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Published byAndra Dalton Modified over 8 years ago
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 1 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP Consortium Agreement Grant Agreement: contract between European Commission and project coordinator (after acceptance of conditions by beneficiaries/partners) Consortium Agreement: contract between the coordinator and the project partners concerning terms of cooperation CA: completely independent of GA; however, strongly recommended by EC in order to avoid disputes in the project performance Based on a model contract worked in the frame of EU project DESCA (version for medium- and large-scale projects) Final signed CAs sent to 19 partners (incl. all international); the remaining 7 will be sent during the next weeks.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 2 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Issues ruled by CA Definitions: special contract terminology General contract terms Project bodies: members-rights and duties Rules of work performance Financial issues: payments Inclusion of background and foreground/Intellectual property rights Handling of defaulting parties
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 3 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 General terms Accession to the contract: after signature by authorized representative fulfilled by all SIOS-PP partners, countersigned by RCN representatives CA operative for the whole consortium Duration and termination: as agreed in the GA – 3 years starting on 1 October, 2010
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 4 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Responsibilities and liabilities of parties Coordinator’s role Progress reporting: as decided by Steering Board, basis for progress and final report of coordinator to the Commission Financial reporting: according to EC contract rules Breach of commitments Limitation of contractual liabilities No warranty Force majeure
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 5 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Governance structure Consortium bodies: –General Assembly –Steering Board –Policy Board –Advisory Board –Coordinator & Executive Secretariat General operational procedures for all consortium bodies –Meeting schedule and participation –Agenda and items –Voting rules and procedures –Veto rights –Minutes of meetings Special rules for specific consortium bodies –Members –Definition of tasks
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 6 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Financial provisions General principles –Distribution of EC funding according to GA documents –NB 1: for all work except WP1 (project management) only 7% overhead is reimbursed! –NB 2: the funding is reduced by ca. 10% relative to the eligible costs (except 1 partner who rather reduced work amount to be reimbursed) Budgeting principles –Order of priority for management costs Payment rules –Payments to partners: exclusive task of the coordinator –Prepayment of 80% of expected costs in reporting period, remaining 20% after satisfactory delivery (acceptance by Steering Board), at end of reporting period at the latest
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 7 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Intellectual property rights (IPR) Not very critical as SIOS-PP is not an RTD project expected to result in exciting scientific/technical findings In that case: «standard rules» of EU research projects: –rules in case of joint ownership –Transfer of foreground («All the results, whether or not they can be protected, that are generated under a project. Such results include information and related intellectual property rights”) –Publication rules
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 8 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 IPR, cont.’d Access rights to background («Information and intellectual property rights (granted or applied) held by the participants prior to their accession to the grant agreement and which are needed to carry out the project or to use foreground.”) Background included – Anything to be listed in Attachment 1? - Anything to be added to Attachment 2 (only if Att. 1 is not empty!) ?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 9 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Miscellaneous List of members and representatives: Any changes to be made in Attachment 5? List of Associated Partners (Attachment 6): Any changes to be made: - AP23 (Governour of Svalbard) is removed. Their role will be taken over by NPI - Environmental Management and Mapping Dept.