15 Europe (before WWII)

16 Notes War began to break out in Europe- which caused the US, Britain, and France to determine how they were going to deal with Hitler.

17 Read 536-541 1. While reading define appeasement, blitzkrieg, and non- aggression pact. 2. How did Austria respond to incoming German troops? 3. How did Hitler justify his control over the Sudentenland? 4. How did France and Britain respond to Germany’s actions? 5. What role did the policy of appeasement play in the start of World War II?

18 Discuss first, then write in your notes what you think the meaning of this is.

19 Identify the missing Cause or Effect Pages 536-541 CauseEffect 1. German troops marched into Austria unopposed. 2. Hitler states the Sudetenland is his “last territorial demand.” 3. Hitler did not want to fight a two front war. 4. The Battle of Britain

20 Beginning WWII Extended Response Argue whether the Allied powers complacency or the Axis powers’ aggression(specifically Hitler) ultimately caused the Second World War. Pick one and argue that side. Cite evidence. One paragraph 5 sentences

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