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OneSearch is an advanced discovery tool to search - through a single interface - all the Library resources and other digital contents coming from external.

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Presentation on theme: "OneSearch is an advanced discovery tool to search - through a single interface - all the Library resources and other digital contents coming from external."— Presentation transcript:

1 OneSearch is an advanced discovery tool to search - through a single interface - all the Library resources and other digital contents coming from external Sources. Catalogue Printed and online journals DatabasesE-booksFree contents/ Open Access Searching OneSearch ResultsServices SBART My Account Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari

2 Use the Extended search to query all the resources available in OneSearch: books, printed and online journals, articles, free and Open Access contents. You can search the words you type: anywhere in the record, in the title, as author, in subject, ISBN.. “Extended search” is set as default option, but you can limit the query to a specific source Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching

3 In the results list you can show only full-text materials, and refine your search selecting Resource Type, Subject, Author, Language, Journal title, etc. Locations tab shows the call number and the availability of the book If a book is charged, or placed in the Archivio SSSUP, you can request it. Sign in with number/password of your Library card Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching

4 For each result, OneSearch offers additional services depending on the type of the resource: the document full text where available, and, as an alternative, the call number of the printed version, or the form to apply for a document delivery service. The Online services tab shows all the library services available for that record: full text, holding information, citation information, document delivery request Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching

5 My Account Login with your Library card Number and Password and get access to My Account. From this page you are allowed to check and renew loans, manage items that are saved in the e-shelf, view saved queries and alerts. Sign out at the end of the session. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching

6 From the SSSUP search box, run your query on the SBART box (just click on the SBART icon) to see printed and online collections of the other participating universities Through the OneSearch SBART (Sistema Bibliotecario Atenei Regione Toscana) interface you are allowed to search for printed and digital collections of the University of Florence, Siena, Pisa and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.  Remember: through the SBART search you can get full text documents only for free materials or resources subscribed by your library Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching

7 For any doubt, click on the HELP or FAQ buttons to access the Online Help. It will provide instructions on how to perform searches, manage the results, use the e- shelf, set the alerts and use the library services. For any doubt, click on the HELP or FAQ buttons to access the Online Help. It will provide instructions on how to perform searches, manage the results, use the e- shelf, set the alerts and use the library services. Searching OneSearch ResultsServices SBART My Account Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari

8 Through the OneSearch SBART (Sistema Bibliotecario Atenei Regione Toscana) interface you are allowed to search for printed and digital collections of the University of Florence, Siena, Pisa and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. From the SSSUP search box, run your query on the SBART box (just click on the SBART icon) to see printed and online collections of the other participating universities  Remember: through the SBART search you can get a full text access only for free material or resources subscribed by your library Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - Servizi Bibliotecari OneSearch SBART My Account ServicesResults Searching Thanks for your attention! The Library’s Staff

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