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“Help and Harm” Vocabulary Lesson 21.

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1 “Help and Harm” Vocabulary Lesson 21

2 English 11 Homework: 3-Column Chart
WORD ALL DEFINITIONS (COPY FROM THE SHEET!) YOUR OWN SENTENCE (THIS WEEK: Review! See below 1. Compound 2. 3. Complex 4. 5. Appositive 6. 7. Colon 8. 9. Participial Phrase 10.

3 Adulterate DEF: To make impure by adding improper, inferior, or unnecessary ingredients SENTENCE: Compound POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is something that could be adulterated, and how would it affect you? EXAMPLE: _______ could be adulterated with _______________, and/but _____________.

4 Bane DEF: SENTENCE: Compound
A. A cause of great ruin, harm, or death B. A source of constant annoyance or frustration SENTENCE: Compound POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What is an example of a bane in your life, and how does it affect you, or what do you do about it? EXAMPLE: ____________ is the bane of my life, and/but _________________________.

5 Boon DEF: A benefit or blessing, especially one that is timely
SENTENCE: Complex POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What would be a boon in your life right now, and why? EXAMPLE: _____________ would be a boon in my life right now because _________________.

6 Inimical DEF: SENTENCE: Complex
A. harmful; injurious B. unfriendly; hostile SENTENCE: Complex POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Who or what is an example of something inimical even though you/others don’t do anything about it? EXAMPLE: Although ___________ is inimical, ________________________.

7 Malevolent DEF: SENTENCE: Appositive
A. Having or showing ill-will; wishing harm to others; malicious B. Having an evil or harmful influence SENTENCE: Appositive POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Who is someone you would describe as malevolent? EXAMPLE: (Person’s name), (restate who they are), is malevolent.

8 Panacea DEF: A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all. SENTENCE: Appositive POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Who or what is something you would call a panacea for your problems? EXAMPLE: ____________, (rename that person or thing), is a panacea for my problems.

9 Pernicious DEF: Tending to cause death or great harm. SENTENCE: Colon
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Make a list of several pernicious things using a colon. EXAMPLE: Complete sentence using the word pernicious: list.

10 Salutary DEF: SENTENCE: Colon
A. Helpful or designed to be helpful; remedial B. Favorable to health; wholesome SENTENCE: Colon POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use a colon to introduce salutary advice EXAMPLE: Complete sentence using the word salutary: “Quote.”

11 Toxic DEF: Poisonous; capable of causing injury or death by chemical means SENTENCE: Participial phrase POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might someone be doing or have done that causes exposure to toxic chemicals? EXAMPLE: Participial phrase, (person’s name) was exposed to toxic chemicals.

12 Vitiate DEF: To reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of
SENTENCE: Participial phrase POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: What might someone do or have done that would vitiate a science experiment? EXAMPLE: Participial phrase, (Person’s name) vitiated the science experiment.

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