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Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 1 Corporate Social Responsibility in the catalan hospitality chains.

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1 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 1 Corporate Social Responsibility in the catalan hospitality chains

2 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 2 CATALONIA 31.930 Km² of land area and 7 million of population, more than some EU countries: –Slovenia (20.251 km²) And for example other EU countries: –Belgium (32.820 km²) –Holland (41.526 km²) –Denmark (42.394 km²)

3 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 3 CATALONIA Data Tourism 24,2 million foreign visitors. 18,4 million of tourists –13,4 million of foreign tourists, that represented the 25% of all foreign tourists coming to Spain of the main following markets: France (26%) United Kingdom (17%) Holland and Belgium (11%) Germany (10%) –5 million of Spanish tourists of the main following markets: Aragon (17%) Madrid (16%) Valencia (16%)

4 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 4 CATALONIA Tourism Economy Tourism income of 13.473 million € per year. –67% is attributable directly to the tourist expense. –33% has indirect effects on other sectors. 11% of the Catalan GNP. BUT –Represents only 77,6 € a day for each tourist –Saturation of the coast line with continuous building promotions

5 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 5 CATALONIA HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY STRUCTURE 2.570 hotels with 247.893 beds. –1.335 hotels –1.235 boarding-houses 59,5% of average occupation rate. 3,3 overnight staying. 38 hospitality chains with 4 or more hotels and with the headquarters in Catalonia.

6 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Catalan Hospitality Chains This research is a part of an exploratory research on Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility developed between april and august 2005. The objectives on CSR was: –To identify the level of knowledge of international initiatives of CSR. –To find strategies of CSR. –To know the hospitality chains that assure good practices of CSR with international standards certifications.

7 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 7 LITERATURA REVIEW Instrumental theories (Friedman, Porter and Kramer). Political theories –Corporate constitutionalism (Davis 1960 & 1967). –Social contract (Donalson 1982; Donalson & Dufee 1994, 1999). –Corporate citizenship (Carroll 1998; Matten et al 2003). Integrating theories –Issues Management (Wartick & Rude 1986). –Principle of public responsibility (Preston & Post 1975, 1981). –Stakeholder Management (Freeman 1984, 1999; Donalson & Preston 1995; Clakson 1995). –Corporate Social Performance (Wood 1991; Swartz & Carroll 2003). Ethical theories (Carroll & Bucholtz 2002, Weiss 2003)

8 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 8 THE AMBIENCES OF CSR All the theories, independently if the reason is more benefits or more ethics,we will mention three ambiences of CSR: –Economic Responsibility –Social Responsibility –Environmental Responsibility

9 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 9 METHODOLOGY Exploratory research –Total population: 38 chains –Sample: 24 chains –Response rate: 63,1% Questionnaire –Likert scales –Qualitative answers Qualitative analysis

10 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 10 HOSPITALITY CHAINS TURNOVER AND PROPERTY BUSINESS TURNOVER Range of the sample (€) Q% <10 million 312,5 >10-50 million 1041,7 >50 million 1145,8 TOTAL24100,0 PROPERTY of the sample Q%Familiar1979,2 Non Familiar 520,8 TOTAL24100,0

11 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 11 HOSPITALITY CHAINS EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES Range of sample Q% <5014,2 51-250416,7 >2501979,2 TOTAL24100,0 TYPE OF LABOUR CONTRACT %Indefinite51,5 Temporary43,5 Sub hiring 5,0 TOTAL100,0

12 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 12 STAKEHOLDERS RELATIONSHIP NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SMALL, MEDIUM AND BIG HOSPITALITY CHAINS. FAMILY BUSINESS HOSPITALITY CHAINS HAVE A TENDENCY TO HAVE A MORE INTENSE LEVEL OF RELATION. THE MAIN RESULTS ARE THE FOLLOWING: –LITTLE RELATION (Likert 3) Enterprise Associations and Trade Fairs. –BETWEEN LITTLE AND VERY LITTLE RELATION (Range of Likert 2-3) Employers Association, Chambers of Commerce, University Schools, Universities, Vocational, Training Schools and Economic Association. –BETWEEN NO RELATION AND VERY LITTLE RELATION (Range of Likert 1-2) NGO’S, Political Parties, Others civic and social associations, Ecological or Green Groups.

13 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 13 KNOWLEDGE OF INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS OF CSR The level of knowledge is very low and the differences in the means are not significant between familiar and not familiar business and not depending of the size of the companies DOCUMENT Likert mean UN Global Compact 1,75 EU Green Paper 1,42 EU Communication form the Commission concerning CSR july 2002 1,29 EU Multi-Stakeholder Forum on CSR 1,13

14 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 14 THE COMMITMENTS OF CSR AT THE CATALAN HOSPITALITY CHAINS Only 2 of 24 (8,3%) have some voluntary commitments of CSR in small initiatives: –More labour stability and social benefits (employees responsibility). –Some hotels with ISO 14001 (environmental responsibility). They are big chains (>50 k €) and managed by family owners.

15 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 15 INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS OF CSR The 2 hotel chains with voluntary commitments of CSR don’t have any kind of certification of international standards that assure good practices, like: –Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) –SA8000 –Caux Round Table Principles for Business –Global Sullivan Principles –Fair Labour

16 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 16 CONCLUSIONS A high % of employees with temporary contracts is opposed to the principles of labour stability. Low level of relationship with non commercial stakeholders. Only some of the big hotel chains know the main public international documents of CSR. Only 2 of 24 hotel chains have some voluntary and conscious commitment of CSR. Only 2 of 24 hotel chains have some voluntary and conscious commitment of CSR. These 2 hotel chains don’t have any international certification of CSR. CSR are not integrated in corporate strategy. It’s only a little initiative with employees or just philanthropy.

17 Ramon Palau EUT Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona 17 WHAT’S THE FUTURE OF CSR IN HOSPITALITY BUSINESS? New hotel of Catalan hospitality chain in South America, 2006. Is that all what we can expect ? New hotel of Catalan hospitality chain in South America, 2006. Is that all what we can expect ?

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