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EARLY RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS - AN OVERVIEW Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School AP World History - 9.

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1 EARLY RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS - AN OVERVIEW Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School AP World History - 9

2 First civilizations  Developed about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago  They began as small agricultural villages in the river valleys – first in the Middle East

3 MESOPOTAMIA  Site of first river valley civilizations  Located between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers Mesopotamia means “land between the rivers”Mesopotamia means “land between the rivers”

4 The Fertile Crescent

5 MESOPOTAMIA  GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS The floods of the Tigris-Euphrates rivers were unpredictable and as a result the Sumerians believed that their gods were angry gods. The floods of the Tigris-Euphrates rivers were unpredictable and as a result the Sumerians believed that their gods were angry gods. The valley was surrounded by deserts and hills but they were relatively easy to cross and so the peoples of this region were constantly conquered and re-conquered The valley was surrounded by deserts and hills but they were relatively easy to cross and so the peoples of this region were constantly conquered and re-conquered

6 MESOPOTAMIA  The first people to settle there were the Sumerians  The Sumerians created city-states (a city and its surrounding lands)  Each city-state had its own government  Sumerian city-states were built around a ziggurat

7 Ziggurat

8 MESOPOTAMIA  The Akkadians defeated the city-states of Sumer and gained control of northern and southern Mesopotamia  Created the first empire which lasted about 200 years

9 MESOPOTAMIA  Amorites overtake the Akkadians and establish a capital at Babylon which gives its name to their empire – The Babylonian Empire.  Most important and most famous ruler was king Hammurabi who created the first written legal code.

10 MESOPOTAMIA  Traditional Economy – an economy that has its foundation in agriculture. Skills are passed down from one generation to the next FAT- farmers, artisans, traders FAT- farmers, artisans, traders  Agriculture and farming allowed for great economy, had irrigation. Grew wheat and barley. Grew wheat and barley.  Traded with Indus and Egypt. (Hittites created iron tools and they were found in Indus)

11 MESOPOTAMIA  ACCOMPLISHMENTS Developed a system of writing called Cuneiform, which were wedge-shaped characters pressed into a clay tablet Developed a system of writing called Cuneiform, which were wedge-shaped characters pressed into a clay tablet In engineering and architecture - Built ziggurats and arches with sun-dried clay bricks In engineering and architecture - Built ziggurats and arches with sun-dried clay bricks Created statues of gods for the ziggurats Created statues of gods for the ziggurats Developed the wheel and the plow Developed the wheel and the plow Hammurabi's Code was constructed by the Babylonians and was an early form of written laws (an eye for an eye) Hammurabi's Code was constructed by the Babylonians and was an early form of written laws (an eye for an eye) Had mathematics Had mathematics

12 MESOPOTAMIA  Religion was a major part of the civilization.  Polytheistic- belief in many gods try to explain the unknown. try to explain the unknown.  Built pyramids called ziggurats- place of worship.  Priests preformed rituals. Believed in afterlife. If you were bad in life you had a bad after life.  Hebrews established first monotheistic religion- Judaism

13 MESOPOTAMIA  Had many social classes, was a hierarchy.  Women were not treated equal to men. Ruling family, high ranking officials, nobility, and important priests Artists, merchants, lesser priests and scribes. Farmers and peasants Slaves

14 EGYPT  Soon after civilization began in Mesopotamia, similar developments were taking place in Egypt along the Nile River. Question: Why is Lower Egypt above Upper Egypt? Answer: Upper Egypt is at a higher elevation

15 EGYPT  GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS The Nile River provided predictable floods and a stable food source The Nile River provided predictable floods and a stable food source The River flows northward and empties into the Mediterranean but the winds blow south This enabled river travelers to move north or south along the river, which promoted trade and unity in Ancient Egypt The River flows northward and empties into the Mediterranean but the winds blow south This enabled river travelers to move north or south along the river, which promoted trade and unity in Ancient Egypt Deserts and seas surround the valley and offered some protection from invasion Deserts and seas surround the valley and offered some protection from invasion

16 EGYPT  Egyptian kings were called Pharaohs  In Mesopotamia kings were thought to be the representatives of the Gods. The Egyptians believed that their kings WERE Gods!

17 EGYPT  Egyptians believed that pharaohs ruled even after they died so they built magnificent tombs, the pyramids.

18 EGYPT  Old Kingdom (3200- 2200 BCE)  Middle Kingdom (2100-1650 BCE)  New Kingdom (1550-700BCE)

19 EGYPT  Traditional economy  Grew wheat and barley.  Nile used for trade and agriculture. Business was dependent on the Nile. Business was dependent on the Nile.  Trade was government directed  Traded with Mesopotamia and Nubia.  Irrigation and predicted flooding by calendar.  FAT

20 EGYPT  ACCOMPLISHMENTS Hieroglyphics-Wrote on sheets of dried papyrus plant Hieroglyphics-Wrote on sheets of dried papyrus plant Used geometry to survey fields and build canals as well as pyramids as tombs for the pharaoh Used geometry to survey fields and build canals as well as pyramids as tombs for the pharaoh Knew astronomy and produced a calendar of 365 days Knew astronomy and produced a calendar of 365 days Knowledge of medicine and surgery because of mummification Knowledge of medicine and surgery because of mummification Metal weapons, pyramids, and irrigation Metal weapons, pyramids, and irrigation Built pyramids and statues of god. Built pyramids and statues of god. Sarcophagus had artistic paintings on them. Sarcophagus had artistic paintings on them. Sculptures, paintings, carvings, and architecture. Sculptures, paintings, carvings, and architecture.

21 EGYPT  Polytheistic religion  Believed in afterlife (Amen Rah- sun god, Osiris- God of Nile).  Mummified kings and nobility, performed by priests. Pharaohs mummified and buried in the pyramids. Pharaohs mummified and buried in the pyramids.  Most sophisticated polytheistic religion of its time—“Book of the Dead”

22 EGYPT  Social classes  Women were not treated equal to men but had more rights than in other societies.  Several queens, women pharaohs, Nephertiti being the first. Pharaoh and high priests Artists, merchants, lesser priests Farmers Slaves

23 INDUS RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATION  Located on the Indian subcontinent  Mountains isolated this area – surrounded by various mountain ranges – the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush both very raged and nearly impossible to traverse.  Offered protection from invaders

24 INDUS RIVER VALLEY  Not much is known about them – language has not been deciphered  One of their greatest achievements was sophisticated city planning  Cities were built on a grid system  Structures were made of baked bricks  Had indoor plumbing – even in the smallest houses!

25 The city of Mohenjo Daro

26 INDUS RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATION  There is evidence that the civilization began to decline around 1750 BCE. A number of reasons have been suggested: Tectonic plates may have moved causing earthquakes Tectonic plates may have moved causing earthquakes There may have been extreme floods There may have been extreme floods The River may have changed course due to an earthquake The River may have changed course due to an earthquake Perhaps natural resources were used up Perhaps natural resources were used up


28 CHINA  Natural barriers isolated China from other civilizations – mountains and Gobi Desert Led to ethnocentric thinking Led to ethnocentric thinking  Two major rivers, the Hwang He and the Yangtze Rivers.

29 CHINA  The first dynasty to rule China was the Xia dynasty which arose around 2,000 BCE. Left no written records  Second dynasty the Shang – developed writing, built palaces and tombs

30 CHINA  ACHIEVEMENTS Developed a 360-day calendar based on the moon (priests added days when needed) Developed a 360-day calendar based on the moon (priests added days when needed) Predicted eclipses Predicted eclipses kept a written history kept a written history

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