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Federal Programs. “We have always been able to do it..” NCLB law of 2001 TEA audit by USDE Geared towards accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Programs. “We have always been able to do it..” NCLB law of 2001 TEA audit by USDE Geared towards accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Programs

2 “We have always been able to do it..” NCLB law of 2001 TEA audit by USDE Geared towards accountability

3 Direct Connect Needs Assessment CLT CIP

4 Intent of the Law To provide supplemental resources to enable all children, especially those students who experience difficulties mastering the state academic achievement standards, to meet the state student performance standards.

5 Campus Leadership Team Implications A consideration that CLTs must take is what will be priority funded activities. Can not continue to fund all the programs/personnel/activities at the current level. Let’s see why…..

6 Two Year Comparison Allocations 2006-20072007-2008 211- 29,648,99227,980,289 ( -1,668,703 ) 164- 25,671,88524,421,745 (- 1,250,140 ) Remember: Salaries and fringe benefits increase yearly and enrollment continues to decline.

7 Campus Allocation Per Student 2006-20072007-2008 211-$279.P/S [170 High Schools] 279.P/S [170 High Schools] $20. ( PI & July/August ) $20.P/S (PI & July/August)

8 Is an Expense Allowable Under Title I, Part A? Basic Questions Was it identified in the campus’ comprehensive needs assessment? Is the activity identified in the CIP (prior to amending the CIP to add it in)? Is the activity to upgrade the entire educational program of the schoolwide campus? Is the expense reasonable and necessary?

9 What Determines Reasonable & Necessary? The cost is reasonable if: It does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent individual or organization under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost. Comparable to current market value. The cost is necessary if: It is essential for fulfilling the intent of the grant program.

10 Award ceremonies/expenditures. Refreshments of any kind for staff meetings/trainings.(211/164) Commencement & Convocation costs. Employee Service Awards/Volunteer luncheons. Entertainment. Fines, penalties or lost textbooks. Full meals for parents/students/staff. Gifts or items that appear to be gifts. Hospitality rooms. Souvenirs, memorabilia, promotional items (with logos). Memberships (personal) in any organization. Multi-colored printing costs. (Maximum of 2 colors) Send copies of printing jobs along with AB-17s. Travel expenses (except registration) that will occur after June 30, but before July 30. Unallowable Expenditures

11 Awards are allowable when reasonable in cost and when necessary to accomplish program objectives. iPods, Xboxes, bicycles, and flowers are examples of unallowable expenses.

12 Food, Food, Food Light snacks are an eligible expenditure for parent meetings. Nutritional light snacks are an eligible expenditure for students. ** Meals or refreshments are not allowable for staff meetings.

13 Stock Piling Supplies for the Upcoming School Year Not an allowable expense. We can not justify expenditures after the students are gone. Work with the deadlines.

14 Tutorials Teachers may be paid to provide supplemental tutoring to students who are in danger of failing if the strategy is outlined in the campus improvement plan. Include SW component.

15 Extra Duty Pay Is it in the CIP? How does it relate? How are you measuring success? What is the SW component? For improving the overall level of achievement of all students.

16 CAUTION Use of “extra duty pay” should be used during the school year with activities that are addressed in the CIP to help improve the overall achievement of students. Use of funds in the summer is restricted to additional tutoring. Administrative or clerical extra duty pay should be very limited. How does this tie into the campus improvement plan? How will this increase the academic achievement of students?

17 Budget Deadlines March 06, 2008- Budget amendments deadline. April 11, 2008- Campus deadline to input on-line purchase requests. Deadlines will not be extended.

18 Federal funds may not be used to provide services required by State law, State board of Education rule, or local policy. Supplemental Services

19 Supplement v. Supplant Supplement-to add to, to enhance, to expand, to increase, to extend basic education program. Supplant-to take place of, to replace.

20 All field trip requests must include a lesson plan that addresses the educational benefit the field trip will have on the students’ academic achievement as identified in the CIP. Field Trips

21 Social, entertainment or recreational field trips are not allowed. Trips to Sea World or Fiesta Texas must be on the designated “educational days.” Field Trips

22 Required Paperwork for Field Trip Approvals Lesson Plan Identify the strategy/activity as it appears in the CIP. SW component. This is in addition to what might be required by the District.

23 State Compensatory Funds In the 2007-2008 school year, 164 funds will follow the same guidelines as 211 (Title I) funds. Expenditures must be for supplemental services..Indicate strategy/activity from CIP on requisitions. Schoolwide components do not apply to SCE funds.

24 SWP Purpose To improve academic achievement throughout a school so that all students, particularly the lowest- achieving students, demonstrate proficiency related to the State’s academic standards.