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 10 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (1) General Assembly: One representative for each project partner: persons listed in Attachment 5 of CA If the representative is not able to participate: Substitute to be appointed by partner in due time before the General Assembly meeting In charge of deciding on major changes in the project set-up and performance (see CA)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 11 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (2) Steering Board: Established during the proposal preparation phase Consists of all WP responsibles plus additional national representatives: –Karin Refsnes, RCN (chair, responsible WP1-3) –Kim Holmén, NPI (resp. WP 4) –Piotr Glowacki, IGFPAS (resp. WP5) –Michael Klages, AWI (resp. WP6) –Bo Andersen, NSC (resp. WP7) –Gunnar Sand, UNIS (resp. WP8) –Vito Vitale, CNR-ISAC (resp. WP9) –Sergey Priamikov, AARI –Cynan Ellis-Evans, NERC –N.N., repr. Asian stations Responsible for overall performance of the project in accordance with the consortium plan/DoW
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 12 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (3) Policy Board: One national representative for each country participating in SIOS- PP (Letter of Commitment), extended in financial matters to comprise further representatives of funding agencies (nations with several funding agencies involved) All partners representing a nation and/or funding agency are asked to clarify with their responsible authorities to appoint a member of the Policy Board within 6 months after project start (31 March, 2011) First meeting: month 14 of the project (October/November 2011), possibly in connection with 2nd General Assembly (if work documents in place by then) Current members: Norway, Germany, Poland, Italy, UK, Russia (2 for financial matters), Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, France, China, Rep. Korea, Sweden, Japan Potential additional members: India, Czech Republic, Spain
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 13 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS-PP consortium bodies (4) Advisory Board: Panel of external experts giving advice on: –Scientific framework for the infrastructure –Future user/stakeholder community needs –Cooperation/coordination with related ESFRI projects –Cooperation with related projects and networks 6 members have been asked and have accepted before submission of SIOS-PP proposal: –Roberto Azzolini (European Science Foundation) –Terry Callaghan (Abisko Research Station, coordinator INTERACT I3) –Paolo Favali (coordinator ESFRI-EMSO) –Maribeth Murray (Executive Director, ISAC) –Volker Rachold (Executive Secretary, IASC) –Lars-Otto Reiersen (Executive Secretary, AMAP) Up to 3 additional members, to be decided on by the Steering Board First meeting envisaged: spring 2011 (assessment of Gap Analysis Synthesis Report)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 14 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP1 Project management: –organise all necessary project meetings including kick-off and final meetings; –establish and maintain a continuous close communication with the European Commission through the responsible Scientific Officer at the Commission; –follow up the project work plan including provision of deliverables at the agreed deadlines and taking necessary actions in case of deviations; –prepare and submit all official project reports required by the Commission to schedule; –administer all financial/budgetary aspects of the project; –establish and maintain all communication by the project, especially a project website, and all other relevant information material. 4 Tasks: –Task 1.1 Operational Preparatory Phase Project management –Task 1.2 Project Reporting –Task 1.3 Financial matters –Task 1.4 Formal Outreach Measures
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 15 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP1 Contributors: –NPI, UNIS (4 p-m each): contribute to reporting, establishment of outreach means –All partners represented in Steering Board (1 p-m each) Deliverables (underlined: 1 st year): –D1.1 6-monthly project activity reports (months 7, 13, (19), 25, 31) –D1.2 Mid-term progress report incl. financial report (month 19) –D1.3 Final report, including overall financial report, outlook/plan for next project phase (month 37) –D1.4 Project web page (established in month 2, fully operational month 6) –D1.5 Project flyer (month 6, revision month 24, 36) –D1.6 Electronic SIOS Newsletter (months 12, 24, 36) Milestones –M1.1 SIOS-PP kicked off (month 2) –M1.2 Project web page fully operational (month 6)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 16 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Bank information! Requested 3 weeks ago Received from: NPI, UNIS, CNR, AU-NERI, KOPRI, IOPAS, SU, METNO, IMR All others: send a.s.a.p. NO BANK ACCOUNT – NO MONEY!
