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Welcome to St. Ann’s C.E. School and Nursery Centre We are looking forward to teaching your child and taking them on their learning journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to St. Ann’s C.E. School and Nursery Centre We are looking forward to teaching your child and taking them on their learning journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to St. Ann’s C.E. School and Nursery Centre We are looking forward to teaching your child and taking them on their learning journey.

2 Welcome by Mrs Keen Introduction Admissions

3 Nursery Staff Mrs Griffiths & Mrs Fawkes – Nursery Manager & Teachers. Mrs Nicholson & Mrs Jones – Lead Nursery Teaching Assistants Mrs Knight, Miss Jinks, Mrs Duxbury Miss Nunnerley & Mrs Cannell – Nursery Teaching Assistants Mrs Sherwen & Mrs Griffiths- Foundation Stage Leaders

4 Key People Each child will have a key person who will play a central role in supporting the child and their family in settling into and getting the most out of nursery. The will also seek to foster a sense of belonging within our Nursery setting.

5 Early Years Foundation Stage St Ann’s Early Learners, Nursery and Reception class make up our Early Years Foundation Stage Early learners and Nursery are the Lower Foundation Stage, and Reception are the Upper Foundation Stage. Nursery children will have opportunities to experience both settings at times during the year.

6 Nursery Times We operate a staggered intake to introduce children into Nursery. Session times are 8.45-11.45 and 12.15-3.15 Parents can collect their children from 11.30/3.00onwards. We ask that parents be as prompt as possible to enable staff prepare for the next session, and to meet and share assessments and observations from the session which we do immediately after each session. This time is very important in helping us to best plan and provide for the children’s needs and next steps. Parents bring children into the Nursery at the start of session and collect them from the Nursery door. Please inform us in advance if someone different will be collecting your child. To ensure safety and security are maintained we operate a password system in this situation, and we ask adults who do not regularly collect children to sign as they pick up.

7 Settling in In our experience, most children get upset at some point-this is normal! We will always comfort your child and find ways to distract them and help them to enjoy their time at Nursery. If a child really struggles to settle, we will set up an individual programme to support them. Each child is unique and will cope in different ways, but staff will do everything possible to make settling as easy as possible.

8 The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) The curriculum we teach has 7 main areas, broken down into 3 prime areas, and 4 specific areas of learning. It is believed that the prime areas are time sensitive and need to be embedded early to facilitate and support learning in all other areas. The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge.

9 Areas of learning The characteristics of effective learning and the development of the prime and specific areas are all interconnected.

10 Personal and Social Development (Prime Area) Making relationships Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behaviour

11 Physical Development (Prime Area) Moving and handling - including handling large equipment and the development of gross and fine motor skills, leading to handling mark making equipment and the development of writing skills. Health and self care.

12 Communication and Language (Prime Area) Listening and attention Understanding Speaking - speaking and communicating effectively

13 Literacy (Specific Area) Reading - including learning the sounds that letters make as well as sharing and enjoying books, rhymes and songs. Writing – mark making, giving meaning to the marks they make and then beginning to write symbols and letters

14 Mathematics (Specific Area) Numbers including numbers as labels and for counting, and problem solving Shape, Space and Measure

15 Understanding the World (Specific Area) People and Communities. The World - including exploring and learning about the world God made and our faith. Technology.

16 Expressive Arts and Design (Specific Area) Exploring using media and materials Being imaginative – including expression through art, music and dance.

17 Outdoor Learning This is a very important aspect of our curriculum, and the children will enjoy spending a considerable time each day in our outdoor classroom. We have an extensive outdoor learning area, which you will see on your visit. Outdoor learning is carefully planned to develop children’s learning in all aspects of the curriculum, and also to facilitate and follow the children’s interests and learning needs.

18 Children’s Interests Children’s interests are used to engage the children in learning across all aspects of the curriculum. We will be finding out about the children’s interests from both you and your child. We welcome and encourage your involvement in this aspect of your child’s learning. We are always seeking new ways to engage and involve you in your child’s learning.

19 Assessment We use observation and interaction as the main tools for assessing children. This includes watching children in their activities and discussing what they have learned. At parent interviews we will involve you in this We use photographs along with written observations and examples of the children’s work to inform our assessments. We use our detailed assessments to inform what we teach them next. Children are moved along their learning journey at their own level.

20 Snack Money Children are provided with a variety of foods as snack, and are encouraged to try new things. This time is used to teach many areas of the curriculum including social skills, place, exploration and keeping healthy A charge of £1.20 per week is collected for snack, this also provides for ‘Kitchen Creation’ opportunities too. As our Early Learners are funded differently, they do not pay snack until the term after their third birthday.

21 Uniform You can choose to send your child in uniform, or in own clothes. If own clothes, they need to be comfortable and easy to manage – no dungarees & please avoid lace up shoes! We love velcro... Please provide velcro fastening black pumps - these are much easier for children to manage. We do have lots of messy play activities, which are invaluable for engaging children and facilitating learning across all areas of the curriculum. In spite of our best efforts with coveralls and aprons, your child will sometimes come home less than clean, so please do not send your child in their best clothes! No Jewellery please- ear studs only Please name all articles!

22 Parental Involvement Children make significantly better progress if parents are involved in their learning at home. This means talking with your child and using every opportunity to explore the world with them and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. Children learn more rapidly at this age than any other – they are like little sponges!! Home learning scrapbook/journal. Pick up & play sessions Early Learner meetings & progress check.

23 How to deal with any issues St Ann’s has an ‘open door policy’ and will always try to deal with any issues as soon as possible. We do try to always do our best but sometimes things occur which need dealing with – we know we are not perfect, however hard we try!! If there is an issue please talk to initially to your child’s key person. Mrs Griffiths will become involved if there continues to be an issue. In the unlikely event of the issue still not being resolved, Mrs Pimblett or Mrs Keen will become involved.

24 Family Learning On a Wednesday we often hold Family Learning sessions. These courses are a valuable opportunity for you to help your child in literacy, and then maths. In the sessions you will learn how best to support your child and move them on, and your child receives extra tuition. There is a free crèche provided for younger children. Wider School Community Tots group Wednesday 9.15-10.30 Support for fund raising in school

25 St Ann’s VLE Our “Virtual Learning Environment” is an interactive school website. On it you will find key information about school, and also about our Nursery. Details of how to access the VLE can be found on the back of your termly Learning Guides.

26 Next steps This week we will have organised visits for you to come to Nursery with your child. We will repeat this in September as part of the settling and induction process. Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to welcoming you back later in the week!

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