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Be part of the solution \\ HSE’s strategy for health and safety in Great Britain Jane Willis Director of Cross-cutting Interventions Health and Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Be part of the solution \\ HSE’s strategy for health and safety in Great Britain Jane Willis Director of Cross-cutting Interventions Health and Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be part of the solution \\ HSE’s strategy for health and safety in Great Britain Jane Willis Director of Cross-cutting Interventions Health and Safety Executive

2 A new health and safety strategy for Great Britain Our mission: The prevention of death, injury and ill health to those at work and those affected by work activities

3 Why A New Strategy? In 2007/08 \\ 2.1 million self-reported cases of ill health \\ 563,000 new cases of ill health \\ 2,056 mesothelioma deaths \\ 229 workers killed \\ 136,771 non-fatal injuries to employees reported \\ 299,000 self-reported injuries \\ 34 million working days lost

4 Firefighters’ Injuries RIDDOR reportableTotal Over 3 day injuries Major InjuriesFatal InjuriesAll Personnel injured 2003/0413789116512 2004/0512089245554 2005/069557104593 2006/0793911314312 2007/0891010654291 Source: CLG –

5 Our Ten Goals \\ To investigate work related accidents and ill health and take enforcement action to prevent harm and secure justice when appropriate. \\ To encourage strong leadership in championing the importance of, and a common sense approach to, health and safety in the workplace. \\ To motivate focus on the core aims of health and safety and, by doing so, to help risk makers and managers distinguish between real health and safety issues and trivial or ill-informed criticism.

6 Our Ten Goals \\ To encourage an increase in competence, which will enable greater ownership and profiling of risk, thereby promoting sensible and proportionate risk management. \\ To reinforce the promotion of worker involvement and consultation in health and safety matters throughout unionised and non-unionised workplaces of all sizes.

7 Our Ten Goals \\ To specifically target key health issues and to identify and work with those bodies best placed to bring about a reduction in the incidence rate and number of cases of work related ill health. \\ To set priorities and, within those priorities, to identify which activities, their length and scale, deliver a significant reduction in the rate and number of deaths and accidents.

8 FRS Inspections \\ Maintenance of core skills \\ Incident command training \\ Breathing apparatus and fire behaviour training \\ Provision of risk critical information

9 Turning words into action together \\ Strategy launched on 3 rd June 2009 \\ Consultation and engagement \\ Health and Safety Pledge \\ Respective roles and responsibilities for delivery

10 Leadership \\ Key to improving health and safety outcomes \\ “Leading for Safety” guidance \\ Work with sectors

11 Worker involvement \\ Identifying solutions together – making best use of everyone’s knowledge \\ Facilitating better management of health and safety \\ Effective safety representative systems

12 The pivotal role of Managers and health and safety professionals \\ Facilitators, advisers and champions not just managers \\ Ability to influence up as well as down \\ Help others to think – don’t do it for them \\ Decide what is not important or applicable \\ Focus on what is important

13 Developing real competence \\ Greater credibility and belief in health and safety \\ Motivating people to act \\ Delivering real business benefits as well as health and safety improvement \\ It takes courage and leadership

14 Sensible health and safety What can we do? \\ Be more consistent and proportionate \\ Ensure that we are enablers \\ Apply our knowledge appropriately \\ Recognise the business needs and pressures (especially in the current economic climate) \\ And maintain standards of health and safety

15 Working with others \\ Cross-government Health Work and Wellbeing initiative \\ Trades Unions \\ Employer groups \\ Health and safety organisations

16 Thank you

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