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 17 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP2 Legal and Governance Structure –Assess possible alternatives for the legal status of a future European Research infrastructure and agree on the best option; –Design an overarching governance structure and decision-making procedures for the multi-national, multi-platform and multi-disciplinary SIOS infrastructure; –Achieve a legally binding agreement of as many partners as possible on the above issues, leading to the formal establishment of the European Research Infrastructure SIOS. 5 Tasks: –Task 2.1 Inventory and analysis of legal structure options (AWI) –Task 2.2 Development of overarching governance structure (RCN) –Task 2.3 Design of observatory/platform structure (UIB) –Task 2.4 SIOS Knowledge Centre - formal structure (UNIS) –Task 2.5 Implementation of legal and governance structure (RCN)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 18 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP2 WP coordinator: RCN Contributors: –(RCN,) AWI, UNIS, UIB as task leaders –Representatives of research settlements (N-Å., Lyb, Bb, Hs) –all national representatives through participation in Policy Board Deliverables: –D2.1 Assessment of legal instruments suitable for SIOS (Month 12) –D2.2 Draft proposal of a SIOS governance structure including observation platforms (report, Month 14) –D2.3 1 st Workshop of national representatives on legal and governance structure (Month 14) –D2.4 Legal statutes, instruments and procedures of SIOS Research infrastructure, including role of Knowledge Centre (Month 25) –D2.5 2 nd Workshop of national representatives on legal and governance structure (Month 26) –D2.6 SIOS contract documents (month 30) –D2.7 Legal documentation on the establishment of SIOS research infrastructure (Month 35)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 19 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP3 Financial Strategy –Quantify in detail: infrastructure investment needs the running costs related to all relevant activities during the operational phase over at least a 5-year period –This covers: the new integrating infrastructure relating to the SIOS Knowledge Centre upgrades of the general communication infrastructure and logistics which is needed as a consequence of increased activity within SIOS investments in new (or upgrading of existing) scientific infrastructure. –Strongly depending on output from WP C (Gap Analysis), WP 5, WP 6, WP8! 4 Tasks: –Task 3.1 Assessment of SIOS investment needs (UIT) –Task 3.2 Establishment of commitment agreements on infrastructure investments (RCN) –Task 3.3 Inventory and financial quantification of basic operational phase activities (NERC) –Task 3.4 Implementation of infrastructure business plan (RCN)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 20 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Review of Work Programme – WP3 WP coordinator: RCN Contributors: –(RCN,) UIT, NERC as task leaders –Leaders of gap analysis working groups (incl. one associated partner!) –Representatives of research settlements/major operational infrastructures (N-Å., Lyb, Bb, Hs; incl. one associated partner) –all funding agency representatives through participation in (extended) Policy Board Deliverables (none in first year): –D3.1 Investment proposal for new scientific instrumentation and upgrades of existing instrumentation (Month 16) –D3.2 Investment proposal for the SIOS Knowledge Centre and other general infrastructure (Month 24) –D3.3 2-4 workshops with funding agencies representatives involved in SIOS, assessing the draft reports of D3.1 and D3.2 (between months 14 and 26) –D3.4 Common Investment plan with supporting SIOS partners, including bilateral agreements with individual partners (Month 28) –D3.5 Draft report of business plan for the first 5 years of operation to be implemented by the newly established SIOS Infrastructure (Month 31) –D3.6 Workshop on first 5-year operation period and business plan for SIOS (Month 32) –D3.7 Contract between all SIOS partners on first operational 5-year period and business plan (Month 36)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 21 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) ESFRI initiative - A possible future cornerstone of European Arctic research Georg Hansen & Karin Refsnes Research Council of Norway
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 22 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The main goal of SIOS One of 44 proposals in the 2008 roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Establish an (Arctic) Earth System Observing Facility on and around Svalbard that covers meteorological, geophysical, hydrological, cryospheric and biological processes from a set of platforms matching Earth System models (ESM). Establish a first important node in the envisaged Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON). MODIS image of Svalbard 12 July, 2002
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 23 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Why such a system on Svalbard? Observation systems: not as systematically developed as Earth System modeling, but in Svalbard many elements already in place: We needn’t start from scratch! Scientific activities in Svalbard are characterized by extensive inter- national cooperation with a strong European core (ARCFAC!) and growing global participation Svalbard was a major hub of IPY activities, and SIOS will contribute to secure the heritage of IPY SIOS will follow up the EU Arctic Communication (November 2008) Earth System Models have to be applied and tested in regions where changes are expected to be most pronounced and system coupling is assumed to be strongest, i.e. in the Arctic. Svalbard is a region with especially large changes/variability in the Arctic
