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JISC work on Small Scale JI Projects UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation Bonn 9 th March 2006 By: Fatou Ndeye Gaye and Evgeny Sokolov.

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Presentation on theme: "JISC work on Small Scale JI Projects UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation Bonn 9 th March 2006 By: Fatou Ndeye Gaye and Evgeny Sokolov."— Presentation transcript:

1 JISC work on Small Scale JI Projects UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation Bonn 9 th March 2006 By: Fatou Ndeye Gaye and Evgeny Sokolov

2 Small scale projects in JI Not part of the 9/CMP.1 (JI Guidelines from Marrakech Accords) Introduced by 10/CMP.1 “Implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol” (Montreal decision) Para 2 (f) requests JISC “to develop, as soon as possible, guidance with regard to Appendix B of the guidelines for the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol, including provisions for small scale projects as defined in para 6 (c) of decision 17/CP.7”

3 Definition of small scale JI projects Para 6 (c) of decision 17/CP.7: i. Renewable energy project activities with a maximum output capacity equivalent of up to 15 megawatts (or an appropriate equivalent); ii. Energy efficiency improvement project activities which reduce energy consumption, on the supply and/or demand side, by up to the equivalent of 15 gigawatt/hours per year; iii. Other project activities that both reduce anthropogenic emissions by sources and directly emit less than 15 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent annually

4 Small Scale Projects – why? High transaction costs - the greatest barriers for low income communities Lack of awareness Investment barrier Technological barrier Prevailing existing practice barrier Not enough institutional & managerial capacity and/or financial resources Smaller countries exclusion Capacity to absorb technology all of which can lead to higher GHG emissions

5 Benefits of Small Scale Projects simplified modalities and procedures effected Smaller countries with fewer credits - opportunity to participate

6 Small scale project in the JISC work programme Development of provisions for SSC projects: –Section on SSC projects at Technical Workshop –Draft provisions by JISC 3 –Discussion at JISC 3 –Adoption at JISC 4 PDD for SSC projects: –Discussion at JISC 3 & 4 –Agreement of draft, if applicable, at JISC 5

7 Utilization of CDM experience Para 4 of the 10/CMP.1 in the Montreal decision a)Methodologies for B/L and monitoring, including methodologies for small-scale project activities, approved by CDM EB, may be applied by project participants under JI as appropriate b)The relevant parts of the CDM PDD, and of SSC CDM PDD, may be applied by project participants under JI, as appropriate

8 Small Scale Projects - African examples (1) Small Scale Projects - African examples (1) Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (linking developing country centers of excellence and network partners on Energy, Development and Environmental issues) Africa Rural Energy Enterprise Development Initiative (AREED), (private sector to deliver affordable energy services based on renewable energy

9 Small Scale Projects - African examples (2) Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (SWERA) to increase investment in renewable energy (energy policies and programmes realistic) Removal of barriers to renewable energy technologies (identify barriers and measures to overcome them)

10 UNEP Small Scale Projects - Africa Experience with PV systems in Africa Energy Policy Reforms Sustainable Development and Climate Change Finance Clean Development Mechanism in Africa

11 Thank you very much for your attention

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