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Understanding ERB Scores

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1 Understanding ERB Scores
Amanda Baker Director of Curriculum & Instruction Rocky Mount Academy

2 What is ERB? ERB is a non-profit educational institution that provides rigorous, level- appropriate assessments of student progress in meeting essential academic standards. In the fall of each year, Rocky Mount Academy uses levels 1-8 of the CTP4 assessment to test students in grades The assessment analyzes skills that students should have mastered in the previous grade. For example, a 2nd grader actually takes a level 1 test, which measures the skills he/she should have mastered in 1st grade.

3 What is the CTP4 Test? The CTP4 is the paper/pencil version of the Comprehensive Testing Program. It is a rigorous assessment of individual student achievement of essential standards and learning domains in language arts and mathematics. It provides useful information about student performances in listening, reading, vocabulary, mathematics, and quantitative reasoning skills. Teachers use the results to adjust instruction to meet the learning needs of all students.

4 Primary Grade Parent Report

5 Levels 3-8 (Grades 2-9) Achievement Report

6 Norm Group A Norm Group is a group of schools with whom we compare our students and calculate percentile ranks. Most Suburban Public Schools use ERB only with their gifted programs. National Norms are provided to compare the results from a representative national sample. Independent School Norms and Suburban Public School Norms are based on actual performance in schools administering CTP 4.

7 Scaled Scores Scaled scores are a conversion of a student’s raw score that allows for comparison. These scores provide a single “snapshot” of a student’s performance in a content area. Scaled scores can be reliably compared across students over time so that a student’s growth can be ranked and measured.

8 Percentile Ranks Percentile Ranks give a measure of how many students score below a particular student. For example, this student’s scaled score is the 29th percentile for Mathematics 1 & 2, meaning 29% of students testing in the Suburban Public Schools scored at or below this student. In other words, 71 % of students that were tested scored higher than this particular student.

9 Stanines Stanines measure a score’s relative position on a normal bell curve and are divided into three groups: Below Average (1, 2, 3) Average (4, 5, 6) Above Average (7, 8, 9)

10 Diamonds represent the percent that the student mastered.

11 Diamonds outside of the shaded bar are the child’s strengths.

12 A diamond below 25% is an area in which the child could improve.

13 Questions? Contact… Classroom Teachers Division Heads
Martha Lancaster, Head of Lower School, Amanda Baker, Interim Head of Middle School, Timmy Tucker, Head of Upper School,

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