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Listening and Writing back Book 2. Listening and Writing back.

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1 Listening and Writing back Book 2

2 Listening and Writing back

3 Classical music, especially Mozart, helps improve your memory. listening Answer key to exercise 2 on page 69

4 1.Listening to classical music improves your memory. 2.The “Mozart effect” means listening to Mozart’s music. 3.To improve your long term memory you need to study maths. 4.Scientists think the “Mozart effect” works with all kinds of music. 5.Listening to music makes you more intelligent. You can listen to any kind of classical music if it has regular rhythms. Scientists do not think that studying maths can improve your long term memory. Scientists think it only works with classical music. Listening to classical music improves your short term memory.

5 The music of Bach Classical music does not have words. It tries to describe feelings with musical instruments. It is called classical music because it was written at a time when there was no pop or rock music. The music was written to a special pattern. Only the cleverest composers could make beautiful music using this pattern. One of these clever composers was Bach. He was not famous during his life, but became very famous after his death. script

6 He worked in a small church and had to write new songs to sing every week. So he composed beautiful choral music. He also wrote music for people to listen to as they left the church. Some of his music is very mathematical with different parts that repeat each other in a very peaceful way. All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving. He never became rich but his music has a special place in classical music. He is remembered today for the beauty of his musical patterns. You can listen to one of his pieces of music now.

7 Answer key to exercise 2 on page 72 Mathematical, pattern, composers, choral, moving, beauty Listening task

8 Suggested answers to exercise 3; Information on Bach Who did he write for? Where did he play it? What are the features of his music? What type of music did he write? Why is he remembered today God. In the church. Mathematical and with a special pattern. Choral music. For the beauty of his musical patterns.

9 The “MOZART EFFORT” Do you worry about exams? Of course, everyone does. Do you find it difficult to remember what you study? Well, everybody has trouble remembering things form time to time. Do you know music can help you remember things better? Scientists have shown that if you listen to classical music and especially Mozart while you are studying, it helps your memory. It is called the “Mozart effect”. script

10 It would be useful to know if the “Mozart effect” works with all kinds of music. Certainly scientists have done some experiments to find out. They have tried playing other kinds of music (such as pop music) while students are studying, but it doesn’t work. It seems that the regular rhythms of classical music help develop one’s memory. However, this improvement only lasts for a short time.

11 If you want to improve your intelligence, what should you do? Scientists think that learning a musical instrument is helpful, especially for improving maths skills. This is because maths and music both use the same part of the brain. So if you want to be good at maths, perhaps you should go to a music class!

12 structure raise your question give information finish the letter politely writing

13 Asking for advice Express preference I … Express your appreciation Expression What’s your opinion about…? Could/ Would you…? What do you think…? I prefer… I like…best because… My favourite …is … I am fond of … I enjoy … We’ll be grateful for your help. Any advice will be a great help.

14 Pay attention to the form of the letter. (salutation) Dear Freddy, My name is_______. I am beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Could you please give us some advise? I would like to know ______(the question)_____________. ____________________( body )(give information to show

15 Freddy why you need help)_______________________________________ __. ______________(closing) (thank Freddy for his help)__________ __________________________________. (complimentary close) Yours sincerely, (signature) _______

16 Dear Freddy, My name is Li Hua. I’m beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Can you please give us some advice? I would like to know what music to play and we cannot decide. Polite greeting The situation

17 I like pop music but most of my friends like rock ‘n’ roll. Liu Mei likes rap. How are we to decide what to play? Do you suggest we play a little of all of these types of music? Or should we only play one kind of music? How did you and your friends decide what to play? The problem in your band + the question

18 We hope you can give us some advice. Yours hopefully, Li Hua Ask for advice + polite ending Your name

19 Dear Freddy, My name is Zhou Yufei. I’m beginning/starting a band with my/some friends. Can you please give us some advice about practising? Should we invite our friends to listen to us and give us suggestions? Should we find a quiet place where we will not bother others with our noise? Polite greeting The situation+ questions What would you do? Any advice will be a big help. Sincerely, Zhou Yufei Ask for advice Formal + polite ending Your name

20 Writing task The Beatles I have been collecting the songs of the Beatles for a long time now. I first saw them on the television and I was at once attracted by their attractive personalities and the fun they seemed to have. Who they are Why I like them Sample writing:

21 Actually, that is funny in one way because my favourite song is “Yesterday” which is very sad. However, not all their songs are like that. Some are funny, others are cheerful and express original ideas and have lovely tunes. My favourite song Why I like their music

22 They seemed able to combine an ability to communicate with young people and describe their hopes and fears. I am sure that their music will still be remembered many years from now. They were the most famous band of the 1960s and it is still possible to enjoy and admire their songs even today. My assessment

23 Speaking task The following expressions may help you I really like … I love … because … I prefer … because … I admire the words/ music/ rhythms because … Natural/ generous to fans/ friendly/ easy to Approach/ quiet/ good voice/ humorous

24 His/ her songs are … His/ her music is… It makes me feel happy/ confident/ cheerful … Beautiful music/ interesting words He/ She is outstanding/ wonderful/ attractive He/ She encourages people to go on …

25 Today I am going to talk about my favourite Western band-the Beatles. There were four members of this band: their names were John, Paul, George and Ringo. The song that they wrote which I really love is Yesterday. It has such a beautiful tune and always makes me feel a little sad. Sample speech

26 I got to know their music when I saw them on television. They seemed so kind and friendly to their fans. They had such a good sense of humour too. Their songs seem to talk about things that I feel strongly about like growing old or being lonely. Their music is always so beautiful. It makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. I think that they are an exceptional band who produced outstanding music. I hope you will enjoy listening to this song which I am going to play … back

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