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The city of Ventspils is located in the northwestern part of the Kurzeme region where the River Venta meets the Baltic Sea; Ventspils is a family-friendly.

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Presentation on theme: "The city of Ventspils is located in the northwestern part of the Kurzeme region where the River Venta meets the Baltic Sea; Ventspils is a family-friendly."— Presentation transcript:


2 The city of Ventspils is located in the northwestern part of the Kurzeme region where the River Venta meets the Baltic Sea; Ventspils is a family-friendly city: various possibilities both for families living here, and visitors with children from other cities and countries. Harmony between the modern port, innovative plants and factories, and the beautiful and tidy beach that has been flying the Blue Flag since 1999 makes Ventspils a very special place.

3 ►Ventspils University College (VUC) was founded in 1997 with a strong support from the local municipality; ►Since 2013 registered as Scientific Institution; ►Self-governing state founded university type HEI; ►All study programmes acredited for maximum 6 years; ►902 students (10.2013.) (80% are state- funded; 26 International Students) ►67 academic staff members (14% International teaching staff; 58% with PhD degree); ►VIRAC one of the top 15 scientific institutions according the international ratings.

4 3 faculties : 12 study programmes; 4 study fields Scientific institutions and business centres: Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (VIRAC); Centre of Aplied Linguistics; Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development Business Incubator Ventspils High Technology Park The Technology Tranfer Center of Kurzeme 1. Faculty of Economics and Management 2. Faculty of Information Technologies 3. Faculty of Translation studies

5 Business Management Computer Sciences and Engineering Translation Studies Languages and Communication Studies

6 Languages and Interculatural Communication (Bachelor; 3 years) Translation Studies (English-Russian-German/French) (Bachelor;4 years) Information Technology (Bachelor;3 years) Business Management (Bachelor;3 years) Electronic Engineering and Information Technology (Master; 2 years) s

7 ERASMUS mobility programme Cooperation between universities and institutions 63 partners from 19 countries; 22 incoming students (2013./2014. academic year). Australia; Austria; Belaruss; China; Chile; Estonia; Kazahstan; Netherlands; Germany; Lithuania; India; Italy; Finland; France; Poland; UK; USA; Uzbekistan; Spain; South Africa; Switzerland.


9 ►FP7 integrated programme projects: NEXPReS project total budget: 55000 EUR RadioNet3 project total budget: 38 000 EUR ►EU Structural Funds: SIB Net project total budget: 561 788 EUR ► National Instruments project total budget: 528 793 EUR, ► Skills Centre project total budget: 594 500 EUR, ► DISCOS project total budget: 796 728 EUR ► Interactive TV project total budget: 960 000 EUR, ► Smart Metering project total budget: 278 773 EUR ►INTERREG: Pure Biomass project total budget: 758 574 EUR ► ERAF co-financed project “Information, Communication and Signal Processing Technology Center with National Importance (ICSPT Center)” Project total budget: 11 182 553 LVL and other

10 Telecommunication lab Physics – electricity; optics; mehatronics lab Robotic labSatellite technologies lab Wireless communications lab etc.

11 ► Founded 1994; ► Departments :  Electronic Engineering;  High Performance Computing;  Astronomy and Astrophysics;  Space Technology. ► Two radio telescope antennas with the primary mirror diameter 32 and 16 are the disposal of research centre. ► Research fields :  Astrophysics and Fundamental Astronomy  Electronics and Telecommunication  Mathematical modelling  Discrete signal processing

12 Offers : ► Broad learning opportunities for career development and self-improvement; ► Study programmes specifically adapted for the needs of companies; ► Preparation for centralised exams of the 12th grade for high-school studnets – English, Latvian, mathematics, physics Contacts: E-mail:

13 ►Free access to research data bases: ►Free Wi-Fi; ►Computer room; ►Possibility to order books from other libraries in Latvia; ►Dictionaries for translation students; ►The recent literature. Rubricon Britannica Online Academic Edition LNB Digitālā bibliotēka  LETA  Letonika  Lursoft  NAIS  EBSCO

14 Globally recognised and prestigious degree 20 hour part-time work allowedErasmus exchange programme On-campus accommodation provided (42 EUR per month)

15 ►More than 600 students lives in dormitory; ►On-campus dormitory; ►Laundry room; ►Park with outside court for basketball; ►Free Wi-Fi; ►2 students per room (totally 4 students in one block where share toilet and shower room) – 42 EUR per month from student.

16 Sports free of charge Basketball Volleyball Indoor football Floor-ball Swimming etc. Creative society Photo Club Choir «Ventus» Youth Choir Debate Club Youth Folk dance Group «Strautuguns» Youth Folk dance Group «Liedags» Student Christian Fraternity Student Council

17 Web page: international@venta.lvSkype: international_vuc




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