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Secondary Transition Overview Douglas County ESD Jackie Burr Secondary Transition Specialist November 15, 2007.

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1 Secondary Transition Overview Douglas County ESD Jackie Burr Secondary Transition Specialist November 15, 2007

2 What is the Process? 1. Start thinking about transition planning for student 2. Determine what kind of diploma the student will receive 3. Conduct age appropriate transition assessment 4. Determine what agencies need to be involved 5. Write present levels of performance 6. Write measurable annual goals 7. Write post secondary goals 8. Determine transition services needed 9. Determine course of study

3 Transition Planning  Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, and updated annually thereafter  Younger if determined appropriate by IEP team

4 Diplomas  Oregon Diploma  School District Diploma  Modified Diploma  Alternate Certificate

5 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment  Transition assessment: ongoing process of collecting data on the individual’s needs, preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and future working, educational, living, and personal and social environments.  Age-appropriate: chronological rather than developmental age

6 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment—cont’ Formal—  Adaptive Behavior/Daily Living Skills Assessments  General/Specific Aptitude Tests  Interest Inventories  Intelligence Tests  Achievement Tests  Temperament Inventories  Career Maturity/ Employability Tests  Self Determination Assessments  Transition Planning Inventories Informal  Interviews and questionnaires  Direct observation  Curriculum-based assessments  Environmental analysis

7 Participating Agencies  To the extent appropriate, with consent of the parents or adult student, the school district must invite a representative of any participating agency that is likely to be responsible for providing or paying for transition services.  Prior Written Consent

8 Present Levels Of Performance  Academic Achievement The present level of academic performance, including the student’s most recent performance on State or district-wide assessments;  Functional Performance The present level of developmental and functional performance; How the student’s disability affects involvement and progress in the general education curriculum;  Results of Age Appropriate Assessment The student’s preferences, needs, interests, and the results of age- appropriate transition assessments.

9 Measurable Annual Goals  Statements, written in measurable terms that describe what the student can reasonably accomplish in a 12-month period. direct relationship between goal statements and student’s PELP. Goals designed to assist student in reaching postsecondary goals.  IEP team must consider the students needs relating to: Community experiences Employment and other post-school adult living objectives Acquisition of daily living skills, if appropriate

10 Post Secondary Goals  Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to  training,  education,  employment, and,  where appropriate, independent living skills.

11 Transition Services  Part of a long-range plan that coordinates the last years of high school and the years immediately following high school.  Description of the services needed for the student to achieve the post-school outcomes desired, including all goals and objectives, necessary to address the student’s transition to post-school life.

12 Course Of Study  updated annually,  address the classes, experiences, and activities meaningful to the student’s future, motivate the student to complete his or her education, and support post-school outcomes.  target academic classes, or  focus on non-academic courses  relate directly to the student’s postsecondary goals

13 Jackie Burr 503-947-5639

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