25 Supplemental Education Services (Campuses in School Improvement) Supplemental services means tutoring and other supplemental academic enrichment services that are; 1.In addition to instruction provided during the school day. 2.Specifically designed to increase the academic achievement of eligible students as measured by the State’s assessment system. 3.Enable children to attain proficiency in meeting State academic achievement standards. 4.Of high quality and research-based.

26 School Improvement Grants (SIP) The law mandates that the SIP funds must be used only for the provision of transportation (not field trips) and/or supplemental services. Equipment is not an eligible expenditure.

27 Title I, Part A funds on a schoolwide campus may be used only to support activities identified by the comprehensive needs assessment and described in the campus improvement plan. Campus plans must include a comprehensive plan for reforming the total instructional program. Schoolwide Plan

28 Development of a Schoolwide Program Plan A school operating a schoolwide program must develop a comprehensive plan to improve teaching and learning throughout the school. Section 220.27

29 Campus Improvement Plan Equipment must be mentioned in the CIP for the improvement of the academic achievement of all students. All equipment purchases with federal funds must have prior approval from TEA.

30 Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Campus Plan 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment. 2. Schoolwide reform strategies. 3. Instruction by highly qualified teachers. 4. Professional development. 5. Strategies to attract and maintain highly qualified teachers to high need schools.

31 Ten Components Continued 6. Parental Involvement 7. Transition from early childhood programs or elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school. 8. Teacher involvement in academic assessment decisions. 9. Effective, timely assistance for students who experience difficulty reaching mastery standards. 10. Coordination of programs.

32 SW01 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Includes State Academic Content Standards: TEKS, TAKS, AEIS, PBMAS, SIP, Parent/Teacher Surveys, Demographic Information, Staff Development Needs

33 SW02 Schoolwide Reform Strategies Strategies that ensure all children meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of performance, meet the needs of low- achieving students, accelerate the curriculum, and increase the quality of learning time.

34 SW02 Schoolwide Reform Strategies What are some examples? Tutorials, computer-aided instruction, extended learning opportunities, parent involvement strategies, professional learning, research-based math, reading, language arts programs and strategies.

35 SW03 Highly Qualified Staff Strategies that assist teachers and paraprofessionals to meet certification requirements and/or highly qualified requirements. Strategies and activities to ensure LEA is making progress toward meeting measurable achievement objectives that show % of HQT, % of classes taught by HQT, % of classes in high-poverty schools taught by HQT, and % of teachers receiving HQT professional development.

36 SW04 Professional Development High quality, on-going, sustained professional development for teachers, paraprofessionals, and principals. Strategies to educate school staff on the value of parent contributions and ways to reach out to parents.

37 SW05 Recruitment and Retention Strategies to attract and retain HQT to high need schools. Ensure low-income students and minority students are not taught at higher rates than other student groups by teaches who are not HQT. Assist teachers not currently highly qualified to meet HQ requirements.

38 SW06 Parental Involvement What measures will you use to develop jointly with parents a written parent involvement policy? Host an annual meeting with parents to explain the school’s Title I participation. Involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely way to plan, review and improve the school’s Title I program and the parent involvement policy.

39 SW06 Parental Involvement Provide parents with a description of the curriculum in use, the forms of academic assessments and the proficiency levels students are expected to achieve, develop the school- parent compact. Include strategies to provide assistance to parents in understanding the TEKS, TAKS and other assessments, ways to work with educators to improve children’s achievement, and the Title I requirements. Ensure that the information is in a format and in a language parents can understand. Covered in EHBD (Legal) Board Policy.

40 SW07 Transition Best practice is that transition plans include all levels.( i.e., elementary to middle school, middle school to high school; ELL to mainstream, and Special Education to mainstream.)

41 SW08 Teachers Involved in Developing Assessment Process Measures that will be used to involve teachers in the decision regarding use, selection, and development of assessments. Measures that will involve teachers in assessment decisions to improve the academic achievement of individual students and the overall instructional programs.

42 SW09 Timely Assistance Strategies to provide timely and effective additional assistance to students who experience difficulty mastering the State’s standards.

43 SW10 Coordination of Programs Description of how the school will use Title I program funds and other resources to implement the ten components of a Title I program. (grants, state compensatory, BBL, AVID, GEAR UP, CATE, etc.)

44 Principal Information Notebooks Review Contents

45 Check out our website and newsletters for information. Professional Development Follow up professional learning opportunities will be made available for secretaries, bookkeepers, principals and program administrators on a variety of topics.

46 Professional Development What is required prior to approval of travel or other expenses for professional development? 1.Identify where in the CIP this activity will connect to students’ achievement.

47 2.A detailed description of what type of follow up activities will be conducted upon return. 3.Name of the scientifically research-based program that the training is modeled after.

48 Professional development activities must be of high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction and teacher performance.

49 Questions??

50 Federal Programs Department San Antonio ISD Thank you for coming!!

51 Visit us at Click on Departments Click on Federal Programs For information click on Forms and Resources Click on “How Are You Connected?”

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