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 24 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Major steps towards this goal: 1.Assess the present infrastructure and activities in Svalbard to identify gaps and weaknesses related to the needs of Earth System Models (ESM). Invest in additional infrastructure and activities to close these gaps 2.Organize all relevant infrastructure and all research and monitoring activities into observation platforms which are most appropriate w.r.t. practical and organisational aspects 3.Establish a Knowledge Centre in Longyearbyen for data collection/aggregation/access, education and outreach, cooperative efforts, and input to Earth System modeling 4.Take action to coordinate the SIOS initiative with complementary ESFRI environmental initiatives as well as other global and Arctic observation systems and related modelling efforts
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 25 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Research organizations from 15 countries are present on a regular basis, operating a wide variety of land and sea-based facilities. Norway has established an international university in Longyearbyen with students and staff from 25 countries. Ny-Ålesund has been developed into an international, high standard field station focusing on environmental and climate research. Svalbard is accessible all year round because of its advanced community infrastructure and its relatively mild climate. Svalbard has the highest available data bandwidth in the High Arctic. Extensive infrastructure in place
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 26 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Existing Research Facilities EISCAT Svalbard Radar Russian station Barentsburg Meteorological station, Aldegondabreen HAUSGARTEN seafloor observatory Ny-Ålesund International Research Station Polish Polar Station Hornsund
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 27 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The SIOS Knowledge Centre The main integrating element and exhibition window of SIOS Data handling, storage and delivery (mostly as a portal, but with option of physical data centre), including access to Earth Observation segment (satellite data) Interface between scientific platforms and user/stakeholder community Facilitator for scientific integration (interdisciplinary activities, ESS) Education and training on graduate and under-graduate levels Public outreach activities Coordination and service functions
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 28 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The SIOS Knowledge Centre SpaceTerrestrialMarineAtmospheric Observational platforms Integrating platform Knowledge centre Selected contributing organizations UNISNPAWIAARINERCCNRIGFPASIPEV ACIA Selected end users: Policy makers, NGOs IPCCEU European government policy boards
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 29 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 What are the challenges? History of establishment of the various polar stations: topics, character, size determined in advance at national level cooperation opportunities investigated after establishment Svalbard Treaty freedom Can one build an integrated autonomous facility out of this? Choice of research sites: determined by historical factors (coal mining, not scientific suitability): all along the west coast; to a large degree cemented by today’s environmental jurisdiction Will it be possible to build the required network with these practical limitations? Interdisciplinary character (”intellectual barriers”): between disciplines based on history (e.g., lower – upper atmosphere), ways of working and thinking, logistical approaches Can SIOS achieve what numerous previous initiatives didn’t? SvalSat, Platåberget, Longyearbyen
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 30 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 … but more: the opportunities? Genuine interest of all nations present in Svalbard to integrate activities SIOS already influences other cooperation initiatives in Svalbard, e.g., Ny-Ålesund flagship projects Much more effective use of financial ressources Fronting as an EU large research infrastructure Already today great interest from countries not present in Svalbard: Denmark, USA, Canada excellent conditions for contributing to a pan-Arctic cooperation SIOS can be a true node/glue between most of the environment-related ESFRI projects: EMSO – ERICON AB – ICOS – LIFEWATCH – EISCAT-3D – EPOS – EURO-ARGO
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 31 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS – Time Schedule 9 December, 2008: SIOS on revised ESFRI Roadmap 3 December, 2009: submission of SIOS Preparatory Phase proposal March 2010: proposal accepted, contract negotiations with EC Summer 2010 – summer 2013: SIOS Preparatory Phase project: clarification of legal status, governance structure and financial strategy and business plan, plus other strategic processes From 2013 (at latest): SIOS implementation phase From end of 2013: SIOS operational phase (since much infrastructure already in place)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 32 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 The SIOS-PP consortium International Partners: Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany Institute of Geophysics - PAS, Poland National Research Council, Italy National Environmental Research Council (NERC), UK Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Aarhus University - National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark University of Groningen, Netherlands Korea Polar Research Institute, Korea Polar Research Institute of China, China Institut Polaire Paul Emile Victor, France Institute of Oceanology – PAS, Poland Polar Geophysical Institute – RAS, Russia ITM, Stockholm University, Sweden National Institute of Polar Research, Japan National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research, India National Science Foundation, USA Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain Institute of Botany – Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK EISCAT Scientific Association Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland University of Leicester, UK Kola Science Center – RAS, Russia Geophysical Survey – RAS, Russia Norwegian Partners: Research Council of Norway (coordinator ) Norwegian Polar Institute University Centre in Svalbard Norwegian Space Centre University of Tromsø/Tromsø Geophysical Observatory Norwegian Meteorological Institute Nansen Environmental & Remote Sensing Center Norwegian Institute for Air Research Institute of Marine Research University of Bergen Andøya Rocket Range Norwegian Mapping Authority NORSAR Norwegian Institute of Water Research Kings Bay AS Akvaplan-niva AS University of Oslo Norwegian Institute of Nature Research Norwegian University of Science & Technology Norwegian Directorate of Energy and Water Resources Kongsberg Satellite Services AS Northern Research Institute Tromsø Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research The Governor of Svalbard (full SIOS-PP partners, associated partners)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 33 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS Gap Analysis Working Groups Group 1: Magnetosphere, ionosphere and connection to climate Group 2: The coupled Arctic climate system: atmosphere - ocean –ice Group 3: Environmental change and marine ecosystems Group 4: Environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems Group 5: Solid Earth and large time-scale processes Group 6: Environmental pollution: sources, transport and effects
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 34 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS Key topics identified by WGs (selection) Primary coupling processes that connect the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere (WG1) Response of coupling processes to solar variability and climate change; causes of observed long-term changes in ionospheric parameters (WG1) Sea ice in the Arctic: studies of processes and fluxes through the gateways (WG2) Oceanographic processes in the Svalbard region and the Fram Strait: small scales - large impacts on regional climate and the Arctic Ocean as a whole (WG2) The Arctic troposphere - boundary layer – surface system and its impacts on arctic climate in a region with large natural variability (WG2) Terrestrial cryosphere, weather and hydrology in the Svalbard region (WG2)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 35 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 SIOS Key topics identified by WGs (selection, cont.’d) Spatial and temporal variations in the species composition and distribution of zooplankton, benthos, key fish species and arctic, endemic top trophic marine mammals (WG3) Assessment of trends in carbon export and biogeochemical cycling (WG3) Identify thresholds that can change Arctic marine food webs and energy transfer (WG3) Arctic geohazards: deglaciation-related seismicity, permafrost thawing, gas hydrates decay (WG5) Glaciology: mass balance and dynamics (WG5) Past and present marine sedimentary processes, climate and environments on Svalbard (WG5) The influence of climate change on introduction, distribution, accumulation and transformation of anthropogenic pollutants (WG6) Complex mixture (contaminant cocktail) effects on wildlife and humans in the Arctic (WG6) Fig. 1. Map of Svalbard seismicity for years 2007-April 2009. Temperature transect of Isfjorden summer 2009 (glider)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 36 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Infrastructure Inventory – Gap Identification
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level 37 SI O S SIOS Preparatory Phase Kick-off Meeting 14/15 October, 2010 Outlook Finalisation of gap analysis by early 2011 (synthesis work) Coordination of future investments with related ESFRI projects: EMSO, EISCAT_3D, ICOS, Aurora Borealis, EuroARGO, EPOS etc. Establishment of cooperation with international Arctic networks (SAON, SCANNET,…) and EO organisations (ESA, NASA,…) in the next 2 years Investments to be made already during Preparatory Phase Formal establishment of the European Infrastructure SIOS in 2013
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